Saturday, August 31, 2019
Violence Is Not the Solution to People’s Problems.
Violence is not the solution to people’s problems. Is violence, the answer to people’s problems? NO WAY. Well first what does violence actually mean. Violence means ‘rough force that is used to injure or harm’ (Macquarie Pocket Dictionary Third Edition pg. 1153). In The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton published in 1972 violence is used quite regularly to answer difficulties. In this novel there are two Gangs called The Socs and The Greaser. The Socs are the rich kids on the north side of town and The Greaser are the middle class kids on the south side of town.Violence is never the answer. It may lead to damage to your mental and physical health. It also hurts your friends and families. Violence hurts people physically. Punching and kicking is not the way to solve problems. It can lead to serious injuries and sometimes death. Just like after the rumble Pony Boy is injured with cuts and bruises all over his body. Dally ends up taking him to hospital. People should not use violence to resolve difficulties even if they are angry or stressed. Violence hurts people mentally. When you hit people or swear at them it hurts them.It builds up inside until you cannot take anymore. Such as, when Darry hits Pony Boy, it hurts him and makes him want to run away. Violence does not solve problems. It hurts more than you think. When violence is used to solve problems, trust and friendship is lost within families. For example when Johnny kills a Soc. Johnny and Pony Boy run away, that makes their friends and family very stressed. Stress leads to aggression to eliminate anger from ones self. Families need to stick together otherwise violence will be used. Some may think that violence because it is a form of self defence. Self defence is something that involves protecting oneself, one's property or the well being of another from physical harm’ (WikiPedia). Just like in the Rumble the Greasers are defending themselves and their territory. Also like when t he Socs try to drown Pony Boy and Johnny using self defence, killed a Soc. Self defence is a form of violence that regularly leads to further consequences. Violence should not be used to solve problems. It only leads to damage to your mental and physical health. It also hurts your friends and families. Just think do you want violence continue being present in your society?
Friday, August 30, 2019
Passing: Close Reading
You Ken Tan Christopher Hennessy LI 208 U. S. Multicultural Literature 26 Feb 2013 Passing: An Analysis and Close reading Nella Larsen’s Passing is a story about the tragedy of an African American woman, Clare Kendry, who tried to â€Å"pass†in the white American community. However, while she passes as white, she constantly seeks comfort from her friend Irene Redfield who is a representation of the African American community. Gradually, Clare has become the double image of Irene, due to the similarities of their ethnicity and the contrasting lives they lead.At the end of the story, Clare’s death is a result of the extreme burden on Irene’s shoulder due to the presence of Clare in her life. The death of Clare is very much Irene’s responsibility based upon her suspicious acts at the end of the story. The ending of Passing, and of the life of Clare Kendry, begins on the sixth floor of an apartment complex at a party in the home of Felise and Dave Free land. During the party, Irene says that, â€Å"It seems dreadfully warm in here. Mind if I open this window? †(Larsen 110) However, when Irene opens the window, â€Å"It had stopped snowing some two or three hours back†(Larsen 110).This means that the weather is still rather cold and despite the freezing temperature, Irene still sits beside the window. Another reason why Irene would want to open the window is because she wants to smoke her cigar. She politely uses the warm temperature in the room as her excuse to open the window. Although this action may seem reasonable today, during the 1930s, there was no social etiquette that required opening a window to smoke. The fact that Irene stays by the window after her smoke makes us question exactly what keeps her warm; perhaps it is her anger and rage towards Clare.Later when Irene finishes her cigar, she throws it out and â€Å"watch[es] the tiny spark drop slowly down to the white ground below†(Larsen 110). To Irene, the sense of falling is either giving her an inspiration for her actions against Clare or a practice run before the real deal. In addition, the falling cigar sparks are being described in a very beautiful manner. â€Å"Tiny spark drop†gives us the sense of something small light and shiny which moves in a relatively stable winter air mass. The small shiny bits of cigar also contrasts with the twinkle stars in the clear ky after the snow stops. The action of â€Å"slowly down†is a romanticized version of the falling flakes. As Irene focuses on the falling flakes, she is also picturing the falling of Clare in a very calm and elegant way as if Clare’s fate is justified and beautiful. The separating flakes from the cigar also resemble the feeling of things falling apart. As Irene observes the flakes flying away, she sees Clare’s life being dismantled. In the next scene, Clare’s husband, John Bellew storms into the party after he found out that Clare is actually black and starts to burst out in rage.In the midst of the confrontation, Felise says, â€Å"Careful. You’re the only white man here†(Larsen 111). Felise is stating that John is the only white person in the room, and she does not acknowledge Clare as being white. Although Clare has passed, they do not treat Clare as a white person or an outsider and would not hesitate to help her when she needs them. This demonstrates the strong unity of African American community and one cannot truly be passed and separated from the origin or background he or she comes from. During the confrontation, Irene has a thought in her mind, â€Å"One thought possessed her.She couldn’t have Clare Kendry cast aside by Bellew. She couldn’t have her free†(Larsen 111). Irene is disgust by the thought of Bellew casting Clare away because this would be a great insult to Irene’s life. At the same time, this may be the end of Irene’s life as a â₠¬Å"white†person. She would have to return to who she was before: black, poor and alone. In addition, this would also be an insult to the lives of people in the African American community who are always oppressed and marginalized by the authority the whites.Besides, Irene would not want to set Clare free from Bellew because this would pose a bigger threat to Irene’s life and family. In the middle of the story, there is a mutual attraction between Clare and Irene’s husband, Brian Redfield, and Irene suspects that Brian is having a love affair with Clare. This internal conflict might explain the following scene, which is also Irene’s solution to end all of this – by ending Clare’s life. â€Å"What happened next, Irene Redfield never afterwards allowed herself to remember†(Larsen 111).All the reader is informed of is that â€Å"one moment Clare had been there, a vital glowing thing, like a flame of red and gold†and â€Å"the nex t she was gone†(Larsen 111). What is made clear in these descriptions of Clare’s fall is that it is in some sense out of her own control; the event just happens with no clear explanation. But again this provides a significant parallel with the beginning of this work; as shown in the beginning of the story, â€Å"a man toppled over and became an inert crumpled heap on the scorching cement†(12).Once again someone collapses onto a public street and their falling is hidden in uncertainty. While the cause of the man’s falling is unknown to Irene because she quickly flees the scene, the reason for Clare’s falling being uncertain is because Irene immediately represses this memory. Here, one might argue that in both the beginning and the end of this text the cause of falling is unknown to Irene because she willfully choses to refuse this knowledge, either by rushing away or repression. The connection between the beginning and the end is also reinforced by a syntactic similarity.Additionally, in the beginning of this novel we discover â€Å"what small breeze there was seemed like a breath of a flame fanned by slow bellows†(Larsen 12). These same images are revisited in the conclusion. At the time of her fall, Clare is â€Å"a flame of red and gold (Larsen 111) with an furious John Bellew lurching towards her. Not only does her approaching husband’s name resemble the word bellow, but also at the party he actually â€Å"bellows†to Clare â€Å"So you’re a damned dirty nigger†( Larsen 111). Thus, in both the beginning and end of Passing, we find an imagery of bellows moving towards a flame.In Passing, Clare and Irene are doubles for each other in multiple aspects. The fundamental connection between them is that their roots are from the same racial, social and gender groups. As readers, we are eager to find out why Irene tries to avoid Clare throughout Passing and what is the fear Clare poses upon Ire ne. One reason for this is that the constant appearance of Clare in Irene’s life serves as a constant reminder for Irene’s self. Since they are mirror images of each other, Irene sees herself in Clare in an eerie way.Through Irene’s lens, Clare lives a life she can only image but never engage. It becomes a scary thought for Irene that someone so similar to herself can transform to carry a different identity on the surface. The constant comparison of Clare and Irene has forced Irene to raise questions about her own life. The recurring uncanny doubling effect from Clare presents such a constant pressure on Irene that only death can resolve this conflict. Works Cited Larsen, Nella. Passing. New York: Penguin Books, 2003.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Student Working During the School Year
Research has shown that the number of students who decide to work during the school year is increasing every year. Students who try to combine their studies with working life can be affected in different ways. There are many reasons why high school students should not have part-time jobs. Some of the most important are premature exposure to older adults, losing academic focus, and developing a taste for money early. The first reason why high school students should not work is that they will be early exposed to older adults. When teenagers interact with adults in working environment, they can be manipulated because older adults are people with more experiences about life. Older adults often have lives and more complicated backgrounds, so they do not have the same interests and activities, that these teenagers have. As a result, older adults can influence adolescents negatively. For instance, these teenagers can be encouraged to use drugs or alcohol, have sexual lives early or solve problems with violence. All these factors can produce physical and mental changes and affect the teenagers goals. Besides, premature exposure to older adults, working students can also lose academic focus. When teenagers work, they do not have enough time to handle their school responsibilities because they often feel tired and fatigued. This situation can affect concentration and memory, which are essential parts of school performance. Therefore, students can fail their classes, get low GPAs or drop out of school entirely. Some parents encourage their children to work to appreciate the value of money. It is true that children need to learn how they can manage money wisely. However, teenagers need to be encouraged to study because they should be aware that education is very important to achieve success. Teenagers need to be motivated to appreciate more the permanent value of education than the fleeting value of money, Because nowadays many companies require workers with high GPAs, adolescents need to focus on their studies early. If they achieve appropriate school performance, they will have more opportunities to get better jobs with good salaries in the future. In conclusion, high school students should not have part-time jobs in order to avoid premature exposure to adults, losing academic focus, and developing a taste for money early.If teenagers worry about their education, they will have one of the best tools to achieve success.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
In this Paper You Will Discuss and Analyze an Aspect of Film Essay
In this Paper You Will Discuss and Analyze an Aspect of Film - Essay Example Hence, the aspects of culture that are portrayed in these films have been seen as a depiction of American culture. Many people who are not American Citizens but do watch this depictions always believe that what is portrayed is the American culture as it is. This paper seeks to shade more light by discussing aspects of American Film and Cultural theory. Through class readings and a number of films as a source of material, that text will discuss three major films that have made a worldwide audience. Hollywood is the biggest producer of films in the world. Most of Hollywood’s production finds a worldwide audience. The storyline of most of Hollywood’s production that touch the Middle East has elicited strong reactions both locally and internationally. Scholars, film theorists and cultural theorists have always repeatedly claimed that Hollywood has been used to misrepresent the Middle East while promoting the US wider agenda of expansionist. For the purposes of these discuss ions, this paper will reflect on three such films that have elicited strong reactions from the Middle East. These are, The Kingdom, Syriana and One Day in September. The first film that this paper will reflect upon is The Kingdom. The Kingdom is a film by Peter Berg produced in 2007. It features Jamie Foxx, Jennifer Garner, Chris Cooper and Jason Bateman. The story line of the film is the usual most common American agents searching for Terrorists in the Middle East. The film traces the storyline of Agent Ronald Fleury and an elite team of four operatives who hunt down a terrorist in Riyadh. The team’s main task is to destroy the terrorist cell, which has killed Americans working in Saudi Arabia.While in the Saudi Capital, the team finds itself in a culture shock as the Saudi culture is quite knew to them. The corrupt politicians and the law enforcement agencies that hinder their quest become an obstacle. However, one Saudi police officer helps the team in their quest for just ice and destruction of the terrorist cell. The second film that this paper will apply in the discussion is Syriana. Syriana is a film that was produced in 2006 by Stephen Gaghan. Syriana transcends a geopolitical theme with petroleum and oil industry politics at its center. The film centers around four major characters who are a central intelligence Agency operative, an energy analyst, a Washington attorney, and a young and unemployed Pakistani worker. The film employs multiple story lines top tell the experiences of the four people who feel the effect of politics in the oil Industry. The stories of the four men are the ones that form the basis of interpretation in this essay. The last Film that this essay explores is the movie One Day in September. This is a 1999 documentary shot and directed by Kevin McDonald. The film documentary reflects on the 1972 terrorist attack on the Munich Summer Olympics that left 11 Israeli Athletes dead. In this documentary, the veteran actor Michael D ouglas provides a light narration as the storyline unfolds. The historical events of Munich 1972 are brought into play as the film revolves ion the events that took place. The Palestinian terrorists and their agenda are well covered in the film. The documentary also shows that lax security by Germany security led to the death of the Israel Athletes. The widow of the Israeli coach taken hostage is interviewed while one of the remaining and surviving terrorists is also interviewed. Robin Bernstein in his article titled Dances With
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
The Highest Quality of Under Armour Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 95
The Highest Quality of Under Armour - Case Study Example It is not well established as compared to the established competitors like Nike, Puma, and Adidas, Under Armour is gain, ng lead in the industry. The function is in terms of the products abilities to conform to situations and perform as per the expectations. Since the company concentrates on the American domestic market, the information necessary to pinpoint performance is timely. Domestic sales are an indicator that Under Armour has a small sales volume. Apart from using the function system to pinpoint performance results, the company can use the area and unit system to pinpoint performance results. Benchmarking is essential to any organization (Baiman and Joel pp. 201). While aware of the existing competitors who include Nike, Reebok, Puma, and Adidas among others, the Under Armour, through benchmarking has managed to evaluate its performance. An issue of concern is its high dependence on few third-party suppliers. The competitors rely on a variety of third party providers thus easy to counter pricing and ensure efficient product distribution all over the market segments. Under Armour suffers massive losses because of relying on few suppliers who end up demanding high prices. Should the demand for suppliers’ products exceed what the company supplies, it can end up affecting its operations due to reduced access to supplies and raw materials. A key measure and standard that Under Amour upholds is obeying laws and regulations. It is an important element in its code of ethics. Launching of a new product in market demands Under Armour to observe standards of identifiability, accessibility, substantiality, and measurability. It is an indicator to show the company’s ability to assess response patterns and incorporate marketing mix in its standards. Trough this information, Under Armour can segment its market and strive to attain a competitive advantage. The strategy is in line with its recommended strategic plan, which has a passionate taglineâ€Å".
Monday, August 26, 2019
Assumptions based on the influences of friends, family, and community Essay
Assumptions based on the influences of friends, family, and community - Essay Example In the tiny village of Lansquenet (in â€Å"Chocolat†) the villagers are appalled that Vianne has opened a chocolate shop and has disregard for the social expectations that Lent imposes. Rather than simply ignoring the chocolate shop and Vianne and Anouk and carrying on with their own beliefs, the town is outraged and ostracizes Vianne for not going along with their tradition of suffering and deprivation. The chocolate store is disturbing to them because they want to have fun too but don’t want to admit it. Their first reaction is to ostracize them and point to them as being bad. This makes them feel better about staying stuck. However it forces the villagers to question why they are suffering, what would actually happen if they broke tradition, where did these rules come from (not from inside) and what is life for but to enjoy, why carry the burden of the past. It takes a few stronger villagers to stand against tradition, after which the whole village feels safe to als o follow its desires. In Sula, society both dislikes and needs Bottom as a community. It needs a place to look down on, it needs people to point to and say they are bad, in order to make them feel good. They needed Sula in order to unite together over something. They could all unite in their values and point at her together to say she was bad. When she leaves, they lack a cause to unify them and it is because deep inside the people of the community are not truly fulfilled by the trappings of their own structure and tradition. However when Sula comes back they find their common mission again. The community’s stability and rigidity keep everyone stuck. In â€Å"Bet Me†, Min is very much influenced by her family upbringing. She is trapped, feeling as though she is only mediocre and that good-looking flashy people are selfish and would never give her the time of day except in passing and would soon get bored and unceremoniously abandon her. The story demonstrates how this is self-fulfilling too, in the recount of her first relationship which ends badly. Not surprisingly, when Min meets Cal, especially under the circumstances, she makes assumptions right from the beginning, and actually sets herself up for the same thing to happen again – she does not treat him right because she already believes he won’t treat her right. Had Cal not been tied into a bet, he would have not even persevered and would not have found out who Min really was. Min also would not have wasted her time on Cal but for her own need for a date to her sister’s wedding. These unusual circumstances where they were tied to each other by their own selfish needs, kept them together long enough to realize their perceptions of each other had been wrong and had been borne out of the in-bred perceptions offered by others. They start to like each other. Min learns to see beyond Cal’s good looks and finds a truly caring person. In â€Å"Sula†, the families of Nel and Sula are contrasted. Nel’s stable, rigid family of tradition and structure dictate to her what is right and wrong, and compel her to live the life of the straight and narrow. Sula has a very unconventional life with her mother and grandmother and several boarders, she is free from any conventions of society. Nel grows up in a trapped box of limits and Sula is
Service Activity Summary Report ( for Human Service Class) Essay
Service Activity Summary Report ( for Human Service Class) - Essay Example They prefer to do some routine things by themselves. I guess this is an element of pride and soon started to get involved when my help was necessary, or when they asked for it. There is a senior citizen that shared the pain of losing his wife and facing the rest of his life alone. From his story, I gathered that he was very lonely and the center offered him the chance to meet people closer to his age as well as people to talk to. There are times when is suspected that living family members had abandoned their elderly when they became too much of a burden. The disturbing thing is that they do not admit this. They claim that at the present times, all people are too busy to carry unwanted baggage. I learned that senior citizens have an element of pride and deserve to be treated in a manner where they feel dignified because sometimes, their dignity is all that they have left. I also learned about the value of social services in the community. There are many things that I took for granted and this activity enlightened me. I also learned that eventually, everybody would grow old and hence lose their productive ability (Midlam, 2004). It is best to make use of all the energy that comes with youth because I will miss it when I become a senior citizen. Their stories clearly show that some are satisfied with their achievements. I hope I can tell similar stories when I am their age. In addition, I have also come to appreciate the benefits of having a retirement benefit. I am likely to be very compassionate about the affairs of the elderly. In addition, I will make an effort to visit and take care of my own grandparents because I have realized that it is really lonely when a person is no longer able to work. The world is becoming busier, and sometimes an occupation is the sole reason to live for the senior citizens (Midlam, 2004). I will also ensure that I volunteer at these
Sunday, August 25, 2019
How does Barthes' The Death of the Author help illuminate the themes Essay
How does Barthes' The Death of the Author help illuminate the themes of Goodnight Desdemona(good morning Juliet) - Essay Example It does not have to be necessary that both texts are in the same category or addressing similar subjects. The most important thing to note is that they give the audience the ability and opportunity to understand various concepts better than if they did not bother reading them both. Ideas of two authors can be either similar or contracting with each other, but still, drawing reference between them remains a good reason why two texts can be read together. The advantages of reading two texts together and drawing references cannot be underestimated, as revealed by two texts, Barthes’ â€Å"The Death of the Author†and â€Å"Goodnight Desdemona (good morning Juliet)†. ... She came into this conclusion after she realized that if wise fools had been used in the plays instead of the real fools who had been used, they would automatically lose their tragic element. Although she is clever enough to realize the fools in both the two texts, she does not realize the fool in in the death of the author, the author points out that there are those readers who will properly understand the every word and the duplicate as well as hear the voice that the characters are speaking in the text. By this he meant that the most effective leaders are those that can read in between the lines and understand the hidden meanings of the author without any hardship. An effective reader can make out the culture of the characters, their behaviors and the kind of relationship that they exhibit even without these details having to be revealed in open by the text. This definition perfectly suits the character of Constance, who deductively comes into a conclusion that the characters in t he two tragedies by Shakespeare were fools (Barthes web). In drawing her conclusion therefore, she feels that a change of the characters would significantly change the type of the texts. From this analysis, the definition of a reader by Barthes effectively helps in the illumination of the theme of reading my MacDonald. Another theme that can effectively be illuminated by the text the death of the author is the theme of criticism. Criticism can be defined as positive or negative close scrutiny of a text or a book to reveal the effectiveness of the author in addressing the particular topic in his mind. Positive criticism looks at the positive side of the text and where the author successfully tackled their point while negative
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Accepting Change is to Americas Benefit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Accepting Change is to Americas Benefit - Essay Example In fact, ambiguous attitudes towards change may even emerge in an individual. These would naturally bring about the oftentimes inconsistent views regarding changes, especially those that affect tradition and culture. At one time, one can embrace the novel while at another, staunchly defending what he perceives as really American. This is phenomenon is just a reflection of the opposite poles that exist among Americans regarding change. It is necessary to understand the dilemma that the American people face when confronted with changes that affect the very foundations of culture and tradition. It is through such understanding that determining the correct attitude can be realized. Dinosaur Dreams: Reading the Bones of America’s Psychic Mascot written by Jack Hitt provides valuable insights regarding the matter. It is a discussion on the general attitude of Americans towards the dinosaurs as symbols. Fenton Johnson’s Wedded to an Illusion, on the other hand, focuses on the issue of same gender marriages but it presents an argument on why Americans should accept change because of its benefits for their society. In summing up the points of Hitt and Johnson, it is easy to conclude that that since change is inevitable, Americans have no other recourse but to accept it in order to make the best out of the new opportunities it offers. A brief review of the history of the United States, particularly its culture, it is discernable that the people’s view of themselves and their country is constantly changing. This means that certain norms and beliefs once though to be permanently valid and right have been set aside as no longer attuned to the times or thrown into the dustbin of the past being found absolutely wrong. Under such premise, it is clear that the shifts, even if these at times cause upheavals, must be considered as beneficial. The struggle between the old and new is not just carried out by debates; it is possible for force to be applied in order to achieve a resolution. The point, however, is to determine the results of the events, whether or not it brought about positive things for society. This is a very pragmatic point of view on changes, one that is not based on subjective will but on objective conditions. If conditions change, there is actually no other recourse but to accept reality and to adap t or improvise. No matter how people wish things to be permanent, changes still occur. Even marriage is obviously not a permanent despite promises of union being made until death. In fact, it â€Å"has always been an evolving institution, bent and shaped by the historical moment and the needs and demands of its participants.†(Johnson) Centuries ago, nobody would have thought about divorce, especially because religion then played a very important part in establishing marital union. However, this has changed through following centuries. If such change is accepted by people, then there is no reason why they cannot do the same with changes in society, which is another institution. Actually, the shifts are taking place although these may be gradual and America’s only choice is to accept these. Hitt explains that the American psyche is actually accepting the changes. This is the view that he presents in his article which describes the significance of the American view of th e dinosaur. The existence of dinosaurs is proven by the past, something that can no longer be changed. However, â€Å"their periodic rebirth in pop culture neatly signals deep tectonic shifts in our sense of our self as a country.†(Hitt) The American people’s view on the relevance of the dinosaur is a reflection of their
Friday, August 23, 2019
Death Row #7 CJ202 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Death Row #7 CJ202 - Research Paper Example The lawmakers introduced, passed and signed a bill in November 2007, which led to the abolishing of the death penalty. This made New Jersey the first state to abolish the death penalty. The court argued that the death penalty was costly and posed a risk to killing innocent lives. They also concluded that the penalty was painful to the victim’s families and the community as well, thus reduced it to life imprisonment (Peters, 2007). Illinois became the 16th state to abolish the death penalty in March 2011. The state had for more than a decade imposed a moratorium on execution. The concerns raised after the justice system wrongly condemned 13 men made them realize that it was possible to prosecute innocent people. In January 2011, the lawmakers voted to abandon death penalty. After the vote, their governor, Pat Quinn, took two months to check on this issue by looking at all aspects and consulting prosecutors, death penalty opponents, victims of the families, and religious leaders. He later concluded that creating a perfect system that is free of mistakes and discrimination of race or economic status would be impossible (Vogue and Pinto, 2007). With the abolishment, all death penalty sentences reduced to life imprisonments. Vogue A. and Pinto B. (2007). Illinois Abolishes Death Penalty; 16th State to End Executions. Retrieved on March 25 2012 from
Thursday, August 22, 2019
International Human Resource Management in Japanese Firms Essay Example for Free
International Human Resource Management in Japanese Firms Essay During the 1980s, commentators and researchers of almost every stripe witnessed what was invariably seen as a miracle: the juggernaut Japanese economy. It seemed a perfect system, with all cylinders-from the political coordination of the economy through industrial structure and interfirm interactions to human resources management practices and cooperative relationships on the shop floorclicking at high, flawless speed. In the mindset of the time, one question quickly followed: How could the American economic system, with all its contrasting warts and imperfections, hope to compete against this titan? Now, little more than a decade later, that sighting of a miracle has been downgraded rather substantially. In the words of a Fortune analyst (Powell, 2002), Being compared to Japan these days, economically speaking, is about as low as it gets (p. 91). The reasons for this decline are varied but include many of the same factors that supposedly accounted for its ascendance. Now, Keeley pulls back the curtain even more, exposing a system seemingly trapped in neutral. Keeley, a Westerner fluent in Japanese and professor in international management at Sangyo University in Japan, is well positioned to reveal the inner workings of the Japanese corporation, particularly its international human resources management (IHRM) practices, without the infatuation that marked many of the earlier reports. The inescapable conclusion from this volume: These practices create almost insurmountable competitive disadvantages. In addition, Keeley provides a deep look at the tenets of Japanese culture, the management and personnel practices tied to that culture, and the resulting business practices and organizational dynamics that characterize the modern Japanese corporation. In the process, he also offers up a compelling argument for diversity, not simply as an affirmative action accounting of staffing, but rather as a mindset of inclusion and involvement. For all those who read about the Japanese miracle of the 1980s, this book is an important corrective and should go on your reading list. It can also be recommended to anyone interested in the cross-cultural application or transfer of management or human resources practices, or organizational behavior in a global environment. Keeley launches his analysis with the observation that the greatest challenge Japanese companies face in expanding their foreign direct investment is how to integrate host country national (HCN) managers into the management process of their oversees subsidiaries as well as that of the parent companies themselves (p. ). The reasons why such integration is important are clear and simple: competitive advantage in a global economy requires that a multinational company (MNC) be able to tap the talents of local HCN managers; to do this, the MNC must be able attract, retain, and develop talented HCN managers. Absent this, the MNC will forfeit local expertise as well as violate host country antidiscrimination laws, something for which Japanese MNCs have a certain notoriety. More specifically, Keeley argues, the IHRM practices of Japanese MNCs are their Achilles heel, and this is due to the fact that the Japanese system of management is so culture dependent that it is difficult to incorporate nonJapanese into the system, making internationalization of their organizations problematic. (p. 9) This theme is examined more fully in Chapter 2, looking at the issues of cross-culture management and the importance of national culture on organizational dynamics. For example, using Hofstedes (1991) national cultures variables, it is the work group-not the individual-that is the foundation of the Japanese organization. Japanese management techniques, such as lifetime employment, consensual decision making, and rewarding group members equally, are built upon the group. In Chapter 3, Keeley examines the three HRM practices that characterize the larger, global Japanese MNC: lifetime employment, a senioritybased wage system, and company-dominated unions. He also discusses the unique leadership role played by the personnel department. It is in this context that he reviews other distinctive features, like the long work hours of Japanese managers and the after-hours workgroup socializing that follows. Contending that this practice is essential to Japanese management, it is not common elsewhere, and Japanese managers find it difficult to manage without it. In this chapter, Keeley also does a good job reviewing the key traits of Japanese culture that so affect their HRM practices, including: strong ethnocentrism; an emphasis on the responsibilities of a (corporate) household (like paternalistic familism); harmony and loyalty in the context of vertically defined relationships; and the rigid separation of public face from private, personal feelings. Keeley also discusses how educational institutions are used as recruiting sources for corporate staffing. Although aspects of his review of Japanese culture, history, and institutions may be familiar to some, the coverage of Japanese IHRM practices in Chapter 4 is probably not. According to Keeley, Japanese firms were slow to move into investing in foreign sites and facilities, and it was not until the 1990s that Japan became a major foreign investor. Even so, only 8% of its manufacturing capacity was moved off shore, relatively small compared to the 17% for U. S. and 20% for German firms. On a continuum of IHRM practices, ranging from ethnocentric operations at one end to fully open and integrated global operations at the other, most Japanese firms would be classified as ethnocentric. Further, management positions in Japanese subsidiaries are invariably filled by native Japanese. Over the last 30 years or so, Japanese firms have consistently employed three to four times as many parent country nationals (PCNs) in manager jobs as have U. S. or European subsidiaries. Ethnocentric IHRM practices are also found in such other conditions as lack of local decision-making autonomy, demands for selecting and training PCN managers, substantial communication problems between PCN and HCN managers in Japanese subsidiaries, and even the pariah treatment that repatriating PCN managers experience when returned to Japan. In Chapter 5, Keeley continues his close and critical look at the interactions between culture and organizational behavior by examining communication and decision-making practices. This analysis is supported by the findings of his survey of Japanese subsidiaries in Singapore, Malaysia, and Australia in 1994 and 1996, as presented in Chapter 6. In the final chapter, Keeley draws out the implications of his analysis. HCN managers play a limited role in the management of local subsidiaries, with most decisions made at headquarters in Japan and communicated directly to the Japanese managers on site without local HCN manager involvement. These conditions make working for a Japanese subsidiary unattractive to many ambitious HCN managers, putting Japanese firms at a relative competitive disadvantage in the labor market. More generally, Japanese management practices are difficult to transfer to foreign operations and indeed may actually impede efficient and effective local operations. Both Japanese culture and their business operations create formidable barriers to effective integration. In short, Japanese MNCs seem tuck in an ethnocentric mode of operation that virtually dooms them to long-term mediocrity in the global economy. Keeley concludes that in order for them to succeed in a global economy, Japanese companies must transcend their ethnocentric attitudes and IHRM policies and practices and look at diversity, not as a defeat, but as a strength. Although some firms have recently begun to acknowledge this, most show little interest. International Human Resource Management offers an abundance of information and insight into the global HR operations of Japanese firms. In addition, it also provides an intriguing, more general assessment of the challenges involved in managing cross-culturally and the importance of effective diversity management. The book is well written. The frequent use of acronyms, like HCN and PCN, eventually becomes easy to follow. Though I found Chapter 6 on the authors own research somewhat anticlimatic, all in all this is a fascinating tour book and is recommended without hesitation.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Means End Chain Model Relating to Samsung Essay Example for Free
Means End Chain Model Relating to Samsung Essay Samsung Electronics Relating to the Means End Chain Model Means End chain Model explores the connection between consumer and product through the construction of a simple associative network between concrete and abstract product attributes, functional and psychosocial consequences linked with product use and finally consumers’ instrumental and terminal values. Product Attributes expresses the impressions or characteristics of a product or service. Concrete attributes refer to the physical characteristics. They have a tangible reality where the consumer can experience directly. Abstract Attributes are non material product characteristics that are intangible and cannot be experienced directly by the consumer. When coming to a purchase decision of Samsung Electronics people first go for the impression, that is the concrete attributes like: Easy touch system Simple and Lighter Products Range of Versions Etc†¦ Then comes to the Abstract Attributes like: User Friendly Performance Value for Money After sale services Etc†¦ Consequences are outcomes or the benefits that the consumer can have when the product is purchased. Functional consequences are the tangible outcomes of a product that the consumers usually experience directly and immediately. Psychosocial consequences refer to the knowledge about the psychological and social outcomes of product use. After the purchase of Samsung Electronics the consumer will experience that the product has the following features: Bright Color with realistic images Good Quality Easy to install Etc†¦ Then the consumer will experience the psychosocial consequences such as: Satisfaction Entertainment Moved out to the latest trends Etc†¦ Values are people’s broad life goals. They also involve the effects associated with such goals and needs. Instrumental Values are preferred modes of conduct or ways of behaving Terminal Values are preferred state of being or broad psychological status. The instrumental values of a consumer after the purchase of Samsung Electronics are: Status Standing out from a crowd Good Choice Etc†¦ The instrumental values of a consumer after the purchase of Samsung Electronics are: Happiness Peace in Mind because of the best selection Etc†¦ Means End Chain is a unique marketing technique to understand and deliver on consumer behavior. WHY? A simple question coupled with some intelligent probing can accomplish a pool of beneficial information that the marketers can use to target anywhere from an entire demographics or to a particular segment.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Climate Change Impact On Sub Saharan Africa Environmental Sciences Essay
Climate Change Impact On Sub Saharan Africa Environmental Sciences Essay The vulnerability to climate change is considered to be high in developing countries due to social, economic and environmental conditions that amplify susceptibility to negative impacts and contribute to low capacity to cope with and adapt to climate hazards. In addition, projected impacts of climate change generally are more adverse for low latitudes, where most developing countries are located, than for higher latitudes. The developing countries face many challenges poverty, a high disease burden, rapid population growth, food insecurity, and limited water access. Climate change is likely to drive the majority of the population into destitution, as assets are lost and resources are diverted to deal with emergencies, instead of being used for development. Historically, the earth has experienced periods of cooling and warming, with mean temperatures remaining relatively stable. These changes were due to the energy balance between land, sea and atmosphere. However, human activities s uch as burning fossil fuels and deforestation have contributed to the increase in greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere. These trap much of the heat that would otherwise escape from the earth, leading to a generally warmer world. An agricultural expansion seems unlikely and increases in agricultural productivity are needed in order to avoid additional people being forced into poverty and hunger (Cline 2007). Current climate hazards and the impacts of projected climate change threaten human development (African Development Bank et al, 2003). Climate is linked to all the Millennium Development Goals, but is most directly relevant to the goals to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, reduce child mortality, combat disease, and ensure environmental sustainability (Martin-Hurtado et al, 2002). Agriculture, which is highly sensitive to climate and which is projected to be negatively impacted by climate change in much of the tropics and sub-tropics, is the direct or indirect source of livelihood for about two-thirds of the population of developing countries and is a substantial contributor to their national incomes. About 70% of the worlds poor live in rural areas. Management of climate hazards and climate change impacts in the agriculture sector and rural communities will be critical for success. Climate change threatens the basic elements of life for people around the world access to water, food, health, and use of land and the environment. The vulnerability of people to food insecurity, which accompanies poverty, is increased due to the degradation of the natural environment and the products (e.g. fruits, fish, water and range-fed livestock) and services (e.g. regulating climate) that it provides (Biggs et. al., 2004). Degradation is due to a number of trends including climate change, soil erosion, the conversion of ecosystems into croplands, overgrazing and urban expansion, among other factors (Biggs et. al., 2004). Climate change poses a serious threat to ecosystems in the developing countries in both the medium and long term. Increases in temperature will lead, not only to an increase in the frequency of extreme events, but also to severe degradation of biodiversity and the loss of water resources that are already scarce (Biggs et. al., 2004). Sub-Saharan Africa is the region most vulnerable to the impacts of change because of widespread poverty and low levels of technical development which limits adaptation capabilities. There is considerable evidence that climate change is already affecting Africas people and its environment to the greater extend than any other region of the world in terms of their livelihoods (Lindsay, et al 2009). The impacts of climate change are predicted to affect the livelihoods of most people in developing countries and most especially in Africa in many ways. By 2020, between 75 and 250 million people are predicted to be exposed to increased water stress due to climate change. By 2020, yields from rain-fed agriculture in some countries could be reduced by up to 50 percent, increasing food insecurity and hunger. By 2080, an increase of 5 to 8 percent of arid and semi-arid land in Africa is projected. Climate change is likely to affect the distribution patterns of infectious diseases; for example, there is likely to be an increase in mosquitoes which spread dengue and yellow fever. Sea levels are projected to rise by around 25cm by 2050; Africas coastal areas are already experiencing environmental problems including coastal erosion, flooding and subsidence. (Said Kolawole et al 2009). Alessandra Giannini, et al, 2008, reviews the evidence that connects drought and desertification in the Sahel with climate change past, present and future in the sub-region. Their study concludes that there is a correlation between the desertification and climate change in the Sahel region of Africa. The African Sahel provides the most dramatic example of multi-decadal climate variability that has been quantitatively and directly measured. Annual rainfall across this region fell by between 20 and 30 per cent between the decades leading up to political independence for the Sahelian nations (1930s to 1950s) and the decades since (1970s to 1990s). Lindsay, et al 2009, further throws more light on the impacts of climate change, drought and desertification and how they are closely interlinked, and most acutely experienced by populations whose livelihoods depend principally on natural resources. Their paper examines three interlinked drivers of adaptation; climate change, desertification and drought, assessing the extent to which international and national policy supports local adaptive strategies. 2. Problem Statement The unimpeded growth of greenhouse gas emissions is raising the earths temperature. The consequences include melting glaciers, more precipitation, more and more extreme weather events, and shifting seasons. The accelerating pace of climate change, combined with global population and income growth, threatens food security everywhere. Agriculture is extremely vulnerable to climate change. Higher temperatures eventually reduce yields of desirable crops while encouraging weed and pest proliferation. Changes in precipitation patterns increase the likelihood of short-run crop failures and long-run production declines. Although there will be gains in some crops in some regions of the world, the overall impacts of climate change on agriculture are expected to be negative, threatening global food security. Populations in the developing world, which are already vulnerable and food insecure, are likely to be the most seriously affected. In 2005, nearly half of the economically active population in developing countries-2.5 billion people-relied on agriculture for its livelihood. Today, 75 percent of the worlds poor live in rural areas. (Gerald C. et al 2009). Climate change issues require multiple stakeholders, global challenges and social sustainability issues. This is because there are varying debates on the causes, impacts of climate, adaptation and mitigation issues when identifying sustainable solutions on the topic. The presence of significant uncertainties has led researchers to emphasize the analysis of regional and national effects (Mendelsohn Dinar, 2004). The issue of climate change is without doubt important for developing countries with an agrarian economy and very difficult to apprehend easily as it is multi- faceted in approach. The topic is very complex, transnational in nature and integrated in perspective and approach. The linkage of social impact of climate change in the developing countries have not been well researched and most especially in connection with Sub Saharan Africa and non-Sub-Sahara Africa (NSSA) countries. Climate Change has several livelihood impacts in developing countries as it reduces yields, household incomes, health issues, environmental problems and the vulnerability of the disadvantages in rural communities. 3. Hypothesis The socio-economic impact of climate change is much more likely to affect Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) than non-Sub-Sahara Africa (NSSA) countries and socio-economic dimension of adaptation respectively. 4. Overall Objective To undertake a comparative studies on the socio-economic impact of climate change and their socio- economic dimensions of adaptation in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and non-Sub-Sahara Africa (NSSA) countries. 5. Empirical Research Questions 1. To review literature on the socio-economic impacts of climate change in the developing countries. 2. To identify the linkages between Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and non-Sub-Sahara Africa (NSSA) countries in terms of climate change socio-economic impacts. 3. To analyse the socio-economic dimensions of adaptation in these countries, taking into account, pro-poor adaptation, microfinance, safety net, new technologies, index insurance and livelihoods. 6. Theoretical and Conceptual Issues A substantial amount of research has been conducted on the potential effects of climate on agricultural productivity (Parry, 1990; Leemans Solomon, 1993). Some studies have used climate induced changes in crop yield to estimate potential global economic impacts (Kane et al., 1992), while others have examined the indirect impact on economic variables such as farm revenue and income (Lang, 2001; Molua, 2003). Schimmelpfennig et al. (1996) present a simple taxonomy that classifies the method of analysis as either structural (Adams et al., 1990, 1995, 1998) or spatial analogue (Darwin et al., 1999; Kurukulasuriya Ajwad, 2007). This study would employ some institutional economics theories and the sustainable livelihoods framework analysis in doing the comparative studies. 7. Methodology The study would make use of quantitative and qualitative reviews of literature from secondary sources and data already collected from the various regions and undertake the comparative review and analysis. The study would as well make use of participatory rural appraisal methods when visiting the field for data collection to get first hand information on the impacts of climate change and adaptation in the various regions. Quantitative analysis and econometrics methods would be applied in this study as well. Data analysis would as well be made with reference to the research problems and objectives. Data collected would be classified after the collection process and Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) would be used to analyse all the data collected in the field.
A Streetcar Named Desire, by Tennessee Williams :: English Literature Essays
A Streetcar Named Desire In Tennesse Williams' play, "A Streetcar Named Desire" the readers are introduced to a character named Blanche DuBois. In the plot, Blanche is Stella's younger sister who has come to visit Stella and her husband Stanley in New Orleans. After their first meeting Stanley develops a strong dislike for Blanche and everything associated with her. Among the things Stanley dislikes about Blanche are her "spoiled-girl" manners and her indirect and quizzical way of conversing. Stanley also believes that Blanche has conned him and his wife out of the family mansion. In his opinion, she is a good-for-nothing "leech" that has attached itself to his household, and is just living off him. Blanche's lifelong habit of avoiding unpleasant realities leads to her breakdown as seen in her irrational response to death, her dependency, and her inability to defend herself from Stanley's attacks. Blanche’s situation with her husband is the key to her later behavior. She married rather early at the age of sixteen to whom a boy she believed was a perfect gentleman. He was sensitive, understanding, and civilized much like herself coming from an aristocratic background. She was truly in love with Allen whom she considered perfect in every way. Unfortunately for her he was a homosexual. As she caught him one evening in their house with an older man, she said nothing, permitting her disbelief to build up inside her. Sometime later that evening, while the two of them were dancing, she told him what she had seen and how he disgusted her. Immediately, he ran off the dance floor and shot himself, with the gunshot forever staying in Blanche’s mind. After that day, Blanche believed that she was really at fault for his suicide. She became promiscuous, seeking a substitute men (especially young boys), for her dead husband, thinking that she failed him sexually. Gradually her reputation as a whore built up and everyone in her home town knew about her. Even for military personnel at the near-by army base, Blanche's house became out-of-bounds. Promiscuity though wasn't the only problem she had. Many of the aged family members died and the funeral costs had to be covered by Blanche's modest salary. The deaths were long, disparagi ng and horrible on someone like Blanche. She was forced to mortgage the mansion, and soon the bank repossessed it. At school, where Blanche taught English, she was dismissed because of an incident she had with a seventeen-year-old student that reminded her of her late husband.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Science Experiment to Measure the Dissolved Oxygen Levels Using the HACH Method and CHEMets Test Kit :: Science Scientific Environmental Resources Essays
Science Experiment to Measure the Dissolved Oxygen Levels Using the HACH Method and CHEMets Test Kit Purpose The purpose of my project is to determine if there is any significant difference in dissolved oxygen (DO) levels as measured by the traditional HACH ® method or the newly developed CHEMets ® test kit under typical field conditions. Hypothesis My hypothesis is that there is no significant difference in dissolved oxygen (DO) levels as measured by the traditional HACH ® method or the newly developed CHEMets ® test kit under typical field conditions. Review of Literature "Ours is a watery world, and we, its dominant species, are walking sacks of sea water. The presence of large amounts of liquid water on Earth make our planet unique in the solar system." (Hill, 1992 p. 477) People have recently become more concerned with preserving our earth for future generations. Even the government pitches in to help save our earth by enacting laws to help preserve our natural resources. There is local evidence that improved sewage treatment means improvement in water quality. Monitoring on a national level showed that large investments in point-source pollution control have yielded no statistically significant pattern of improvement in dissolved oxygen levels in water in the last 15 years. It may be that we are only keeping up with the amount of pollution we are producing. (Knopman, 1993) The early biosphere was not pleasant for life because the atmosphere had low levels of oxygen. Photosynthetic bacteria consumed carbon dioxide and produced simple sugars and oxygen which created the oxygen abundant atmosphere in which more advanced life forms could develop. (Brown, 1994) The mystery of how Earth's oxygen levels rose is very complex. Scientists don't agree when or how the oxygen on earth got here, but we know we could not live without it. (Pendick, 1993) Oxygen is crucial for humans to survive. Dissolved oxygen is also crucial for most fish and aquatic organisms to survive. Dissolved oxygen is for them what atmospheric oxygen is for humans. If humans have no oxygen to breathe, they die. The same goes for fish. However, fish get their oxygen from the water, and humans get theirs from the atmosphere. (Mitchell and Stapp, 1992) Different aquatic organisms need different levels of dissolved oxygen to thrive. For example, pike and trout need medium to high levels of dissolved oxygen. Carp and catfish are the exact opposite, needing only low levels of dissolved oxygen.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Drug Laws Essay -- Drugs
1. In 1988, Father Greg Boyle made a commitment to help at-risk gang members’ change their criminal ways. Through program he developed, Homeboy Industries, gang members were offered legal jobs in order to become functional members of society. Father Greg felt that if these gang-affiliated individuals could have some alternate opportunity, they could turn their life around and end their criminal behavior. Since 1988, Father Greg has enhanced and re-developed the structure of the program, but it has definitely been a success story for many Los Angeles gang members. Father Greg was right. The control theory suggests that if individuals are raised in good morals and granted opportunities and legal paths to success (external controls), they will develop the internal controls that they use to avoid criminal behavior (Traub & Little, 1999, p. 303). Walter Reckless took the â€Å"control theory†and developed it a little further, presenting the â€Å"containment theory†. He insists that there are external and internal containments that either push or pull an individual to commit crime. An individual must be given boundaries and moral limits in order to process their desires in acceptable ways. In order to develop these limits, they must have a connection with the influential group, but the lack there of will push them into criminal behavior. Additionally, the individual must develop positive awareness and esteem (Traub & Little, 1999, p. 307). The gang members that have joined Homeboy industries, like many other gang members, have been missing a large portion of both internal and external containments. Through their own confessions they recognize that they had hard lives growing up and the gang scene was where they found a second family... ...How An Athlete's Death Led To Shoddy Drug Laws. NPR. 20 June 2011. Radio. Stamper, N. Interview by Amy Goodman. Citing Failed War on Drugs, Former Seattle Police Chief Calls for Legalization of Marijuana and All Drugs. Democracy Now. 30 March 2009. Radio. Traub, S. H., & Little, C. B. (1999).Theories of deviance (5th ed.). Itasca, Ill.: F.E. Peacock Publishers. Traub, S. H., & Little, C. B. (1999). The Current State of Differential Association Theory. Theories of deviance (5th ed., pp. 261- 285). Itasca, Ill.: F.E. Peacock Publishers. Traub, S. H., & Little, C. B. (1999). A Non-Causal Explanation: Containment Theory. Theories of deviance (5th ed., pp. 306-311). Itasca, Ill.: F.E. Peacock Publishers. Traub, S. H., & Little, C. B. (1999). A Control Theory of Delinquency. Theories of deviance (5th ed., pp. 312-325). Itasca, Ill.: F.E. Peacock Publishers.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
A Peaceful Women
Sarah Pacheco English 1101, MW 9:30 A Peaceful Women Explains†¦ 11/04/12 Purpose and Audience 1. In paragraph one, Hasselstrom clearly states that she is â€Å"peace-loving†and due to past events she carries a pistol to be safe. She also wants to give valuable reasons on why people should carry pistols. 2. Paragraph five serves to give an example of a person who got raped after calling for help on her CB radio. The author is trying to point out that the person got raped because she did not have a weapon for self defense. It supports her main idea so therefore I don’t consider this paragraph unnecessary. . Yes, the author is aiming women in particular. In all the examples, she directly explains how women are harassed by men. Therefore, a women should carry a weapon. 4. She does not expect most ogf her readers to agree with her position. She indicates in paragraph four a challenge from her opposing audience,. She challenges Style and Structure 1. 2. The most importa nt reason Hasselstrom gives for carrying a gun is to â€Å"provide a measure of safety. †The contributory causes are to avoid being raped or murdered and to have a balance of power. 3.Yes, I could argue that not only women need a gun to be safe. Men as well confront dangerous situations in their lives. Hasselstrom does argue in all her situations that women should always carry a gun for safety. 4. Situations such as living far away from the city and traveling could support her decision on why she carries a gun. 5. Yes, she explain how she can’t imagine shooting someone. Vocabulary Projects 2. She says, â€Å" perhaps this is an idea whose time has come, though the pacifist inside me will be saddened if the only way women can achieve equality is by carrying weapons.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Red Bull Marketing Strategy Essay
1. Executive summary Red Bull is most popular energy drink of the world. They sold more than 5 billion cans in 164 countries all over the world in 2013. The brand has a very good image and is category leader. Red Bull is following a high price/quality premium product strategy, but there are a lot of competitors with lower prices liker Monster or Rockstar. The marketing strategy includes a lot of promotion and well-targeted sponsorship, especially with extreme sports. The aim target markets are young urban males ranging from 15 to 30 years old. 2. Introduction to the project  ¹ †Red Bull is an energy drink sold by Austrian company Red Bull GmbH, created in 1987. In terms of market share, Red Bull is the most popular energy drink in the world, with 5.387 billion cans in 2013.† ¹ 04/10/2014 History The idea for drinks enriched with taurine come from japan. Dietrich Mateschitz the inventor of Red Bull imports the idea from Thailand to Europe. During a visit in Thailand he realizes that it was easier to get over the jetlag with an energy drink. He took this idea and the marketing concept, modified the ingredients to suit the tastes of westerners and founded Red Bull GmbH in 1987 in Austria. Based on the good marketing strategy with alternative scenes like techno music, mountainbiking or snowboarding Red Bull got very successful. Product details Red Bull is a lightly carbonated drink that enhances mental and physical activity. The standard serving size of Red Bull is 8 ounces, the serving contains 110 calories, 27 grams of sugar and 80mg of caffeine. Objectives of the paper The following paper is about the situational analysis and recommendation of the marketing plan of Red Bull. It describes the marketing plan that includes the Business Mission Statement, Situation Analysis, SWOT Analysis, Objectives and the target market. Next chapter is about Positioning which explains the process that influences potential customer ´s overall perception of a brand, product line, or an organization general. Furthermore the paper is about the four P ´s that are known as the Marketing Mix: Product, Pricing, Place, Promotion. Last chapter is a little conclusion with recommendations of Red Bull. 3. Marketing Plan 3.1 Business Mission Statement → The foundation of the marketing plan is the mission statement, which answers the question â€Å"What business are we in?† ² â€Å"We are dedicated to upholding Red Bull standards, while maintaining the leadership position in the energy drinks category when delivering superior customer service in a highly efficient and profitable manner. We create a culture where employees share best practices dedicated to coaching and developing our organization as an employer of choice.† ² 04/10/2014 Red Bull maintains over 40% of the market share for non-alcoholic energy beverages and has proven to be a strong competitor against soft drink goliaths Coke and Pepsi. The key markets include the United States, Germany, Brazil, Japan, Turkey and Scandinavia. Red Bull is targeting the Western Europe and the USA markets, as well as the growth markets of Brazil, Japan, India and China. 3.2 Situation Analysis → Marketers must understand the current and potential environment in which the product or service will be marketed. Red Bull is present in more than 164 countries throughout the world. That ´s a big challenge for planning, logistic, and cultural receptivity varies from place to place. The products are available all over North America, South America (except Uruguay) and much of Europe. But there is still room to expand to countries in Africa and the southern pacific regions. Focus should be placed on the areas where event tour stops will take place for marketing campaigns. Because event marketing like sponsoring extreme sporting events is an important factor of the marketing strategy. Especially regions which are inherently suited for extreme sporting events should been focused. Sales development graph Red Bull The graph shows the sales development in percent from 2000 to 2012 compared to the previous year. The x-axis indicates the year and the y-axis the sales development.  ³  ³ 04/10/2014 3.3 SWOT Analysis → Identifying internal strengths and weaknesses and also examining external opportunities and threat S ⇠¾ Strengths W ⇠¾ Weaknesses O ⇠¾ Opportunities T ⇠¾ Threats Strengths Brand Name: Red Bull is the world ´s most popular energy drink and with effective marketing tools product has created a brand image. The company sponsors extreme sport events, for example Audi Sportsline for the DTM or KTM road and Dakar rally bikes. They also have some team ownerships like New York Red Bulls or FC Red Bull Salzburg (both soccer teams). But the most effective marketing campaign was the foundation from own Red Bull events. A lot of them are very famous; some examples are Red Bull crashed ice, Red Bull cliff diving world-series, Red Bull x-fighters. Category leader: Red Bull has established a strong consistent brand image globally. They created a new product category in the US market and have 40% of market share currently. It is synonymous with energy drinks in many countries. Red Bull is the global market leader within the energy drink industry with the largest sale and market share. Brand quality: Red Bull did not achieve the success and gained maximum market share only because of marketing tactics, because product quality has also shared in this success of the brand. The strong and fresh taste has become a brand identity. Marketing strategy: The company has been employing a lot of promotions and well-targeted campaigns/sponsorship which have greatly helped the brand on past to expand and increase consumer brand awareness. Broad geographic presence: Red Bull has a broad geographic presence, which should ensure positive long-term growth. Recognizable symbol: Red Bull has a strong long-term brand image with strong customer loyalty. Weaknesses High Price: The products are above the average price of energy drinks. Consumers tend to think twice at the time of purchase. Compared to the competitors Red Bull is nearly twice expensive as Monster or Rockstar. Red Bull8.3 fl oz1,99 – 2,25 $ Monster16 fl ozapp. 2,50 $ Rockstar16 fl ozapp. 3,00 $ Category limitations: Compared with other soft drinks companies Red Bull has the smallest product category. The competitors have many other flavor varients and categories. Red Bull is the only brand in the market with limited flavors and offers no variety in the product. Being one brand product, it is difficult to capture the market. For example Monster has 13 different Energy Drinks and 7 Java Drinks. These category is new and is a mixture out if coffee and energy. Lack of Innovation and Unique Selling Position: Within the industry there are number of competitors who are utilizing innovation in product and unique selling product. Red Bull, on the other hand, is less innovative and does not use unique selling position. Copy problematic: Red Bull ´s recipe is subject to copy because of a lack of patent. Demographic development: Most of the Red Bull consumers are under 30, that could be a problem in the future because the demographic development is getting older. Controversial: The r elatively high caffeine and taurine contents makes the brand highly vulnerable to regulatory controls. Opportunities Extension of Product: Red Bull is a single product on the market, there is an opportunity for it to extend its products line by developing more innovative products. Offering new flavors and format could help to improve the market shares. Broaden target group: Because of the demographic development it could be a possibility to broaden the target group to include older demographics by overcoming negative attitudes. For example with healthier products or another style of advertising to response older people. Expansion into more countries: Emerging markets represent newer geographic for Red Bull ´s expansion. The market share in Brazil, Japan, India and China is very low. Red Bull could improve the sales with more advertise in these countries. New advertise campaigns: Red Bull could use non-traditional opportunities in grocery stores and other points of purchase to get more consumers. Or sponsoring other kinds of sport events. New platforms: In-house media production like Red Bull Media House could continue creating Red Bull original content to maximize control. â ´ Red Bull Media House is a multi-platform media company with a focus on sports, culture, and lifestyle. As an umbrella brand, we offer a wide range of premium media products and compelling content across media channels as diverse as TV, mobile, digital, audio, and print, with core media offerings that appeal to a global audience. â ´ 04/10/2014 New production: To make the retail price more competitive Red Bull could build new production facilities in emerging countries. For example Asia or Western Europe could be countries for a cheaper production. Because Red Bull has no own production, a company called â€Å"Rauch†is producing the drink in Austria. Even for exporting Red Bull is not producing a concentrate, instead of they shipping it finished in the cans. This generates high costs for the production and shipping. Threats Giant competitors: The presence of large and giant competitors can affect the market position of Red Bull. Monster represents the biggest threat as it contains natural ingredients, which seems more desirable than Red Bull for some consumers. Consumer awareness of health: In case of consumer awareness related to health, it could be possible that consumer give up to drink Red Bull. Maybe consumers rather drink healthier natural drinks than Red Bull in the future. The market for healthy drinks is getting bigger and more and more people prefer to drink healthy. Aging demographics: The aging target demographic could leave brand with less share in upcoming generations. Negative publicity: The worldwide media reports about Red Bull as harmful for health. Red Bull has high caffeine content in the drink, which if used in excess can be harmful. Moreover in many countries there are strict rules on the products that contains caffeine. Parents also state that some components can be dangerous if consumed by their teenagers. For example Red Bull had been banned in Norway for a couple of years because of the high caffeine content. High marketing costs: Maturity in developed markets makes promotion harder than in the past, including higher marketing cost. Red Bull spends more then one 1,3billion $ in marketing per year. 3.4 Objectives Red Bull has launched a range of products including Red Bull Cola in 2008 and Red Bull Energy Shots in 2009 to reach more customers. Today Red Bull has annual sales of around 4 billion cans in more than 160 countries. Red Bull has a distinctive marketing strategy. This type aims constantly evolve and develop the brand. The company tries to engage with consumers using new and exciting channels of communication. In recent years social media has become a vital marketing tool and it ´s going to be more important in the future. It ´s increasing popularity, predominantly with young audiences has had a huge impact on modern marketing techniques. Negative publicity â µ Various media worldwide have reported that Red Bull is harmful for one ´s health. The French Health Authority has gone one step further by not approving the Red Bull product sale in France, believing it is not in compliance with the country ´s health and food regulations. Other media reports have ben targeted towards parents stating the caffeine levels in Red Bull can be dangerous if consumed by children/teenagers, who are exactly the products target audience. Red Bull has gone to the extremes of seeking scientific proof that its product is safe for consumption and released numerous statements to curb the negative attention. â µ 04/10/2014 Inability to move forward with the product Red Bull is known for its innovative advertising. The aim of attracting 15 – 30 year olds is working, but for how long? Combine this with their large investment in extreme sport events the question is what will be their next stop keep on being innovating and attracting. 3.5 Target Markets Red Bull markets to young urban males ranging in age from 15 to 30 years old. These males live in a constantly exciting and adventurous lifestyle. They â€Å" life on the edge†or try and they are usually average build. Red Bull males participate in competitive and extreme sports or any other kind of adventurous and recreational activities. Competitive games in the video game industry are also gravitating towards the products to keep them alert during tournaments. Red Bull defines the whole of these consumers as Generation Y because they are not only active males but also active students who need the energy to study all night long. Red Bull also have a secondary target market of older consumers in general ranging from 25 to 45 years old. Whether this may be a business executive finishing an annual project or a truck driver. These male came from all walks of life and financial status. They live in suburban and rural areas and have different levels of education. They all share physical and mental exertion in common and getting their adrenaline pumping. There is also fairly new category, it ´s called the clubber. The people find out that Red Bull can be used as a very good with alcohol. In my opinion it is almost impossible to find the right target group, the reason for that is because of the various applications of Red Bull. A typical Red Bull drinker is dynamic and active and most of them are males. 4. Positioning → The development of any marketing mix depends on positioning, a process that influences potential customer ´s overall perception of a brand, product line, or a organization general Red Bull represents a new category of drinks, the energy drinks. The company positioned as a premium/high margin brand. The price is much higher than the products from the competitors, it ´s a premium price product. It is a unique functional drink. Promising and delivering benefits that no other drink can offer. Compared to the competitors Red Bull is nearly twice expensive as Monster or Rockstar. The price expresses superiority od Red Bull and further on it proves that there is no substitute. The positioning policy of Red Bull is: premium product, premium price and premium profitability. 5. Marketing Mix 5.1 Product The normal Red Bull is served in 8 ounces aluminum can. But now their also offer different sizes and flavours. The can has a special form compared to a normal can, it ´s thinner and longer (everybody knows the form). The package design resembles a silver and blue racing flag with two bulls facing each other in the center while the Red Bull title treatment sits beneath. Red Bull used the new can as an innovation for new and attractive packaging. The can is different and unique from other brands in the market. Red Bull is made to improve performance, concentration, reaction speed and vigilance. It contains taurine, glucuronolactone, naturally occurring antioxidants and carbohydrates respectively, that help to detoxify the body. The beverage also helps to revitalize the body through the use of caffeine and B-group vitamins which help to boost energy levels and metabolism. Some people say Red Bull tastes like gummy bear cough syrup, it ´s definitely an acquired taste. The founder Mateschitz says: â€Å" Red Bull isn ´t a drink, it ´s a way of life. 5.2 Pricing The average price for a 8 ounces can is about 1,99 – 2,25 $ in the United States. In other countries the price could be a bit different. Red Bull has always followed high pricing policy. It ´s twice expensive compared to the competitors. But they are selling well that Red Bull does not participate in the price-off regularly seen in different flooded beverage industry. 5.3 Place Red Bull is distributed in almost every supermarket over the world in more than 160 countries. It also has a lot of sponsoring deals with nightclubs, sport clubs, bars and companies. The aim is finding consumers at the right time at the right place in the right situation. They focus on areas where an energy boost is needed. Red Bull believes consumption is driven by situations, not sociodemographics. The entry strategy is based on exclusivity, an offspring if Maslow ´s hierarchy if needs. For example when Red Bull came to the U.S. it focused its pre-seeding efforts in New York City, where the brand was already hyped by the large European influence. Red Bull was well stocked in clubs, where it became the drink of choice. 5.4 Promotion Red Bull is the biggest brand in the energy drink market. They use an aggressive strategy to promote their products. Their two main tools to promote the Red Bull products are sponsoring and free sampling. Red Bull often gives free drinks to attract new costumers. For example at universities or sport events because there are most of the people from the target group. Red Bull send out their sampling girls and boys to deliver free Red Bull. They drive in the famous Red Bull cars und are using the Red Bull fridges. Red Bull also provides sponsorship for numerous parties, social events and especially sport events where they supply free and discounted Red Bull as a quick energy revitalizer and smooth chaser for alcoholic drinks. 6. Conclusions and Recommendation The marketing strategy of Red Bull can be considered as one of the most successful one over the years. The central component in all marketing activities of Red Bull was sponsoring leading athletes of extreme sports and branding refrigerated sales units to complete their marketing strategy. However, in my opinion Red Bull has to change or extend the marketing strategy to compete with other energy drink brands. In the current harsh competition market there are a lot of different energy drinks available. It ´s going to be hard for Red Bull to stay as the first choice energy drink for the costumers. Therefore I think it is time to advertise more in general public to response a bigger target group. They also could use tools like billboards, banner ads or posters to maximize the contact with costumers. I know they are still doing it, but mostly on sport events. Furthermore Red Bull can increase advertises on the Internet. Nowadays most of the people are using the Internet every day and t hey are spending lots of hours for surfing in the world wide web. Red Bull could create some extreme sport online games and advertise on appropriate websites that are quite familiar with students and business people in different countries. To sum up Red Bull has a lot of opportunities to improve their marketing strategy. 10.Bibliography 1. Marketing Strategies, Tactic, and Techniques A Handbook for Practitioners Stuant C. Rogers ISBN: 1-56720-411-2 Published in 2001 2. Wikipedia 04/10/2014 04/10/2014 3. Red Bull Media House 04/10/2014 4. Tagesanzeiger 04/10/2014 5. Red Bull 04/10/2014 6. Gives u Wings 04/10/2014 7. Monster Energy 04/10/2014 8. UK Essays 04/10/2014 9. Red Bull Marketing Campaign 04/10/2014 10. Red Bull Situation Analysis 04/10/2014 11. Joseph Ramos 04/10/2014 12. Statista 04/10/2014 13. All of the explanations after â€Å"→†are from the book MKTG Student Edition Lamb/Hair/McDaniel ISBN: 978-1-285-09186-0 Published in 2013
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Study On Child Focused Practice
All the instructors in the assorted schools have the duty of supplying a safe environment for the kids that are in their several schools even as they carry out their primary end of educating them. This is a state of affairs where the instructors will be in a place to maintain themselves safe while besides maintaining the kids safe. Child focused pattern has two chief components. First, the act is founded on a kid focussed belief that all the kids have the right to safe transition during their childhood and besides the right to turn up in an environment that is safe. Second, the public assistance and demands of the kid are the cardinal elements and the cardinal focal point of pattern. The instructors in this instance should hence hold equal professional cognize how and experience in order to supply the best attention possible to the kids. It is hence really of import that the disposal in a school ensures that the instructors have equal cognition and preparation in the country of kid f ocussed pattern so as to guarantee that the kids in the school are in an environment that is contributing for larning. It is even of import for the instructors themselves because they will be in a place to be able to associate good with the scholars in general. Many scholars particularly the immature 1s look up to their instructors as function theoretical account or as responsible people whom they may desire to emulate. The instructors should guarantee that they have the proper preparation in order to supply the most appropriate environment to the kids. This paper will therefore focal point on given an account of what the kid focal point pattern is and why it is built-in to being a instructor. Bing kid focused leads to an environment where the experience of the kid is the most important and the instructors and scholars are judged harmonizing to the results and larning procedures of the kid. They are both important and hence they should be given equal attending because of otherwise it will non be helpful. The instructor being learner focussed agencies that he/she acknowledges the significance of cognition and of the kid. However the focal point is on the kid as a scholar and the acquisition procedure. Where instructor concentrates on the kids and the acquisition procedure and he/she integrates that with their cognition, category and school organisation that will take to the highest grade of accomplishment and motive for scholars, that is what being kid focused is about ( McCombs & A ; Whisler, 1997 ) . Making an appropriate environment for larning involves values. The values are by and large cosmopolitan but they differ in some countries or states due to the difference in civilizations and norms. The values are what that affairs and they shape the instruction pattern. If what really affairs is non clear or what the jurisprudence shapers think affairs is non in line with what affairs to the scholars or instructors so the environment suffers. Child focused pattern besides has a relationship with beliefs, characters, patterns and features of instructors. The single instructor will hence hold an influence on the result of the pattern. Where the instructor does non believe that the pattern is appropriate for the kids, the instructor will most likely neglect it or pattern it shoddily ( McCombs & A ; Whisler, 1997 ) . Teachers who base their patterns on the kid focused attack have some alone features. Such instructors will acquire the scholars involved in doing the determinations refering what and how they are to larn and how the appraisal of that acquisition should be conducted ( Crick, 2006 ) . The relationship of the instructor and the scholars is of import because they will experience that they comfortable in that environment. Such instructors besides value the different positions of the assorted scholars and do non eschew down any of the scholars. It is of import that the instructors encourage the kids to portion their sentiments for them to experience that they are in a safe environment. This is a manner that the instructor can demo the kids that he/she attentions about them and their positions. Teachers who are focused on the kids have regard and accept the difference in the background, abilities, involvements, and experiences of the assorted scholars ( Crick, 2006 ) . This is of import because the instructors will be in a place to appreciate each and every kid merely as he or she is. It is of import that the instructor has a clear apprehension of the different kids because it even determines how such a instructor will turn to the kids separately. Respect is of import because the instructor will merely acquire it from the kids if she/he respects them excessively. The instructors should besides see the scholars to be their spouses in the acquisition and learning procedure ( Crick, 2006 ) . The instructor should non try to travel entirely but should instead indulge the kids in the patterns. Such features are of instructors who have the proper cognition and apprehension of what it means to be child focussed and those are the instructors who create a good environment for the in struction and acquisition to take topographic point expeditiously. Focus on the kids allows the immature scholars to incite their ain acquisition. Through this, the instructor is able to concentrate on the kid and it puts accent on emotional and cognitive growing. Child focused acquisition is based on the criterions of major educational research workers and child psychologists. In a schoolroom that is child focussed, the kids will be allowed to originate their ain acquisition by taking the activities that they are interested in. they are allowed to work on their ain to detect their potency without being directed as to what they should make. This will besides let the kids to originate their ain acquisition in ways that are easy for understand. They will take their ain acquisition manners by themselves. The assorted kids in a schoolroom learn in their ain alone ways and there is no manner in which they can all larn every bit through the usage of a common attack to all ( Crick, 2006 ) . A kid focussed schoolroom is comprised of much acquisition by manner of playing. This is why it is really apparent that this sort of acquisition is used at the really early phases of larning. It is of import the kids play together with their equals so that they grow socially. There is besides the publicity emotional development in a kid focused environment where emotional look and ego assurance are encouraged. It is of import that the instructors understand the significance of drama and particularly to the really immature kids. This is of import because the instructors will so be in a place to promote the kids to play therefore advancing larning. The instructors should move as facilitators instead than teachers. They should be at that place merely to steer the kids instead that state them what to make. This is because in such an environment the kids are supposed to be encouraged to originate their ain acquisition. The instructor should besides be involved in giving a proper organisat ion and construction in the schoolroom and go forth the kids to research their ain potency ( Hersh, 2009 ) . The construction of the schoolroom in a kid focused attack should besides be different. It can be done by administering the scholars otherwise in the schoolroom harmonizing to their accomplishments and involvements. The kids can be divided into multi age groups or larning communities. This will assist the kids in a certain group to turn together and assist each other because they will likely hold better apprehension among themselves. Due to the fluctuation in the ability of the scholars, the manner in which that they are assessed can besides be customized to the pupil undertakings. The instructors will hence hold to follow flexible rubrics and other methods that may even be informal ( Hersh, 2009 ) . The instructors have the duty of guaranting that the kids in their several schools develop in the best manner possible and accomplish the best result. The instructors play a large function in guaranting that the kids learn in a proper environment for the result to be desirable. The kid focused pattern by instructors ensures that the kids initiate their ain acquisition. The instructors should hold equal cognition and apprehension of the pattern in order to use it in the most effectual mode. The beliefs and values of the instructors will hold an consequence on the impact that the pattern will hold on the kids. The instructor should besides be in a place to esteem and understand the different backgrounds, abilities, involvements, and experiences of the assorted scholars.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Research Summary and Ethical Considerations Essay
â€Å"According to statistics presented by the National Interview Survey (2010) there are approximately 7.1 million children in the United States who have asthma.†(U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [USDHHS], Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Health Statistics [CDCNCHS], 2010). â€Å"Asthma is an inflammatory disease that is characterized by airway obstruction and may cause episodes of wheezing, coughing, and difficulty breathing.†(Walker, 2012). â€Å"Studies have shown that these symptoms are difficult to manage in obese asthmatic children as the medications used to treat asthma are less effective on them due to the added weight. This paper summarizes a quantitative study showing that enhanced physical activity and asthma management education can reduce asthmatic symptoms in children.†(Haines & Kim, 2013). It includes introduction, background, methods, results, ethical considerations and conclusion summary of the study. Introduction â€Å"Children with asthma are at risk for obesity and resultant severity of the disease due to their reluctance towards physical activity. In order to prevent this risk an educational and activity program was developed for elementary schoolchildren with moderate persistent asthma utilizing a quantitative study design. The introduction of this program resulted in significant improvement in lung conditions and reduction of the number of emergency room visits while potentially reducing the risk of obesity later in life.†(Haines & Kim, 2013). Background of Study â€Å"Reports show that seventy five percent of all children in the United States who need emergent care due to their asthma are overweight. Children with moderate to severe persistent asthma have a higher incidence of also being obese. Obese asthmatics are less responsive to medications used to treat asthma. The reluctance to physical activity is due to the fear of asthma attack with exercise. This leads to obesity and obesity leads to more severe asthma symptoms. In order to break this cycle effective intervention is necessary. The most effective intervention is increased physical activity. Developing and evaluating understanding the mechanisms of asthma control and promoting physical activity in participating asthmatic elementary school-aged children was a pilot program resulting in reduced severity of asthma symptoms which was also the purpose of the study.†(Haines & Kim, 2013). This study is significant for nurses as they take care of children with asthma in clinics a nd hospitals effectively intervening to improve their health. Methods of Study â€Å"A quantitative, non-experimental, longitudinal design was used to evaluate a pilot asthma program with emphasis on physical activity in order to improve asthma control among children with moderate persistent asthma. Asthma symptoms, lung condition, and willingness to participate in physical exercise were compared before and one month after the six week asthma program. As a pilot study, this program was an intervention-only program without a control group. The sample was collected from participants of Breathe LA’s Lung Power program with moderate persistent asthma. Ten children between the ages of seven to twelve years old both males and females who volunteered for the study were selected for a six week asthma program. Barriers to proper asthma management were identified and treated by parental interviews. Introductory and concluding spirometry tests were done to assess the actual improvement in lung volume post program. Physical activity was closely monitored and performed only after sufficient management skills were taught to and reinforced by the participants and parents. Six lessons were prepared and delivered over two hours weekly sessions.†(Haines & Kim, 2013). Results of Study â€Å"Throughout the six week program the participants’ asthmatic attack rates dropped significantly. Weekly and monthly asthmatic incidences also decreased significantly. Although not statistically significant, emergency room visits dropped after the six week program and the participants also engaged in significantly more physical activities in a given week and month compared to pre-program activities. The spirometry test post-program results showed a slight, but significant increase in lung volume.†(Haines & Kim, 2013). The implications of this study to nursing are very significant. Being the caregiver to children with asthma in clinics and hospitals nurses can make a huge difference in their lives by sharing the significant findings of the study and incorporating it in their daily care regimen. Teaching proper symptom management and physical activity to parents and children will significantly improve their health. Ethical Considerations of Study The authors are affiliated with California State University Fullerton and the study was reviewed by editorial board, blind peer, and expert peer. The study sample was a sub-group of pre-existing participants of the Breathe LA’s Lung Power program. In adherence to the code of ethics for the research study patient privacy was protected through the initial program. Only patients who volunteered were included in the study and the program was held in the Breathe LA facility located in Los Angeles. â€Å"Facilitators present throughout the program included a respiratory therapist and volunteer respiratory therapy students.†(Haines & Kim, 2013). Parents were to observe at all times and intervene as appropriate to the study. The article fails to mention approval acquired from an institutional review board. There is a possibility that there may be a blanket consent that covers the research study via the initial Lung Power program which was in accordance to laws in Los Angeles. Conclusion â€Å"Children with asthma represent a population group more prone to becoming obese than their non-asthmatic counterparts. Understanding the mechanism of what causes asthma and being able to control asthma enough to engage in physical activity is significant. Therefore, future asthma management programs should incorporate more supervised physical exercises. Educators, therapists, nurses, parents and coaches need to understand that moderate physical exercise is a remedy for asthma symptoms, not the cause and should take an active role in providing asthma education for children with moderate persistent asthma. Increasing supervised, moderate physical exercise for these children can reduce asthmatic symptoms and risk for obesity later in life.†(Haines & Kim, 2013). References U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Health Statistics. (2010). Summary health statistics for U.S. children: National Health Interview Survey, 2009. (DHHS Publication No. (PHS)-2011-1575). Retrieved from Walker, V. (2012). Factors Related to Emotional Responses in School-aged Children Who Have Asthma. Issues In Mental Health Nursing, 33(7), 406-429. doi:10.3109/01612840.2012.682327 Haines, M. S., & Kim, D. H. (2013). A Study of the Effects of Physical Activity on Asthmatic Symptoms and Obesity Risk in Elementary School-Aged Children. American Journal Of Health Education, 44(3), 156-161. doi:10.1080/19325037.2013.779905
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