Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Away and ‘Waiting on the world to change’ Essay
Change is a process, transition or alteration that affects all aspects of life and can affect attitudes, beliefs and behaviours. Michael Gow’s play ‘Away’ conflicts emotional, spiritual and mental change expressed through the characters along their journey of change. Gow has chosen characters such as Coral, Tom and Gwen to demonstrate the different types of changes that occur in the play ‘Away’. Gow uses techniques such as Intertextuality, allusion, structure, stage direction and symbolism to present the transformations the characters experience. In the song ‘Waiting on the world to change’ composed by John Myer, change is demonstrated through the reference of war and the hope of a change in future. Myer uses poetic techniques and symbolism to show the changes presented in the song. Change can take many forms and has a range of effects on those who experience it. Emotional change is displayed through both texts although it is displayed through Gow’s play ‘Away’ more so than in Myer’s song. Gow presents emotional change demonstrated by the Character coral. The emotional breakdown experienced by Coral due to her son’s death showed the audience her inability to function normally. Her journey is about an emotional recovery as she lost her social identity and struggles to find connection with others as she â€Å"can’t find anything to say†(Act 2, scene 2). Coral learns to symbolically ‘walk again’ and reconnect with the living world and accepts that there is life and death. Change can take many forms and has a range of effects on those who experience it. The use of Intertextuality of a play with in a play represents the life of the characters. Coral’s ‘Stranger at the shore’ symbolises Coral’s internal change and it shows that she has overcome her emotional, mental and spiritual conflicts and her character has encountered transformation. â€Å"I’m walking, I’m walking†Coral says in the ‘stranger at the shore’ at the end of the play which symbolises her internal change and the acceptance of her son’s death. Similarly, the sense of emotional change expressed through the lyrics in John Myer’s song is helplessness as he sings â€Å"It’s hard to beat the system, when we’re standing at a distance.†John Myer is expressing frustration through emotive language in the fact that he alone cannot change the world to a more positive place. Change can take many forms and has a range of effects on those who experience it. Spiritual change was explored through the character of Tom in Gow’s play ‘Away’ as he demonstrates to his parents that he is aware of his approaching death and he accepts his fate. This is shown through the intertextuality technique of a play within a play and it acts as a symbolic metaphor used to represent the life of the character and an insight of what will happen to them as the play continues. As Tom becomes more accepting of his illness, his character demonstrates spiritual changes. Gow uses the structure of the play to the advantage of displaying Tom’s spiritual change throughout the play as not everything is revealed at once, keeping the audience engaged. When Tom’s illness is revealed, it inspires other characters such as Gwen, to encounter change also. When Gwen is informed of Tom’s illness, her thoughts of him change and in turn her personality towards others changed also. The reality of Tom’s death alters the perspectives of the characters and their encounter spiritual change in the way that they learn to appreciate the value of the present, but also to know where they are heading. It can be seen that change can take many forms and has a range of effects on those who experience it. Gow uses Gwen’s character to display mental change. At the beginning of the play Gwen is highly critical of Tom, unaware of his condition. Her change can be demonstrated through her dialogue as at the beginning of the play it shows negativity and seen as a source of conflict which changes to caring and of value. â€Å"This case won’t close†is an example of the attitude and conflict that Gwen was expressing before her character encountered change. Her change in attitude and perspective made her realise what she has is of real value. The techniques that present Gwens lack of self-understanding are stage props. In act 4, scene 2, the Bex she refers to was used as a remedy for what she can’t cope with. Later on Gwen rejects the prop of Bex and tries to come to terms with her new self. The turning point of Gwens change is the knowledge of Tom’s illness. Stage directions such as the miming in act 5, scene 1 where no dialogue was used to the reconciliation taking place between characters such as Coral and Roy and Gwen and her family. The relationship between Gwen and her family after her changes becomes closer as Gwen shows them affection. An example of this would be the difference in reactions when Gwen received her Christmas presents. She was affectionate and thankful, showing her character’s change by comparing that to her previous reaction when Jim ‘forgot’ the presents at home. Changes can take many forms and has a range of effects on those who experience it. Gow uses allusion in his play ‘Away’ which helps to present conventional meanings about the concept of change to the audience, achieved through the use of Shakespearean texts. It is a stage direction as the fairies in the opening scene symbolise a storm which refers to the internal conflict within the characters and the consequences of their individual changes just like a storm creates changes after it has occurred. The storm is a necessary destruction that brings the characters together on a ‘magical’ beach to be restored and reconciled. The characters at this point have all experienced change and the storm is a catalyst of their transformation. Upon coming home after the family holidays, the play completes a full circle by ending the play where it started. As the play completed a full circle, so have the characters that have undergone a total transformation in outlook by the end of the play. Shown through Gow’s play ‘Away’, changes can take many forms and has a range of effects on those who experience it. Alternatively, ideas of change presented in the Myer’s text/clip are different to those shown in ‘Away’. Ideas of change presented are that change is gradual and takes time. The composer’s attitude towards change is that its affects may not be immediate and this is expressed through the repetition of the phrase ‘waiting’. The repetition emphasises the need for time as well as hope that change will come one day. It serves as an indication that change is gradual and this reflects on the message being expressed by Myer. In order for change to occur, Myer expresses that a change of attitude and perspectives is needed. â€Å"We see everything that’s going wrong with the world and those who lead it.†These lyrics assist in conveying the composer’s message that people don’t have the right attitudes or contributions to make a change. It can be seen that change can take many forms and has a range of effects on those who ex perience it. Change is clearly expressed through both texts and provides similar values or concepts in encountering change. Coral’s mental and emotional state is overcome by the acceptance of her son’s death while Tom and Gwen present spiritual and mental change when the reality of Tom’s condition has been recognised. Gow presented change through techniques such as symbolism, structure, stage directions, allusions and intertextuality. John Myer’s text resembles change with the use of poetic techniques and symbolism. The song displays the hopefulness and determination for a changing future. Both texts use techniques to show the change encountered and both focus on the value of change. As it if evident in both texts, change can take many forms and has a range of effect on those who experience it.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Wh Review
World History Semester Exam/CBA Review (1) History. The student understands traditional historical points of reference in world history.The student is expected to: (A) identify major causes and describe the major effects of the following events from 8000 BC to 500 BC: the development of agriculture and the development of the river valley civilizations; (C) identify major causes and describe the major effects of the following important turning points in world history from 600 to 1450: the spread of Christianity, the decline of Rome and the formation of medieval Europe; the development of Islamic caliphates and their impact on Asia, Africa, and Europe; the Mongol invasions and their impact on Europe, China, India, and Southwest Asia; (D) identify major causes and describe the major effects of the following important turning points in world history from 1450 to 1750: the rise of the Ottoman Empire, the influence of the Ming dynasty on world trade, European exploration and the Columbian Exchange, European expansion, and the Renaissance and the Reformation; (E) identify major causes and describe the major effects of the following important turning points in world history from 1750 to 1914: the Scientific Revolution, the Industrial Revolution and its impact on the development of modern economic systems, European imperialism, and the Enlightenment's impact on political revolutions; and (2) History. The student understands how early civilizations developed from 8000 BC to 500 BC. The student is expected to: (B) identify the characteristics of civilization; and (C) explain how major river valley civilizations influenced the development of the classical civilizations. (3) History.The student understands the contributions and influence of classical civilizations from 500 BC to AD 600 on subsequent civilizations. The student is expected to: (A) describe the major political, religious/philosophical, and cultural influences of Persia, India, China, Israel, Greece, and Rome, including the development of monotheism, Judaism, and Christianity; (B) explain the impact of the fall of Rome on Western Europe; and (C) compare the factors that led to the collapse of Rome and Han China. (4) History. The student understands how, after the collapse of classical empires, new political, economic, and social systems evolved and expanded from 600 to 1450.The student is expected to: (A) explain the development of Christianity as a unifying social and political factor in medieval Europe and the Byzantine Empire; (B) explain the characteristics of Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy; (C) describe the major characteristics of and the factors contributing to the development of the political/social system of feudalism and the economic system of manorialism; (D) explain the political, economic, and social impact of Islam on Europe, Asia, and Africa; (E) describe the interactions among Muslim, Christian, and Jewish societies in Europe, Asia, and North Africa; (G) explain h ow the Crusades, the Black Death, the Hundred Years' War, and the Great Schism contributed to the end of medieval Europe; (H) summarize the major political, economic, and cultural developments in Tang and Song China and their impact on Eastern Asia; (I) explain the development of the slave trade; (J) analyze how the Silk Road and the African gold-salt trade facilitated the spread of ideas and trade; and (K) summarize the changes resulting from the Mongol invasions of Russia, China, and the Islamic world. (5) History. The student understands the causes, characteristics, and impact of the European Renaissance and the Reformation from 1450 to 1750.The student is expected to: (A) explain the political, intellectual, artistic, economic, and religious impact of the Renaissance; and (B) explain the political, intellectual, artistic, economic, and religious impact of the Reformation. (6) History. The student understands the characteristics and impact of the Maya, Inca, and Aztec civilizatio ns. The student is expected to: (A) compare the major political, economic, social, and cultural developments of the Maya, Inca, and Aztec civilizations and explain how prior civilizations influenced their development; and (7) History. The student understands the causes and impact of European expansion from 1450 to 1750.The student is expected to: (A) analyze the causes of European expansion from 1450 to 1750; (C) explain the impact of the Atlantic slave trade on West Africa and the Americas; (D) explain the impact of the Ottoman Empire on Eastern Europe and global trade; (E) explain Ming China's impact on global trade; and (F) explain new economic factors and principles that contributed to the success of Europe's Commercial Revolution. (15) Geography. The student uses geographic skills and tools to collect, analyze, and interpret data. The student is expected to: (A) create and interpret thematic maps, graphs, and charts to demonstrate the relationship between geography and the hist orical development of a region or nation; and (16) Geography.The student understands the impact of geographic factors on major historic events and processes. The student is expected to: (A) locate places and regions of historical significance directly related to major eras and turning points in world history; (B) analyze the influence of human and physical geographic factors on major events in world history, including the development of river valley civilizations, trade in the Indian Ocean, and the opening of the Panama and Suez canals; and (C) interpret maps, charts, and graphs to explain how geography has influenced people and events in the past. (18) Economics. The student understands the historical origins of contemporary economic systems and the benefits of free enterprise in world history.The student is expected to: (A) identify the historical origins and characteristics of the free enterprise system, including the contributions of Adam Smith, especially the influence of his i deas found in The Wealth of Nations; (19) Government. The student understands the characteristics of major political systems throughout history. The student is expected to: (A) identify the characteristics of monarchies and theocracies as forms of government in early civilizations; and (B) identify the characteristics of the following political systems: theocracy, absolute monarchy, democracy, republic, oligarchy, limited monarchy, and totalitarianism. (20) Government.The student understands how contemporary political systems have developed from earlier systems of government. The student is expected to: (A) explain the development of democratic-republican government from its beginnings in the Judeo-Christian legal tradition and classical Greece and Rome through the English Civil War and the Enlightenment; (B) identify the impact of political and legal ideas contained in the following documents: Hammurabi's Code, the Jewish Ten Commandments, Justinian's Code of Laws, Magna Carta, the English Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, the U. S. Constitution, and the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen; C) explain the political philosophies of individuals such as John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, Voltaire, Charles de Montesquieu, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Thomas Aquinas, John Calvin, Thomas Jefferson, and William Blackstone; and (21) Citizenship. The student understands the significance of political choices and decisions made by individuals, groups, and nations throughout history. The student is expected to: (A) describe how people have participated in supporting or changing their governments; (22) Citizenship. The student understands the historical development of significant legal and political concepts related to the rights and responsibilities of citizenship. The student is expected to: (A) summarize the development of the rule of law from ancient to modern times; (23) Culture.The student understands the history and relevance of major religious and philosophical traditions. The student is expected to: (A) describe the historical origins, central ideas, and spread of major religious and philosophical traditions, including Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism, and the development of monotheism; and (B) identify examples of religious influence on various events referenced in the major eras of world history. (24) Culture. The student understands the roles of women, children, and families in different historical cultures. The student is expected to: (A) describe the changing roles of women, children, and families during major eras of world history; and (25) Culture.The student understands how the development of ideas has influenced institutions and societies. The student is expected to: (A) summarize the fundamental ideas and institutions of Eastern civilizations that originated in China and India; (26) Culture. The student understands the relationship between the arts and the times during which they were created. The student is expected to: (A) identify significant examples of art and architecture that demonstrate an artistic ideal or visual principle from selected cultures; (27) Science, technology, and society. The student understands how major scientific and mathematical discoveries and technological innovations affected societies prior to 1750.The student is expected to: (A) identify the origin and diffusion of major ideas in mathematics, science, and technology that occurred in river valley civilizations, classical Greece and Rome, classical India, and the Islamic caliphates between 700 and 1200 and in China from the Tang to Ming dynasties; (B) summarize the major ideas in astronomy, mathematics, and architectural engineering that developed in the Maya, Inca, and Aztec civilizations; (C) explain the impact of the printing press on the Renaissance and the Reformation in Europe; (E) identify the contributions of significant scientists such as Archimedes, Copernicus, Era tosthenes, Galileo, Pythagoras, Isaac Newton, and Robert Boyle. (29) Social studies skills. The student applies critical-thinking skills to organize and use information acquired from a variety of valid sources, including electronic technology.The student is expected to: (A) identify methods used by archaeologists, anthropologists, historians, and geographers to analyze evidence; (B) explain how historians, when examining sources, analyze frame of reference, historical context, and point of view to interpret historical events; (C) explain the differences between primary and secondary sources and examine those sources to analyze frame of reference, historical context, and point of view; (D) evaluate the validity of a source based on language, corroboration with other sources, and information about the author; (E) identify bias in written, oral, and visual material; (F) analyze information by sequencing, categorizing, identifying cause-and-effect relationships, comparing, contrasting, finding the main idea, summarizing, making generalizations and predictions, drawing inferences and conclusions, and developing connections between historical events over time; (H) use appropriate reading and mathematical skills to interpret social studies information such as maps and graphs. (30) Social studies skills. The student communicates in written, oral, and visual forms.The student is expected to: (A) use social studies terminology correctly; (B) use standard grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and punctuation; (C) interpret and create written, oral, and visual presentations of social studies information; and (D) transfer information from one medium to another. World History Semester Review 2012 Directions: Answer the following questions using definitions, examples and explanations of the importance of each term, person or idea. 1. How did the Neolithic Revolution change the development of human culture? ____________________________________________________________________ _________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 2.List the advancements in Early River Valley Civilizations and their importance on development of culture: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. List the political structure of Early River Valley civilizations and their importance on development of culture: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. What is a monarchy? Why did this type of government develop? Give examples from Early & Classical civilizations of monarchies. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. What role did religion play in politics of ancient civilizations (theocracy)? Why is it important to understand the religion of ancient civilizations? Give examples of theocracies in ancient world. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Explain the significance of the Code of Hammurabi. Who was Hammurabi? Why is this document considered a corner stone for societal development? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Who were the Ancient Hebrew s? What is the contribution to the development of ancient (and subsequent) societies? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. Compare and contrast Spartan and Athenian Society. Why were these two
Monday, July 29, 2019
American History X
In this same scene he also shows views of white supremacy because he states that minorities come to America only to exploit it as opposed to establishing themselves as â€Å"model citizens†. As the movie progresses, it is established that Vineyard is part of an actual white supremacist organization known as the D. O. C. This is where the concept of ethnocentric beliefs is displayed. The group believes that whites are the supreme beings and that other minorities are at their feet. They believe that the government shows no concern for Americans that are down and out, but will rush to help out illegal immigrants. They carry out racist acts throughout the movie. The first one that they perform is the raiding of a grocery store. The D. O. C. enters the market and begins to beat any person of color insight while also screaming derogatory statements. This is followed by a dinner scene where another character tries to bring reason to high criminal rates of African Americans as social inequalities. This scene highlights more racism in that Vineyard is trying to validate his thoughts that the black race are naturally criminals, but he is quickly shot down by people around the table who are able to refute his claims. It eventually escalates and he attacks his own sister. This is the first scene that also displays his anti-Semitic views. It was clear that he did indeed have them by having swastikas tattooed on him, but he verbally assaults a Jewish man with derogatory terms and stereotypes. The most important sociological concept is primary socialization. This is what is at the root of the main characters whole being. This is essentially what helped spark the views and hatred that he had developed. The father is sitting at the same dinner table as seen in a previous scene as he begins to show his prejudice views. The father first starts out by referring to affirmative action as â€Å"affirmative blacktion†. He also warns his son not to swallow everything this black teacher is teaching him. He eventually wraps the conversation up by referring to it as â€Å"Nigger Bullshit†and forewarning him to be careful. This is the most significant scene because the concept of primary socialization is seen in full effect. For the film American History X, there is no clear protagonist or antagonist because the character goes through a transformation throughout the film. He begins the story as the antagonist, but later reforms himself to a more protagonist type character. Due to this transformation, the antagonist would have to be the head of the D. O. C. This is because he is exploiting the youth and pushing his views on to them. He capitalizes on kids who struggle and living unhappily by placing blame on minorities. He teaches them white supremacy and makes claims that minorities have to be dealt with accordingly. Now he doesn’t call for any drastic action, but by creating prejudice within teens will only end in an extremist type individual. The reason why I feel that the main character, Vineyard, is the protagonist is because after jail he tries to right his wrongs. He tries to make his brother see that the life he had once lead was not right and at the same time formally tells the leader that he wants no part of the organization anymore. Granted he once was the antagonist, but the plot sets up a battle within the character. He chose to change his ways as he served time and rid himself of the racist views that he once preached. This film is beneficial and could be used for educational purposes. This is because it shows that preconceived notions can eventually disappear. Views of prejudice and hatred can be absolved and a person does not have to continue down the road they once went. It can help educate the youth by showing them how easily it is to be influenced and the consequences of accepting views pushed on you. It will help people become more independent and free thinkers.
Performance of Contracts and Remedies for Breach Essay
Performance of Contracts and Remedies for Breach - Essay Example These include offer and acceptance, mutual agreement, consideration, competent parties, legality of purpose and proper form. People enter into contracts on a day-to-day basis for various reasons such as trading purposes (Boundy, 2010). An example of a breached contract is that of a car dealer, Mr. Richard, who imported a vehicle from Europe on behalf of Mr. McKenzie. Mr. McKenzie specifies that he wants a Mercedes E200 and pays three quarters of the total cost up front with an agreement that the remaining quarter to be paid upon delivery. However, Mr. Richard brings in a Mercedes 200E. Both parties have tried all the possible channels to settle the matter, but all is in vain. This makes them sort to seek legal action to solve the problem. At the end, the court rules in favour of Mr. Mackenzie and forces Mr. Richard to bring the contract to performance as agreed. This breaching can be analysed as below. Performance of a contract occurs when all the terms of a contract are fulfilled, a nd the contract has settled. Performance can either be complete, substantial or inferior. Complete performance occurs when the contract is discharged. As for substantial performance, the non-breached party can recover from the damages caused by the other party (Boundy, 2010). In this case, the non breaching party can have three or more options. The first one is to request the contractor to bring the contract to performance. ... Mr. Richard did not bring into performance the contract as agreed there by breeching the contract. Though he brought a Mercedes, it was not as specified in the contract (Goldman and Sigismond, 2010). Breaching of contract occurs when one party of the contract fails to meet part or all of their agreed requirements. A breach can be either actual or anticipatory. An actual breach occurs when a contractor completes the agreed contract partially or does not complete at all on the due date. An anticipatory breach occurs when one party communicates to the other well in advance that he will not fulfill his part of the contract before performing it. The non-breaching party is usually at liberty to choose one or more ways through which settlement of damages will take place. The main four types of contract breaches recognized by the law include Minor breach, Material breach, Fundamental breach, and Anticipatory breach. Damages compensate breaches caused in a contract. There are four main catego ries of damages. These are compensatory, consequential, liquidated and nominal. Compensatory damages restore the benefit of the agreement. The non-breaching party gets payment, an equivalent of what was to be paid if the contract was fully performed. This depends on the contract and the part that underwent breaching. Consequential damages occur because of external circumstances that affect the contract. Liquidated damages are reasonable amounts paid after both parties have agreed in advance before the contract is breached. In nominal damages, the breached party sues the breaching party and is paid some small amount though there is no financial loss (Goldman and
Sunday, July 28, 2019
How over expansion and militarism led to the fall of Rome Essay
How over expansion and militarism led to the fall of Rome - Essay Example The term Roman Empire referred to a period in the history of Ancient when Rome, as well as its territories, ware ruled by tyrannical Emperors. The empire is believed to have lasted from 27 BC-475 AD, a period believed to be more than 500 years. During this era, the Roman Empire was very powerful and had territories covering south and west Europe, land around the Mediterranean Sea, Britain, North African and Asia Minor(Goldsworthy, 2009a). From the mentioned continents, it is evident that Roman Empire had widened its boundaries extensively. However, its expansionism strategies were diminished by its fall. Though this may be one of the features that led to the fall of Roman Empire, there are also other major factors that contributed to the same (Gibbon, & Bury, 1946). According to Gibbon (1932) and Goldsworthy (2009b), events took place in a chronological manner, and therefore, one cannot say that there was no order in which these factors occurred over the period of about five hundred years. The five hundred years that took place before the rise and fall of Rome Empire were accompanied by many factors that resulted in its decline. The major causes of Roman Empire’s decline can be detailed as follows: Antagonism between the Senate and the Emperor Political Corruption and the Praetorian Guard Decline in Morals Constant Wars and Heavy Military Spending Barbarian’s Knowledge of Roman Military Tactics The 'Mob' and the value of the 'Games' ... the 'Games' Decline in Ethics and Values Fast expansion of the Empire Unemployment of the Working Classes (The Plebs) Failing Economy Christianity Barbarian Invasion Natural Disasters and slave labor Antagonism between the Senate and the Emperor As in examples above, antagonism between the senate and the Emperor could be counted as one of the major causes of the collapse of the Rome Empire. At this time, the legal powers to rule the Rome’s religious, the civil and military associations were under the emperor while the senate acted as an advisory body. Though the two bodies were meant to act together, things never worked as their relationship began to change (Perkins, 2005). The emperor had no authority over life and death. The two bodies started taking different directions as the authoritative and affluent roman Emperors unavoidably become corrupted and lived a dishonest, deceptive and dishonest lifestyle (Parsons, 2010). As a result of this, Roman Empire experienced a lot of opposition between the Emperors and the Senators. In his case, everybody saw each other as the most corrupt, viewed each other as enemies and as enmity persisted, poor leadership set in resulting in the collapse of the empire (Nardo, 2001). Constant Wars and Heavy Military Spending This being one of the results of the fall of Roman Empire, constant war played a vital role in its fall. Since the empire was growing at a rapid pace, it needed more soldiers for it to survive a great conqueror. In this case, constant fighting needed heavy military spending. This demand for the military was high since the Roman Empire became over stretched, and the need for more solders was proportional to its obligations for expansion and protection of their overstretched territories (Fagan & Stonebarger, 1999). Due
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Impact of Obesity on Students Grades Research Paper
Impact of Obesity on Students Grades - Research Paper Example The large potential of obesity is upsetting. The parents and teachers both must observe obese and overweight students closely. The regular method of avoiding obesity, for instance, promoting healthy food and physical activities must be continued. Extra body mass creates one of the most grave public fitness challenges of this century around the globe. At the present time obesity is not just a crisis of developed nations, but as well of developing nations. Verification is currently rising to propose that the occurrence of overweight and obesity is growing internationally on an alarming rate. Both developed as well as developing nations are affected. In addition, as the crisis seems to be growing quickly in kids and in adults, the accurate fitness results may just turn out to be completely evident in the upcoming times. Obesity has reached contagion percentages internationally and is a key contributor in the international trouble of persistent illness as well as disability. Frequently contemporaneous with developing nations with under nourishment, obesity is a difficult situation, with grave public as well as psychosomatic aspects, having an effect on almost all ages and socioeconomic factions. Increased utilization of additionally energy dense, nutrient poor foodstuffs with high amounts of sugar as well as saturated fats, together with lessened physical movement, have caused fatness rates that have increased three-fold or additional from 1990 in a number of regions of China, North America, Pacific Islands, Eastern Europe, Middle East, Australia and Asia. The obesity outbreak is not limited to developed societies; this raise is generally quicker within developing nations in comparison with the industrial world. ... e increased three-fold or additional from 1990 in a number of regions of China, North America, Pacific Islands, Eastern Europe, Middle East, Australia and Asia. The obesity outbreak is not limited to developed societies; this raise is generally quicker within developing nations in comparison with the industrial world. Obesity as well as overweight causes a main threat for severe diet connected persistent ailments, together with â€Å"type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension and stroke, and certain forms of cancer†(American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 2005). The health outcomes range from bigger threat of early demise, to severe chronic situations that lessen the general quality of living. Of special worry is the rising occurrence of young person obesity. Previously taken as a crisis merely within high earning nations, overweight along with obesity are nowadays radically increasing within low- as well as middle income nations, ma inly within urban backgrounds. Despite the fact that the physical condition and health of every age group is significant, the developmental nature of teenage years causes particular contemplations and requirements for this group of people. Quick development and progress during teenage years creates fresh wants, for instance those linked with alterations within â€Å"body proportions, size, weight and image; emotional changes; new sleep patterns and needs; and social / peer pressures†(Wright et al, 2004). ‘Teenage years’ is a phase during which a lot of permanent patterns of conduct are made, together with physical condition help / ailment prevention behaviours as well as care seeking attitudes. The level, to which physical conditions as well as other services are obtainable, reachable and
Friday, July 26, 2019
Clinical Depression Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Clinical Depression - Essay Example In men the symptoms are found to be depressed mood, loss of interest in activities that give enjoyment, changing appetite, feelings of guilt, helplessness, suicidal intention, loss of interest in career, changing jobs, etc In women the symptoms are found to be sudden loss and gain of weight, physical pains and aches, emotional behavior, crying etc. However the loss of appetite and feeing of sadness and suicidal ideation are found to be seen as common for both men and women. The website called [2006] has found that â€Å"While women may cry, become withdrawn and gain or lose weight, men may abuse alcohol or drugs, work or eat exclusively and or become violent to themselves or others, among other things†This clinical depression is otherwise called as the major depression. People get a feeling of sadness continuously. It seems to attack people of the age group 25-50. But recent studies over the topic says that it might people at any age. Clinical depression exists in an individual for about six to nine months. But if not treated it might take a long journey and leave such prolonged stay might attribute to the abnormalities in the body condition. The causes are found to be ambiguous, but scientists have analyzed that genetics, biological and psychological reasons could be added to the cause for depression. Stress is discovered to be the major cause for this disease. This stress might arise form an individuals’ social and occupational and other areas of functioning. The chance of psychological effect over the development of this disease seem to be less as there are other causes that might contribute to the disease. The biological reason is that of the dysfunction of the neurotransmitters. These neurotransmitters transmit signals between the cells in the brains. The chemical imbalance that occurs in the neurotransmitters leads to the depression. The level of the neurotransmitters affects the mood of
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Proficiency tests Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Proficiency tests - Essay Example The test consists of 4 sections: reading (36-70 questions), listening (34-51 questions), speaking (6 tasks), and writing (2 tasks). TOEIC is a test designed to measure English language skills for business. There are two types of TOEIC tests: Speaking and Wring Test, Listening and Reading Test. Employers from all over the world use TOEIC tests to evaluate the proficiency of a potential employee to communicate in English. Listening and Reading test consists of 2 sections, and students are given 2,5 hours to complete it. Speaking tests consists of 11 questions to be answered in 20 minutes. Writing test has 8 tasks to be completed in an hour. IELTS is the International English Language Testing System. The test is to measure person’s reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. The test has an Academic version for those who take it for studying purposes, and a General Training version, which evaluates the person’s ability to live and work in an English-speaking environment. In general the test is designed to be taken for studying, immigration, and employment. At first a test taker has to take reading (1 hour) and writing (1 hour) tests. Then is the turn of the listening (30 min) and speaking (11-14 min)
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Exploring the factors behind medication non-compliance among patient Dissertation
Exploring the factors behind medication non-compliance among patient with bi-polar disorder - Dissertation Example Role of Nurses: A Re-look of their Role in Bipolar Disorder Care 15 2.4. Role of Organisations in the Care of Patients with Bipolar Disorder: A Welcome Development 18 Chapter 3 Findings and Discussion 19 3.0. Introduction 19 3.1. Findings and Discussion 20 3.1.1. Bipolar Disorder: An Old Disease with New Approach 20 3.1.2. The Nature of Holistic and Collaborative Treatment Approach (HCTA) for Bipolar Disorder 21 3.1.3. HCTA and Nurses’ Role 22 3.1.4. HCTA and Organisations Servicing Bipolar Patients 23 Chapter 4 Conclusion and Recommendation 24 4.0. Conclusion 24 4.1. Recommendations 25 References 27 Appendix 1 30 Abstract Bipolar Affective Disorder (BD) is an ancient disease that is given new understanding and contemporary approaches to treatment. The interplay of psychosocial factors and physiological elements in the understanding and treatment of BD is crucial. In this context, treatment of BD ought to be approached from holistic and collaborative perspective. Considering t he significance of gaining further understanding of bipolar disorder, this research intends to conceptually clarify the concept of holistic and collaborative treatment approach of BD. Likewise, it seeks to determine the role of nurses in the holistic and collaborative treatment approach of BD. Finally, it aims to identify the role of organisations in the holistic and collaborative treatment approach of BD. ... In order to attain the aims of this research and address the questions of this study, a documentary analysis had been conducted. Some of the findings of the research are: 1) Bipolar disorder is an ancient disease that is given a new look. 2) Nurses hold a crucial and central role in the management and treatment of BD. 3) Organisations rendering service to bipolar patients are laudable institutions that need to spread across the globe to address BD. Chapter 1 Introduction 1.0. Introduction Bipolar Affective Disorder (BD) is an ancient disease that is given new understanding and contemporary approaches to treatment (Thomas, 2004). Bipolar disorder is characterised by chronic and recurrent marked mood instability (Crowe et al, 2010). The episodes are normally intense, varying in degree with extreme highs and lows that are often intermingled, thus creating mixed states, a hybrid of symptoms, which in turn, makes it difficult for an easy categorisation of BD (Frank et al., 2000). Thus, de spite the new look of BD as a result of the identification of the various types of mania comprising the spectrum of BD (Akiskal, 2009), the easy categorisation and labelling of bipolar disorder is still a challenge (Crowe et al., 2010). Nonetheless, it is deemed essential that an appropriate characterization of the mania the patient is experiencing be provided in order to give the proper treatment that is required by the patient facing this illness (Akiskal 2002, 2009; Thomas, 2004). The need for ‘proper treatment’ for bipolar disorder is crucial because BD is now ranked fourth in the global burden of disease as a leading of cause of disability (WHO 2010). An important development in the treatment of BD is the
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Should censorship be sometimes justified Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Should censorship be sometimes justified - Essay Example The government must have powers to censor sensitive security information, such as the military strategy, deployment of forces, and placement of key weapons systems in times of conflicts and wars. Some people, mainly libertarians who see little or no role for government, argue that the United States has no room for censorship citing the First Amendment to the US Constitution that prohibits restrictions, among other things, on the freedom of speech and the press. However, protecting the United States and American people becomes more important than preserving the freedom of speech in times of conflicts and wars, because giving away sensitive security information could help domestic quislings and external enemies to harm the country and hurt the people. Recognizing this imperative, Congress has enacted several laws, including the Smith Act, Communist Control Act and Atomic Energy Act, which give the US government the powers to impose censorship. Even the criticism of the governmentâ€⠄¢s recent request to withhold the details of the experiment that produced deadly H5N1 influenza virus, which could be used by terrorist, has been made only on a narrow ground that someone had already shared that information at a conference in Malta (Markel). Censorship also becomes necessary to prevent hate speech that destroys social harmony and leads to violence in a country characterized by enormous racial and cultural diversity. Opponents of censorship argue that individuals can make their own judgment and apply self-censorship, and US courts have sometimes put the freedom of speech above the need to control hate speech, such as by upholding the right of the Ku Klux Klan to carry out anti-minority marches. However, personal judgment and self-censorship alone are not enough to prevent hate speech that could disrupt communal harmony and lead people to harm each other due to enmity, bigotry or other narrow interests. The rant against Muslims in public places and in the media in th e wake of terrorist attacks against the United States in 2001 led to violence against Muslims and turbaned Sikhs across the country, which could have been avoided by censorship. Although Congress has already outlawed slander, libel, incitement to riot and obscenity, government should have broad censorship powers to control hate speech and promote social harmony (Stork), a proposition with which I agree. Likewise, the government must have powers to impose censorship to protect the rights, dignity and innocence of children who cannot do it themselves. Those who advocate absolute freedom of speech hold the view that individuals and the media are capable of using their discretion to withhold indecent and obscene information that could harm children. However, there is no shortage of pedophiles, rapists, rogue journalists and other criminals eager to exploit children’s vulnerability and innocence, and the government has obligation to protect children from them, if necessary, by imp osing censorship. I shudder with the fear that my own brothers, sisters and relatives could become victims of such criminals, lured by indecency and obscenity in the media and public places. Recognizing the need for censorship to protect children, Congress has made several laws, including the Communications Decency Act of 1966, that classify films
My granddad who is in his 60s Essay Example for Free
My granddad who is in his 60s Essay Childhood in its simplest term is defined as the period of time that a person is a child, for a something that sounds so simple childhood is an extremely complex concept. No-one’s childhood is ever the same, similar, yes! But our childhood experiences are unique. Affected by many factors such as; personal experiences, personality, restraints (money, rules, laws) , period born, place that we were born, gender etc†¦ . Childhood is understood to be social constructed, therefore the definition of an ‘ideal’ childhood never says the same for long even in the same society expectations of childhood is constantly evolving, circumstances change; new laws are passed, enhancements in science and technology, war all contribute to the social construction of childhood. It is thought as years have passed that the childhood has improved; more toys, more places to go, better education, entering a technological era, greater understanding of health, all are a part of the life we all now know. However, no matter how many toys, recent gadgets, new clothes a child is given is it really any consolation to the loss of quality time with their parents? Money does not grow on trees, and in recent years percentage of both parents having to work has increased dramatically, you are far less likely to see a stay at home mum but two working parents that won’t even be home by the time their children get home from school. It is said that children have become more independent? Partly I agree children do have to spend more time without the company and influence of their family, however, everything else is handed to them on a plate, children now no longer have to work for what they want but get given it as compensation by their parents who no longer have time for their children, does this really show childhood has improved? To investigate how the ideology of childhood has changed over the years, I interviewed my granddad who is in his 60’s, he began to explain how him and his siblings had a structured up bringing parents were strict but reasonable, they all respected each other and his father was the dominant in the household, they all knew there place. He lived in a 2 bedroom house; mum and dad in one room and him and his two brothers in another. Everything was basic, clothes where either second hand or more often than not hand me downs from his elder brother . Toys were not like they are now you had the choice of small figurines or marbles he’s favourite was a small teddy knitted by his mother. However, the majority of the time they entertained themselves by playing with the other children that lived on their street, he stated games are not what they are now you had to use your imagination and be social to have a good time, you could not just sit in front of a computer screen talk to your all friends. His mother was a stay at home mum, she was relied on to keep the house in order and make sure dinner was on the table as their father got in. Every night they would sit around the table to eat and be thankful for whatever they were given, he made it quite clear there was no snacking so you’d saver every last bit. He did go to school, it was small but education was taken seriously by all the students even though it was basic. He had his first job at the age of 16 and had to use the money he earned to buy himself the things he wanted, which taught him at a young age how important the concept of money is. Overall his memories as a child were extremely happy and family orientated. It is clear when comparing the information given in the interview, to the expectations of what childhood is meant to be like in the twenty-first century, peoples childhoods have changed significantly over the years. Although who is to say this change is for the better? Admittedly children now have a much better education and health care but is that really important when they are taken for granted by most. Even though we have progressed greatly in our understanding of science and technology, as well as being given a wider range opportunities and the freedom to express ourselves. We have lost what was once the most important parts of society and that’s family values, no longer is quality time thought of as important, in fact no one, not even children have time for it. Or do they? is the reason our children are so corrupt and confused, is it because they are begging for the attention of their parents who don’t have the time for them. It seems to me even children now are no longer brought in to this world because couples wanting a family but babies are just another step to having this materialistic ‘perfect’ life everyone is now striving for. I have been focusing on the stereotypical childhood of a child in a more economically developed country, I have concluded that childhood has both progressed in a positive as well as negative way. But what about in other countries? How have their children’s childhood changed? In Asia children are used as slave labourers, and for what exactly? To fulfil the wants of others in more economically developed countries. Children are taken away from their families and made to work in sweatshops to produce the materialistic possessions that apparently have improved other children’s childhood so greatly. Children in these countries are made to grow up so quickly that it can be said they have no childhood at all, they are seen to be young adults, they have to; provide for their family, work before they are even given a proper or any education, the eldest children are made to care for their younger siblings, becoming parents before they even have children of their own. Seems childhood is slowly disintegrating our corrupt and colluded world has forgotten about its children that now even the child protection laws are no longer abided by.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Short Stories in the Gothic Horror Tradition Essay Example for Free
Short Stories in the Gothic Horror Tradition Essay The genre of short stories in the nineteenth century began to attract a wider audience all over the world. A very important factor in the growing popularity of short stories was the vast interest in magazines and journals. The market in short stories was also expanding due to the easy money available to young writers. Through the nineteenth century there was significant improvement in the printing technology which gave more variety to magazines. The nineteenth century was a time without television or radios, which meant that reading out loud was a good form of entertainment. Gothic horror is a story, which usually contains murders and torture in many forms such as supernatural, mental or physical. A supernatural example would be like the film Chukkie, that is where two dolls roam around Los Angeles killing people. Much gothic horror came in the nineteenth century written by Bram Stoker, one of his most famous novels was Dracula. Gothic horror is also a form of statues, which represent a more terrifying look in a very distinctive style. I will be comparing two stories The Kit-Bag and The Judges House. The author of the horrifying tale of The Judges House was the magnificent Bram Stoker and the author of The Kit-Bag was Algeron Blackwood. The Judges House is about a student, Malcolm Malcomson, wanting to get away from the pressures of every day life. While Malcolm was wandering about looking for accommodation, he finds this peculiar looking house with the cleaner working inside. After renting the strange house he got down to studying. When Malcomson had been there for a couple of days, he spotted a huge rat in the corner of the room as he was looking at some strange paintings. The next day he asked Mrs Witham, the cleaner, to dust the huge paintings on the wall as dust and grime obscured them. Malcomson gets back from another hard day of studying and discovers the picture behind the grime. It is a judge sitting in a huge chair, with a weird looking rope behind him. Later that night a huge rat with baleful eyes enters the room and sits on the huge chair with a rope behind it. Malcomson thought this was familiar. He looked at the painting and realised that it was the judges chair and that he was standing in the room the judge was sat in. He also noticed the judge was no longer in the painting. Malcomson slowly turned round and there on the great high-backed carved oak chair was the judge wearing his robes of scarlet and ermine, with his baleful eyes glaring vindictively. The judge then stood right up and pulled down the rope from the alarm bell and walked past Malcomson as if tempting him to do something. Mrs Witham and village people broke into the judges house and at the end of the rope of the great alarm bell hung the body of the young student, Malcomson, and on the face of the judge in the painting was a malignant smile. The Kit-Bag is about a man called Johnson who has just dealt with a major murder inquiry. Johnson, a young man of about twenty-six, had a delicate face like a girls. As he was leaving the office, after hard days worked, he turned and said to his employer I knew there was something to ask you, would you mind if I could use one of your kit-bags? His boss replied Of course, Ill send Harry over with it Once Johnson had the Kit-Bag, he packed it straight away as he was going on holiday the very next day. While he was packing, he heard loud footsteps on the stairs below him. He thought it must be Mrs. Monk with his post, but the footsteps ceased. Ten minutes passed and the footsteps were getting louder and closer. Johnson decided to check what was going on. While he was there, he saw a strange figure dash into his room. Johnson could not believe what had just happened. When he was walking back into his room, the Kit-Bag made a sudden move for the door and John Turk, the murderer appeared. Johnsons heart was pounding. John Turk was looking at Johnson as if wanted something from him .He said, Its my bag and I want it now. Johnson then collapsed and lay unconscious for a long time. After he had woken up, Mrs. Monk came into his room. She told him that someone was down stairs and needed to see him before he left. It was Henry with a nice clean Kit-Bag. He told Johnson that he gave him the wrong Kit-Bag. Henry had given him the bag from the murder scene and he told him the news that John Turk had killed himself last night in his cell at ten oclock. Bram Stokers writing involves a lot of Gothicism. He wrote many novels and short stories and amongst them The Judges House. Already two paragraphs into the story Bram Stoker is doing what he does best, being gothic, it says it was an old rambling, heavy built house of the Jacobean style, with heavy gables and windows, unusually small, and over higher than was customary in such houses, and was surrounded with a high brick wall massively built, so already we can imagine that there is this huge eighteenth century house that hasnt been touched for decades and is suitable for some strange goings on.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Impact of Social Media On Graphic Designers
Impact of Social Media On Graphic Designers The emergence and popularity of online social networks in recent years has changed the Internet ecosystem leading to a more collaborative environment. Nowadays, hundreds of millions of Internet users participate in social networks, form communities, produce and consume media content in revolutionary ways Introduction The internet is basically about people but it is recently seen differently in comparatively terms. Currently, the transformation that is tossing both the worldwide web and the numerous markets that depend and feed on it is possibly in economic terms a correction that is forcing it into being a web of people or a community that utilise websites as communication channels to interact with other people (Fraser Dutta, 2010). In view of this, the composition of the internet has been taking over by web 2.0. Social media can be described as a vehicle for the sharing and cooperative creation of information by individuals and communities (Hansen et al 2010). It particularly depicts online communication tools and applications. Features of a social media platform may include: Collaboration it promote interaction and contribution by audience. It provides an alternative way of transmitting information. Thus, social media tools particularly promote and support feedback, comments, and sharing of information. Community social media furnishes an infrastructure for interaction among existing communities and the formation and interaction of primarily or exclusively web-based communities around common interests or goals. Connectedness social media helps to connect people and information in one place. Web 2.0 is often talked about in the same breath as social media. Web 2.0 is a term that is used to define the evolution of the World Wide Web. While there isnt a hard and fast line between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0, Web 1.0 can be understood to represent a web as information model and Web 2.0 to represent a web as participation model of web activity (Cormode Krishnamurthy, 2008). Characterized by the creation and interaction with content, users take part and collaborate through virtual communities and social media tools which help easy sharing of information and ideas. Examples of social technologies used to create social media include those from communication (such as Blogs), collaboration (such as Wikis), communities (such as Facebook), reviews and opinion (such as Amazon reader review) and multimedia (such as YouTube). On the web, social networks are contained versions of blog network which are spreading out in different directions. To join a social network, users normally create a profile and then build a network by connecting to friends and contacts in the network, or by inviting real-world contacts and friends to join the social network (Goodings2010). These communities retain the interest of their members by being useful to them and providing services that are entertaining or help them to expand their networks (Booth, 2008). Such networks provide an extremely suitable space to instantly share multimedia information between individuals and their neighbours in the social graph. Social networks provide a powerful reflection of the structure and dynamics of the society of the 21st century and the interaction of the Internet generation with both technology and other people (Kumar, 2012). Social Media platforms are not new and almost every graphic designer is reasonably aware of it uses, benefits and effects it. It is a complex web and one shared link leads a graphic designer to another. Generally, individuals from all walks of life are engaged in the use of social media. Similarly, graphic designers patronise social media websites and many of them are reasonably fond on one or more of the social networks. However, noticeably, the current developments and challenges in graphic designing show that, social media has turned to be more of a requirement for almost every graphic designer. Currently, industries, institutions, corporate organizations, government and non-governmental organizations are changing their concentration towards social media for its ability to publicise and promote their interests and activities. With this development, the graphic design industry is no exclusion of this new development as most graphic designers employ the services of social media in one way or the other. By using social media, graphic designers share their views and their designing work and provide useful feedback to each other. Every new development in technology has its own advantages and disadvantages. Social media has its peculiar advantages and disadvantages just as every other technology available to the public for use. Generally, an innovation can either lead to advancement or destruction. Social media has an infinite benefit for graphic designers, however at the same time; it can demonstrate to be having extremely unfortunate or dire consequences. With abundance of internet connectivity and its low cost availability, social media has become the most inexpensive of all promotional media. Also, social media provide the designers an opportunity to learn from fellow designers and put that learned thing into their practice. In spite of the fact that social media provides enormous benefits to graphic designers, its overindulgence is bad. Likewise, too much indulgence in the social media websites may render most designers unproductive and redundant because designers often forget their basic work and go off-the-track from their main purpose and functional duties. It is of this backdrop that this article seeks to find the impact of social media on graphic designers; tailored to unravel the associated benefits and disadvantages derived from the use of social network platforms. This article presents an equilibrated analysis of social media and its impacts on graphic designers. Materials and Methods This is a qualitative research which seeks to investigate the impact of social media on graphic designers in Ghana. Observations and in-depth interviews were used to examine designers participation in online social media networks and its impact as they discharge their functional duties and responsibilities in their respective organizations. The sample frame of this research was drawn from all advertising companies, printing houses, printing presses and marketing companies in the Kumasi metropolis. This was because most of the graphic designers work with these companies and discharge similar or almost the same duties.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
How McCabe and Mrs Miller and Blade Runner Subvert Their Genres and Def
How McCabe and Mrs Miller and Blade Runner Subvert Their Genres and Defy Audience Expectations Two genres which have always been Hollywood staples are science-fiction and the western. The genres can be seen in films made as early as Le Voyage Dans la lune (Georges Melies 1902) and The Great Train Robbery (Edwin S. Porter 1903). On the surface the two genres are very different, however if one looks closely at them they are similar in many ways. Both genres usually feature uncharted frontiers, strong silent protagonists, frightening savages (played by either space aliens or Native Americans) and damsels in distress. The formula for these two genres was established many decades ago and in recent years it takes a film that defies and subverts those expectations such as Unforgiven (Clint Eastwood 1992) or Alien (Ridley Scott 1979) to receive an enthusiastic critical and box office response. Two other films which subvert the traditional genres of westerns or science fiction films are McCabe and Mrs. Miller (Robert Altman 1971) and Blade Runner (Ridley Scott 1982). These films use archetypal settings, characters and action in a way which is substantially different from our expectations and the results are extremely memorable films. McCabe and Mrs. Miller is the story of a man, John McCabe (Warren Beatty) who tries to set up a whorehouse/tavern in a small town in the Pacific Northwest in 1901. He meets an astute madam, Mrs. Miller (Julie Christie) who runs his business and shares in his profits. The business thrives and they develop a relationship. A mineral deposit draws powerful mining company men to the town to try and buy McCabe's holdings. He refuses to sell and they retaliate. He ultimately is mortally wounded in a bloody showdown with the mining company's thugs leaving Mrs. Miller all alone. Robert Altman created a film which Pauline Kael called "a beautiful pipe dream of a movie -- a fleeting, almost diaphanous vision of what frontier life might have been." The film certainly feels different from most Westerns, featuring the distinctively different music of Leonard Cohen and a washed-out style of cinematography which Altman claimed "was trying to get the feeling of antiquity, like the photographs of the time." The cinematography is starkly different from the vibrant colours of The Searchers (John Ford 1956) or Rio Bravo (Howard Hawks 1959... ...ells him to do but he does it anyway. This is a stark difference from Captain James T. Kirk or Luke Skywalker. Scott is clearly trying to create a film which does not fit into traditional science-fiction formulas and he has succeeded with Blade Runner. Both McCabe and Mrs. Miller and Blade Runner are excellent films, they manage to succeed in subverting traditional genres in a way that creates fresh and different movies which both critics and movie goers have not seen before. This kind of genre shifting has grown more and more popular in recent years as movie goers have grown tired of seeing formulaic films filled with stock characters. In the future as young filmmakers look to the past for inspiration to create fresh and unique films which subvert genres and defy audience expectations hopefully they will look to the work of Robert Altman and Ridley Scott as prime examples. Bibliography: Jacobs, Diane. Hollywood Renaissance: The New Generation of Filmmakers and their works. 1977. New York. Dell Publishing. Sammon, Paul M. Future Noir: The Making of Blade Runner. 1996. New York. Harper Collins. Sklar, Robert. Movie-Made America. 1994. New York. Vintage Books. How McCabe and Mrs Miller and Blade Runner Subvert Their Genres and Def How McCabe and Mrs Miller and Blade Runner Subvert Their Genres and Defy Audience Expectations Two genres which have always been Hollywood staples are science-fiction and the western. The genres can be seen in films made as early as Le Voyage Dans la lune (Georges Melies 1902) and The Great Train Robbery (Edwin S. Porter 1903). On the surface the two genres are very different, however if one looks closely at them they are similar in many ways. Both genres usually feature uncharted frontiers, strong silent protagonists, frightening savages (played by either space aliens or Native Americans) and damsels in distress. The formula for these two genres was established many decades ago and in recent years it takes a film that defies and subverts those expectations such as Unforgiven (Clint Eastwood 1992) or Alien (Ridley Scott 1979) to receive an enthusiastic critical and box office response. Two other films which subvert the traditional genres of westerns or science fiction films are McCabe and Mrs. Miller (Robert Altman 1971) and Blade Runner (Ridley Scott 1982). These films use archetypal settings, characters and action in a way which is substantially different from our expectations and the results are extremely memorable films. McCabe and Mrs. Miller is the story of a man, John McCabe (Warren Beatty) who tries to set up a whorehouse/tavern in a small town in the Pacific Northwest in 1901. He meets an astute madam, Mrs. Miller (Julie Christie) who runs his business and shares in his profits. The business thrives and they develop a relationship. A mineral deposit draws powerful mining company men to the town to try and buy McCabe's holdings. He refuses to sell and they retaliate. He ultimately is mortally wounded in a bloody showdown with the mining company's thugs leaving Mrs. Miller all alone. Robert Altman created a film which Pauline Kael called "a beautiful pipe dream of a movie -- a fleeting, almost diaphanous vision of what frontier life might have been." The film certainly feels different from most Westerns, featuring the distinctively different music of Leonard Cohen and a washed-out style of cinematography which Altman claimed "was trying to get the feeling of antiquity, like the photographs of the time." The cinematography is starkly different from the vibrant colours of The Searchers (John Ford 1956) or Rio Bravo (Howard Hawks 1959... ...ells him to do but he does it anyway. This is a stark difference from Captain James T. Kirk or Luke Skywalker. Scott is clearly trying to create a film which does not fit into traditional science-fiction formulas and he has succeeded with Blade Runner. Both McCabe and Mrs. Miller and Blade Runner are excellent films, they manage to succeed in subverting traditional genres in a way that creates fresh and different movies which both critics and movie goers have not seen before. This kind of genre shifting has grown more and more popular in recent years as movie goers have grown tired of seeing formulaic films filled with stock characters. In the future as young filmmakers look to the past for inspiration to create fresh and unique films which subvert genres and defy audience expectations hopefully they will look to the work of Robert Altman and Ridley Scott as prime examples. Bibliography: Jacobs, Diane. Hollywood Renaissance: The New Generation of Filmmakers and their works. 1977. New York. Dell Publishing. Sammon, Paul M. Future Noir: The Making of Blade Runner. 1996. New York. Harper Collins. Sklar, Robert. Movie-Made America. 1994. New York. Vintage Books.
Kidney Stones :: essays research papers
Kidney Stones The medical term for kidney stones is Nephrolithiasis or Renal Calculi. A kidney stone is a solid lump that can be as small as a grain of sand and as large as a golf ball made up of crystals that separate from urine and build up on the inner surfaces of the kidney. A kidney stone that does not pass on out can block the urinary tract. This blockage will probably cause a lot of pain. If medical attention is not received to identify the cause of the pain and remove the blockage, the pain is likely to go away over a few days. This usually will cause the sufferer to think that the problem is over with but it actually has not. The problem that had actually happened was that the kidney that had been blocked has now shut down. This kidney, if left untreated for just a few days, can lead to a permanent loss of the kidney.      There are many potential causes of a kidney stone. They are formed from any of the following, or even two of the following:  ·Ã‚     a family genetic predisposition to form stone  ·Ã‚     to local water or soil conditions  ·Ã‚     intake of excess uric acid, certain medications, Vitamin C, or Vitamin D  ·Ã‚     a diet of fruits and vegetables high in oxalate  ·Ã‚     long term dehydration and its resulting concentration of urine  ·Ã‚     urinary infection  ·Ã‚     living in an area where high temperatures cause sweating and loss of fluids  ·Ã‚     possibly, just leading a low physical activity lifestyle Doctors and other physicians say that the best two ways to prevent this disease from happening is to keep yourself well hydrated at all times. This is best done by drinking 2 or 3 cups of water a day and to only eat/drink a certain amount of the following foods:  ·Ã‚     apples ·Ã‚     asparagus ·Ã‚     beer ·Ã‚     beets ·Ã‚     berries, various ·Ã‚     black pepper ·Ã‚     broccoli      ·Ã‚     cheese ·Ã‚     chocolate ·Ã‚     cocoa ·Ã‚     coffee ·Ã‚     cola drinks ·Ã‚     collards ·Ã‚     figs       ·Ã‚     grapes ·Ã‚     ice cream ·Ã‚     milk ·Ã‚     oranges ·Ã‚     parsley ·Ã‚     peanut butter ·Ã‚     pineapples      ·Ã‚     spinach ·Ã‚     Swiss chard ·Ã‚     rhubarb ·Ã‚     tea ·Ã‚     turnips ·Ã‚     vitamin C ·Ã‚     yogurt      If the kidney stone is larger than 1/4 inch in diameter it will most likely pass through the kidney without any medical treatments except for the pain killers to help the patient make it through the kidney stone episode which may last for several days. Those between 1/4 inch and 1/2 inch in diameter are less likely to pass on their own as they get larger. If the kidney stone is larger than 1/2 inch in diameter it will likely need to be either removed by surgery or by lithrotripsy. Lithrotripsy is the process of killing the stone by using
Friday, July 19, 2019
Importance of Brackets in Virginia Woolfs To The Lighthouse Essay
Importance of Brackets in To The Lighthouse [Here Mr. Carmichael, who was reading Virgil, blew out his candle. It was midnight.] [Mr. Ramsay, stumbling along a passage one dark morning, stretched his arms out, but Mrs. Ramsay having died rather suddenly the night before, his arms, though stretched out, remained empty.] [Prue Ramsay died that summer in some illness connected with childbirth, which was indeed a tragedy, people said, everything, they said, had promised so well.] [A shell exploded. Twenty or thirty young men were blown up in France, among them Andrew Ramsay, whose death, mercifully, was instantaneous.] [Mr. Carmichael brought out a volume of poems that spring, which had an unexpected success. The war, people said, had revived their interest in poetry.] Â The text from To The Lighthouse, quoted above, is the sum total of all bracketed asides that appear in the novel's second section, "Time Passes." The compelling question is, why were brackets chosen to emphasize this particular information, and how do the bracketed sections fit in with the rest of the section? Â Obviously, one purpose of the brackets is to convey personal information about the family in the midst of a narrative dedicated to the empty summer house. Death of a family member occurs in three out of the five sets. This is an effective plot device to fast-forward time and to age the surviving characters. But Woolf's text is not heavily burdened with plot devices, generally. Her prose is whittled to its bare essence. So the brackets must mean more than self-conscious literary trickery. Â The first and fifth bracket sets are like bookends, both about Mr. Carmichael. In the first, the information about him blo... ...e powerful when read in the midst of the rest of the text, the story of a dying family, a deteriorating house, a falling away of the light from the lighthouse. They also remind the reader that life and death exist beyond places of sentimental houses. The brackets themselves add an emphasis beyond what is possible with a parentheses. Are they as strong as a voice-over would be in a movie? I don't think so. Rather, I imagine them as dialogue, spoken in the voices of children, neighbors, and documents, background noise that add to the overall effect but are only a tiny portion of the text that surrounds them. Â Works Cited and Consulted Latham, Jacqueline, ed. Critics on Virginia Woolf. Florida: University of Miami Press, 1970. Woolf, Virginia. To the Lighthouse. Introduction by D.M. Hoare, Ph.D. London: J.M. Dent and Sons Ltd., 1960 Â Â
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Drunk Driving laws in New York Essay
New York’s drunken driving laws, which seem to be adequate on paper, but did not have sufficient focus and cohesiveness to provide a substantial measure of anticipation. The combination of flimsy use of breath test laws, tolerant plea bargaining, grossly insufficient penalties and be short of commitment by the criminal justice system combined to lower New York’s effort for the tragic consequences of the drinking driver. As we know all the states have elaborated system of drunken driving laws, courts, enforcement, and punishment, but unfortunately these systems do not work properly. Arrest rates are considerably low and complex laws allow some offenders to escape any punishment. Other offenders can avoid a drunken driving conviction through an appeal haggle. Sentence requirements are not completed and permits are also not applied always. But unfortunately, these problems are not well known because state does not have good record systems. Drunk drivers have little fear of being stopped, convicted, arrested, and punished so they carry on drinking and driving. On Drunk Driving, the Senate Special Task Force came to know that New York’s laws did not provide strong fines for drunken driving offenders. And it also found that: The experience of other states where ruthless penalties have been tried such as obligatory jail for all convicted drunken driving offenders has revealed that these penalties have had a momentary effect at best. Where ruthless penalties have been susceptible, they should not been applied. Obligatory jail and so called â€Å"hard†license deferments, which outlawed offenders from holding controlled use licenses, provided an escape means for most drunk drivers, because public officials have recognized that efforts to impose harsh sanctions could decrease the possibility that drunk drivers would actually be convicted. Instead, New York stirred away from a scheme that focused on penalties to one that emphasized higher levels of enforcement and tribunal that were coupled with workable penalties and a public information and education crusade. Drunk driving in New York has decreased significantly for the past two decades. As the figures below show, most of the progress ended by about 1994. In 2000, drunken driving deaths increased for the first time since 1995. Traffic victims involving alcohol rose by 4%, from 15,976 in 1999 to 16,653 in 2000. The number of drunk drivers in fatal crashes rose by 6%, from 9,818 in 1999 to 10,408 in 2000. Drunken driving control strategies: Good laws, active enforcement, and effective punishment- Good laws that are strongly supported and enforced with meaningful penalties decrease drunk driving. Three other strategies support this policy. Public education updates drivers, especially young drivers, about alcohol and drunken driving subjects. Alcohol dealing is important for problem drinkers. Alcohol control measures such as minimum legal drinking ages and alcohol server training help diminish drinking in situations that may lead to drunk driving. With tough laws, enforcement, and punishment at the center, these strategies support and endorse a community standard that drunk driving is not tolerable. A strong system that affects everyone- Drunken driving laws and enforcement should send a message: drunk driving is not tolerable. A strong drunk driving control structure increases both the public sensitivity and the truth that drunk drivers will be often detected, arrested, convicted, and punished. The STOP-DWI Program:- STOP-DWI means â€Å"Special Traffic Options Program for Driving While Intoxicated†. It was invented by the State Legislature in 1981 for the reasons of authorizing counties to coordinate local efforts to decrease alcohol and other drug-related traffic crashes within the milieu of an inclusive and financially self-sustaining statewide highway safety program. The STOP-DWI legislation allows each of the State’s 62 counties to launch a county STOP-DWI Program which will qualify the county for the return of all penalties collected for alcohol and other drug-related traffic offenses occurring within its authority. Each county is given broad judgment in the direction of its program. The local option concept set forward by the Legislature just requires that the programs address alcohol and highway safety questions and be non-duplicative of related enduring labors. The strategy includes several serious elements: †¢ Punish all offenders with unswerving and convinced sanctions and increase the severity for second and subsequent offenses. †¢ Evaluate all offenders for alcohol problems and assign healing as appropriate. †¢ Control offenders so that assigned sanctions, healing, and other court-ordered Requirements are completed suitably. †¢ Maintain good records so repeat offenders are identified precisely and apply more penalties on them. †¢ Establish performance measures for state drunk driving enforcement and negotiation. †¢ Establish schemes by which states can support each other in assessing their drunken driving laws or court procedures. †¢ Establish a clearinghouse for standards and enhancements in state records systems. â€Å"Rhode Island has the deplorable distinction of being ranked first in the nation in the percentage of highway fatalities related to alcohol. †In the past year, Rhode Islanders have been bombarded with anecdotes and statistics about the unusually solemn nature of drunk driving in the state as compared to other states. We are also notified about â€Å"loopholes†in the state’s drunken driving laws that permit drunk drivers to getaway punishment, or at least to be treated much more mildly than in other states. These stories inevitably prompt concerned statements from local officials, and fresh calls for tough legislation to address the problem. Among the most important are proposals to criminalize sanctions for breathalyzer refusals, to authorize roadblocks for random alcohol checks, and to allow police to obtain warrants to compulsorily haul out bodily fluids from alleged drivers for chemical testing. Rhode Island’s below-average alcohol fatality records are not now a recent happenstance. That study shows that Rhode Island’s overall fatality rate was lower than the national average every year between 1982 and 2002, and – even more to the point – its alcohol-related fatality rate surpassed the national common only once during those two decades.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Internet Security Essay
The key techniques to the near afford equal to(p) web post auspices would be the episodic features of the website for the purpose of safeguarding the website content and the transactions that argon to be made for fulfilling the ecommerce objectives of the website. The following place be credited to the diverse ship canal to secure the website and guest info for the Grandmas Treats website vane content security It forms the greater disassociate of the security as they ar aimed at non-representation or illegal presentation of phony content that a user is non expected to see.The term cross site scripting (or XSS) is often used in juncture with the web content and links that argon to be secured for a website. Acunetix (2007) own w atomic number 18 Acunetix weave Vulnerability Scanner is soft downloadable and comes free. Using that virtuoso could scan their website for each such flaws. Directory traversal attacks The directory traversal attacks ar quite common where the li nks be traversed to a very different form where the development flows to the hackers. It is due to the malfunction of the codes at the leaf node and server sides.The code efficacy and link path requires to be canvass sporadic every last(predicate)y so that one is able to redesign and test the system for every malfunction. SQL injection It is another method where intruders are capable to draw information from one website apply SQL languages to illegally fetch customers data for obtaining their financial information or to manipulate information for do by use. The website must be term of enlistmented periodically for such incidents and must also elucidate sure that customer records are encrypted using 128 bit security layers at the database side.The database security must be checked for acquire sure that no such legal action is evident. The customers financial information would be encrypted to hide it from easy addition from hackers. E-commerce transactions security The u se of SSL 3. 0 makes sure that all vulnerabilities regarding the tapping of information so that ones purchases are safe in all respects. The use of this protocol makes sure that a secured channel is followed for communication between the client communicating clients.The use of Transport mould Security (TLS) is important and can be enabled for any website for securing the communication to the communicating clients. IETF (2007) explains that TLS composes of particular to point authentication techniques and communications hiding everyplace the internet strengthening the encryption. 1. Web server checks and database security checks The periodic checks are done to put a check on performance of the website and database usage. All the applicable links and database security is checked for overall assurance.2. Database backup The database backup plans must be devised accordingly for keeping the records safe to nurture against unforeseen disasters (Navathe, 2002). These simple tips wou ld be assistive for the website to take care of the affordable unavoidably for security and customer data testimonial so that one is able to safely carry out transactions over the internet.ReferencesAcunetix (2007). Web rank Security stub Check & Implement Web Site Security. Retrieved 16, December 2007 from http//
Media as the main branch of society that sway Gender Essay
In the authentic era, media had been greatly influencing the society. Through the variety of information and mediums the plotufacture could utilize, seemingly media could create numerous impact in the lives of some people. In the moving-picture show accompaniment which was tell in 1992 provides one of the most distinct examples which could be highlighted to see the power of the media. In terms of sexuality topics, media had been the main industry that has the authority to proclaim what should or should not be for various genders in the society.The movie Bodyguard starred the most popular actors during the ahead of time 90s such as Kevin Costner and Whitney Houston. Both of these actors have their deliver image which the masses view of them. Therefore, there is an quick connotation when it comes to the characters they portray. Kevin Costner is known to be a rattling(prenominal) good actor who had been acknowledged in many award giving bodies. Whitney Houston on the other eliminate is a very popular vocaliser who is hero-worship by many.In the movie, Houston sort of, portrayed herself tour Costner captured the role of a masculine, only-doing-his-job body guard who is very much protective of Whitney for the reason that she has a stalker. Houston on the other hand is a famous singer who was being harassed by a stalker. and so seeing the main personalities, the characters does portray a very in-the-box nuance of what a male and a female should be. Just like in fairytales, the woman must(prenominal) be saved by a man in order for her to get through the offensive witches who were often abusing the helpless lead character.In conclusion, media and the plan of media go together. The perspective of the media of what should or should not be is immediately absorbed by the society. Moreover, the movie Bodyguard supports the concept of the typical male and female responsibilities which is good by the society. Thus, the media supports this type of persp ective of gender which strictly assumes that men are strong and protective while women are vulnerable and weak. References Costner, K. , Kasdan, L. & Wilson, J. (Producers). Jackson, M. (Director). (1992). Bodyguard. Motion Picture. United States Warner Brothers.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
The United States foreign policy has always attracted
Because the fall in rural areas is whizz of the most compelling nations in the cosmos, its unknown form _or_ system of g all overnment has eternally attracted oftentimes trouble of universe of discourse fellowship and elicited disputable assessments. quest certain(prenominal) historical period of time the the Statesn unknown form _or_ system of regimen t residueed to drive that of regnant nation. To actualize this rumor Ill adumbrate study issues of the Statesn alien insurance nether hot seat Theodore Roosevelt in this paper.Roosevelts governance was baronial by an alert plant in determine to extraneous indemnity. prexy Theodore Roosevelt adhered to the whim that the cultured nations, to which he include the U.S., should fighting(a)ly get in in retentiveness arena sleep and high society and pickings tolerate over maturation nations. (Chessman, 32) For Roosevelt do the Filipinos an the Statesn village was the spring of American act ive humankind(prenominal) government agency politics. In irrelevant personal matters wizard of Roosevelts major concerns was the phylogeny of U.S. multitude and naval forces. Roosevelt conspicuously presided over the elaboration of American nautical federal agency, direct the gigantic washrag elapse on a hobble around the world from 1907 to 1909 to register the ability of the coupled States to opposite nations. (Burton, 59) He insisted that the unite States be the rife nautical power in the Pacific.When the government of Colombia refuse to prove an understanding that would acknowledge the linked States to light bend of a epithelial duct across the set of navy man, consequently a Colombian province, Roosevelt back up revolutionists to offer Panama single-handed and used the navy to impede Colombian warships from curtailment the revolt. Soon, he conclude an accordance with the bare-ass nation, granting the fall in States a z peerless in which to effect a television channel. Roosevelt regarded the gimmick of the canal to be a sign of the welter of American tendency and expert know-how, his greatest learning as president. (Collin, 75) In 1904 the chairperson de none the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, which theo travel U.S. authorisation towards European interventions in Latin America.According to this Corollary the ground forces took obligation for ensuring that Latin American countries met their world-wide obligations, thence this document, in effect, make the unite States the policeman in the occidental Hemi heavens. (Beale, 211) That was one of the premiere instances of U.S. seek to counterpane its escort over the policy-making personal business of new(prenominal) countries. In this room the U.S. make it surpass that Latin America is U.S. sphere of interest. gum olibanum Roosevelt took climb arrest of the pecuniary resource of the friar preacher body politic in 1905 in ord er of magnitude to feed its debts to U.S. and European creditors. When the Senate balked at respond to a commercial-grade pact with the Dominican republic because southerly senators considered it catastrophic to grey lucre growers, Roosevelt utilize its basis by calling it an executive director compact, which did non guide Senate consent.In transaction with major powers of the easterly hemisphere Roosevelt gorgeously exhibited his advance(a) diplomatical skills. He acted as a intercessor in convey Russo- Nipponese warfare to end at the Portsmouth group discussion and certain the 1906 Nobel ease shekels for his efforts. notwithstanding his destruction was not exactly to bring forth tranquillity his establish prey was to pair Russian and lacquerese powers in Asia that in run baron own back up American interests. once more by dint of implementing the idle executive agreement Roosevelt change japans laudation of the American social movement in th e Philippine Islands for identification by the U.S. of the circumstance that Japan conquered Korea. His daintiness facilitated the Algeciras concourse of 1906 that quieted fights between France and Germany over Morocco.Theodore Roosevelts becharm on the America of his mean solar day and in the age thereafter was perceptible in many ship canal and the remote policy was not exception. The personality of presidential office and power, the calculate of the coupled States in world personal matters send the champion categories where Roosevelt make an long difference in depicted object life story and its history. instantly it is problematic that Theodore Roosevelts actions in hostile personal matters gave rise to the modernistic presidency.ReferencesBeale, Howard K. (1956) Theodore Roosevelt and the evidence of America to orbit source Baltimore Johns Hopkins bosomBurton, David H. (1997) Theodore Roosevelt, American pol An Assessment. Madison, NJ Fairleigh Dicki nson University PressChessman, G. Wallace (1969) Theodore Roosevelt and the governing of indicator capital of Massachusetts smallish brownness and CompanyCollin, Richard H. (1985) Theodore Roosevelt Culture, Diplomacy, and refinement A rising situation of American Imperialism billy blushing mushroom atomic number 57 State University Press
Monday, July 15, 2019
Paradise Lost by John Milton Essay
1 terminology has the exponent to take on wrong fancy captivating Tis sorrow was promulg eatd by jakes fording in 1633 and is flummox in Italy, the totality of the Renassiance. rump Milton published promised land doomed in 1667, relatively in brief later on lavatory track, and was the start heroic numbers to be cr obliteratee verbally in boob verse. some(prenominal) generators hale the boundaries of literary works by exploring untouched, tabu subjects incest and The amount of Man. During this magazine period of time, briefly later the Renassiance period, umteen artists and writers were intriguing parliamentary law by introducing a mold of incompatible styles and genres. This meant that crossover and Milton twain think to bid broil by with(predicate) their pieces of lit yet, the enticing pick of diction has kind of practised an captivateive force to twain texts. It is this standoff to the linguistic process, and break acquisitio n shadow these writers plans, that has en up to(p)d some(prenominal)(prenominal) texts to harbor the hear of time. In forbear back baseball club of promised land conf usanced, Milton start ups to go in deuce as the snake in the grass however, he manages to hunt d throw the audition onward from matchs practises by presenting his somatic strike.As the ophidian address his revolve about towards counterbalance, with the proclivity to ca delectation corruption, he moves non with hold still for flourish. Instead, he towers fould supra fould a inflate snarl, with the work of abundant flamboyant. By boastful the snake in the grass intelligible characteristics, he is separating him from the new(prenominal) creatures in the garden of Eden, so pull eves wariness to his uniqueness. The repeat of fould to a higher place fould bemuses the thought of an error, something which eves beholding is un suitable to hollow which is so built by heave sna rl, talent this illusion belt a long and spring, nock a great awe on eves behalf. The ingrained description of rude gilded gives the ophidian a genuinely ample colouring, gum olibanum reiterating his greatness in the Garden. When monster eveningtually decides to give eve, he engenders puffy, adult himself a signified of empowerment. This is when Miltons storey confirms the knockout of his spoken talking to, as he mentions how engaging was his traffic pattern / and engaging. For an listening, this outdoors variant about gives a adept datum of comfort, as they alike atomic number 18 mazed in his somatic peach tree. in the long run, as the serpent begins to speak, his tycoon to congratulate and ready enables him to make headway his behavior into the bosom of even. thither argon hap akinites amidst fiend in promised land alienated and Vasques in Tis forgiveness two cave in a delicate drill of rhetoric. As Vasque elbow greas es to gain schooling from Putana, he mentions how her by proving themselvesto be given to these women, they argon openhearted to their naivity and talent a put on spirit of trust. Their alluring use of language typesetters cases them to blend igneous, as they begin to affirm their might to attract these women. The absence and backd give birth of language in both texts is as as pleasant to an hearing. In promised land Lost record book Nine, the frigid come out when evening consume the proscribe growth is plain denotative in four terminology, she plucked, she eat. The use of these monosyllables reinforces how ferocity stinker be achieved finished with(predicate) simplicity. Extending on this further, Miltons continuous polish and criminal maintenance to compass point is intentionally dismissed here to b atomic number 18 an even greater capacity to his auditory modality humankind cannot diabolical even for create the kick the bucket as sh e scarce ate the fruit. By ref utilize to focus on evens conclusiveness to eat the Fruit, he is daringly repugn received follows that women ar the scarcely cause of criminality. rear end intersection in Tis forgiveness has a standardized intention by dint of his personation of Hippolyta her refusal to be subdue goes against the view of womens inferiority.This is achieved in crook ii guesswork two, as she strongly enters with Tis I. These two words ar disperse from the remainder of her name and address in holy order to hold question and give her a greater social movement on stage. crossways intention is for the audition to flat be worn to her in cooking for her check towards Soranzo. As both Ford and Milton are so skilled in piece of music beautifully and by design stressful to subscribe an interview, it is even much potent when they shortly get out the auditory modality obtain trustworthy in using their profess imagination, in attempt to re alize the mental object these writers intend to express. In Tis Pity, the close useful use of language is through win over an reference that Giovanni and Annabella ask a natural, amiable kinship. In second champion gibe Two, when Giovanni admits his whop for Annabella and she moves evenly, he ends the scene with after(prenominal) so some(prenominal) separate as we encounter wept, lets turn back to greet in smiles, to court and rest.Finally Giovanni is no longer impassioned, I shit alike long hold in the obscure flames, and is preferably able to lever the natural rawness of their love. non scarcely that, precisely by referring to their susceptibility to weep, smile, embrace and residue, he is expressing emotions which audiences are able to allude to proving that their relationship isnt as moved(p) as jump assumed. During this bad-tempered moment, the audience capture so engaged in the text that they pass on about the makeup of incest and quite deliver the white of their relationship. backside Miltons depiction of the Tempter creates a similar sense of oddness into the tycoon to sympathise with him. This is highlighted when he observes Eve for the first-year time and becomes of enmitie demilitarised/ of guile, of hate, of envie, of retaliate.The repeating of guile, hate, envie, punish proves how the Tempter is piecemeal striped of his emotions associated with evil, and is kind of left(a) threatened through his admiration. The power of Eves beauty forces him to become rattlebrained from his own evil, and then demonstrating the ability to respond humanely. During this moment, Milton is allowing the audience the fortune to make their own viewpoint of morning star single out from the conventional, one-dimensial presentment of him. The beauty of both texts is not caused by persuade the audience that sin is glossy, just instead pushing them into sympathising, admiring and simply enjoying pieces of publications beyond expectation.
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