Thursday, October 31, 2019
Course Work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Course Work - Essay Example extremely important for several industries’ and as they have a huge amount of critical and sensitive information which is valuable to the organization and its stakeholders and the information is such that it can be easily manipulated or tampered with. While organizations have a reactive approach to such systems, that is they recognize the need for such systems only after they have incurred a loss of valuable information, smarter companies use a proactive approach and develop systems before hand to mitigate the damage that the company faces due to loss and corruption of such data. (Maybelline , 2010) For an organization to ensure that its objectives become a driver for its survival and profitability information is of paramount importance. It is the fundamental requirement and a business deeply depends on knowledge and information no matter how big or small a company is or what its information requirements are, all information or raw data lies in the organizations computer system which is highly prune to being violated and misused if proper security measures are not adopted. (Gabrielson,1994) For Example an Insurance Company’s can improve the quality of the products it provide to its customer if they have in depth information on the customer base that they are serving to. The more knowledgeable they are about an organization, the easier it will be for them to provide products that satisfy consumer needs. Information like the number of children within each household that the insurance company caters to can provide them with an idea to come up with insurances for college students, or savings funds for young children. The information that Insurance companies have is vital to their profitability. They hold important information such as social security numbers and other information of their customers which need to protect against infiltration and corruption as any leakages in such data can cause damage to the company’s reputation. We will discuss the case BIC
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Modern Graphic Design Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Modern Graphic Design - Assignment Example The Arts and Craft movement advocated for economic and social reforms in the art and graphic design sector marking the onset of globalization in art and graphic design. According to Tankard, graphic design has an extremely long history from the caves of Lascaux to Today’s time Squire. The conservative approach to arts and crafts was changed by the Arts and Crafts movement which advocated for the separation of graphic design from fine art and art from the manufacturing industry. This movement was developed first and effected in the British Isles before spreading to the rest of Europe and North America. Austria was not left out as they created their own faction called the Secession. This Austrian wing of the Arts and Crafts movement had its stronghold in Vienna, with its founders; Gustav Klimt and Rudolf von Alt taking the graphic design to America. According to Lechner and Frank, these founders and a group of sculptors, painters and architects resigned from the Association of Austrian Artists claiming that the Vienna KÃ ¼nstlerhaus was conservative and had an outmoded alignment towards historicism. Austria has been known for having some of the world’s most impressive art collections especially painting. Australian paintings like Oberes Belvedere and the Prunkstall have a wealth of gothic religious art adopted from the Middle Ages. Globalization has seen Austria adopt the American graphic design style. According to Hannam, America has been described as a good place for the development of graphic design.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Febrile Neutropenia Case Study
Febrile Neutropenia Case Study Consent: The patient consented for the use of the details of the illness in this report. 2.1 Patient History 2.1.1 History of disease Mr DW is a 50yr old male who was admitted to hospital on the 12th of February after suffering from nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea the previous day. He reported vomiting about 3-4 times during the day but only very small amounts of vomitus as he felt too unwell to eat anything but very small amounts of food. This was on a background of a 5-month history of multiple myeloma (MM), as well as chemotherapy induced pancytopenia. He received a Melphalan peripheral blood stem cell transplant on the 8th of February 4 days prior to his current admission His symptoms were managed by medication, but on the 15th of February he had a spike in temperature overnight. His mucous membranes became mildly erythematous on the 14th of February. He has experienced no other symptoms and overall his symptoms have gradually improved during his stay. 2.1.2 Past Medical History Relevant past medical history includes multiple myeloma which was diagnosed on the 9th of September 2016 which he has been undergoing chemotherapy for. He also received an autologous stem cell transplant on the 8th of February 2017. At the time of the diagnoses, Mr DW presented with vertebral fractures and symptomatic anaemia. Mr DW also has pancytopenia which is a consequence of his chemotherapy. Aside from hospital admissions related to the aforementioned conditions, Mr DW has never been to hospital and has no other relevant past medical history. 2.1.3 Medications   Drug Name Dose Indication Aztreonam 2g, IV, 8 hourly Antibacterial Prophylaxis Fentanyl 25mcg/hr (transdermal modified release patch) 1 patch, every 3 days Pain Fluconazole 200mg, 1 capsule, Oral, Daily Antifungal prophylaxis Metoclopramide 10mg, 2mL, IV, 8 hourly Nausea, vomiting Nystatin 1 tab, Oral, BD (twice a week) Antifungal prophylaxis Ondansetron 4-8mg, IV, 8 hourly Nausea, vomiting Pantoprazole 40mg, Oral, night Ulceration of oesophagus valaciclovir 10mg, Oral, bedtime Herpes Prophylaxis 2.1.4 Drug Allergies Penicillin Leaves the patient with a full body erythematous rash 2.1.5 Family History The patient had no family history of any conditions 2.1.6 Psychosocial History and Functional Status Mr DW is currently employed as a cinematographer and regularly has to travel around and to different states due to his line of work. He is a non-smoker, drinks approximately 1 or 2 standards in a fortnight and denies recreational drug use. He lives with his wife and 2 of his 5 children at his house and describes himself as feeling very well supported by his family. The diagnosis of multiple myeloma was a big shock for him and his family and he is quite concerned about his current prognosis. He stated that he has accepted it and is trying to stay positive and to continue living life as normally as possible. 2.2 Physical Examination Observation revealed a middle-aged man who was very bright, alert and sitting upright in a chair. Within the room there was a lot of flowers and cards. His vitals were normal (RR 18, SPO2 98% on RA, BP 115/75, HR 80, afrebile 37.4oC) On general inspection there was no visible bruising, scars, masses or other abnormalities except for some slight erythema around a PICC line on his right arm. His hands had no nicotine stains, nail changes or palmar erythema but there was palmar crease pallor. There was good dentition, mucous membranes were moist. 2.2.1 Cardiovascular Exam Pulse was palpable bilaterally and of normal rate and rhythm.Carotid pulse was strong in character. JVP was not elevated.Heart sounds dual no murmur.No audible bruits nor palpable thrills or heaves.No signs of peripheral oedema. 2.2.2 Respiratory Exam Trachea was midline.Chest expansion symmetrical and not reduced.Clear lung sounds throughout as well as normal percussion and vocal resonance.No signs of peripheral or central cyanosis. 2.2.3 Gastrointestinal Exam Abdomen was soft and non-tender.Spleen and kidneys not palpable.Liver of normal span (10cm)Bowel sounds were present. 2.3 Investigations X-ray Skeletal Survey Lungs and pleural spaces clear. Mediastinal contour and heart size are normal. Mild multi-level degenerative disc disease at the thoracic level. Normal everywhere else. Multiple small lytic lesions involving calvarium, proximal humeri and proximal femora bilaterally in keeping with MM Blood Cultures Results had not yet returned. Blood Test: Haematology WCC: 0.93*109/L (Low) Hb: 98 g/L (Low) PLT: 84*109/L (Low) HCT: 0.276 L/L (Low) MCV: 85.2 fL (Normal) RCC: 3.24*1012/L (Low) MCH: 29.9pg (Normal) MCHC: 351 g/L (Normal) Neutrophils: 0.89*109/L (Low) Lymphocytes: 0.03*109/L (Low) Monocytes: 0.00*109/L (Low) Eosinophils: 0.01*109/L (Low) *Non-listed results were within normal ranges 2.4 Diagnoses Based on his initial presentation and considering his recent stem cell transplant his treating team suspected his symptoms were likely to be due to side effects of his treatment as opposed to infection. Following the spike in temperature he was considered to have febrile neutropenia and was treated according to the guidelines (with a slight modification that shall be discussed later in report) and based on his symptoms as well as the mildly erythematous mouth Mr DW was considered to have mucositis. He is currently being managed with anti-emetics as well as prophylactic treatment considering his vulnerable state. They are also awaiting the results of blood cultures to ensure that he does not have any severe opportunistic infections. 3.1 Part A: Physiology Pancytopenia is an important entity encountered in regular clinical practice. It is not a disease but is instead a finding and can have multiple causes most of which primarily involve the bone marrow. Pancytopenia consists of a low haemoglobin count, low white cell count, and platelet count (Gayathri Rao, 2011). In Mr DWs case, his pancytopenia was caused by bone marrow suppression due to his chemotherapy treatment. 3.1.1 Platelet production and Megakaryocytopoiesis Currently the physiology of platelet production from megakaryocytes (MKs) are not perfectly understood. MKs are a type of nucleated bone marrow cells that studies have shown develop into polypoid structure via a process that is known as endomiosis followed by a maturation process before producing platelets in circulation (Machlus Italiano, 2013). Figure 1: Haematopoietic lineage(Deutsch Tomer, 2013) MKs are derived from haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) which are the precursors to all other blood cells (see Figure 1) and they themselves are derived from haemangioblasts. HSCs progress into becoming common myeloid progenitor cells (CMPs) that mature into either monocytes or granulocytes, or they can continue developing into MK-erythroid progenitor cells (MEPs) which go on to produce MKs (Deutsch Tomer, 2013). Figure 2: Platelet Production Pathway(Machlus Italiano, 2013) In the first phase of maturation MKs undergo nuclear proliferation and enlargement of their cytoplasm which is filled with platelet-specific granules as well as sufficient membrane to complete the platelet production process. The second phase involves MKs remodelling their cytoplasm into proplatelets and then into preplatelets which go on to release platelets through fission events (see Figure 2) (Machlus Italiano, 2013). There are a number of growth factors and interleukins that regulate the development of MKs but the primary and most potent one is thrombopoietin (a glycoprotein produced in the liver). It is crucial in the development and proliferations of HSCs as it stimulates the MKs to undergo hyperplasia and hypertrophy as well as stimulating the formation of the platelet projections from which release platelets into the circulation (Deutsch Tomer, 2013). 3.1.2 Erythropoiesis Erythrocytes are vital to the functioning of the human body as they transport oxygen to the tissues. As such the complex developmental process known as erythropoiesis has to be carefully regulated and managed (Luo et al., 2017). The process mainly occurs within bone marrow and begins with the differentiation of HSCs into burst-forming-unit erythroid (BFU-E) cells which are the earliest erythroid progenitors (see Figure 3). These cells then go onto become the colony-forming-unit erythroid (CFU-E) cells which undergo further differentiation and maturation to become mature erythrocytes (Luo et al., 2017). Figure 3: Overview of Erythropoiesis(Hattangadi, Wong, Zhang, Flygare, Lodish, 2011) Erythropoietin is produced in the kidneys and acts as one of the most important physiological regulators of erythropoiesis. It is produced primarily in response to hypoxic conditions detected by specialised interstitial cells in the outer medulla and inner cortex of the kidneys. Erythropoietin regulates erythrocyte production, prevents apoptosis and controls the rate of release. It also acts on CFU-Es (see Figure 3) which then go on to become proerythroblasts (Hattangadi et al., 2011). These cells undergo maturation to eventually become polychromatic, basophilic, and orthochromatic erythroblasts. The orthochromatic erythroblasts differentiate to reticulocytes and become mature erythrocytes (Luo et al., 2017). Mr DWs pancytopenia is consistent with myelosuppression and is a common side effect of chemotherapy treatment. Normally HSCs from which blood cells develop are capable of self-renewal but chemotherapy affects cells within the bone marrow and greater numbers of HSCs are needed to be activated. Unfortunately, with the diminished capability production of the myeloid cell lines is unable to keep up and leads to low counts which is reflected in Mr DWs blood tests (see investigations) as he has low amounts of white cells, red cells and platelets. Unlike other conditions where there may be infiltration of bone marrow he still makes normal cells but just in a diminished amount, consequently, he has normal mean cell volume, mean platelet volume and mean corpuscular haemoglobin. 3.2 Part B: Health Policies Fever in neutropenic patients occurs frequently early in a course of chemotherapy and in diseases which disrupt the bone marrow. In these cases fever could be considered a medical emergency as it requires immediate evaluation as well as the use empiric broad-spectrum antibiotics (Lyman Rolston, 2010). Patients with febrile neutropenia have mortality rates ranging from 5% 20% and mortality rates can be greater than 50% in patients who develop septic shock or pneumonia even with the use of antibiotic treatment (Kuderer, Dale, Crawford, Cosler, Lyman, 2006). The importance of managing febrile neutropenia swiftly and as effectively as possible cannot be understated and as such the guidelines around this area are extremely important. 3.2.1 Prince of Wales Febrile Neutropenia Guidelines Figure 4: Prince of Wales Initial Management of Febrile Neutropenia Guidelines(Health, 2015) The Prince of Wales hospital where Mr DW presented has a specific guideline for initial management of febrile neutropenia. Since he has a severe penicillin allergy he was treated following the guidelines with Aztreonam but his treating team chose to differ from the guidelines and gave him Vancomycin immediately. Mr DW did not have any of the indicators for the use of vancomycin (see Figure 4) but during a discussion with the treating team it became apparent that they believed it was safer and resulted in overall better outcomes to begin patients on vancomycin immediately. As such they believed that vancomycin should be used immediately in cases with any penicillin allergy and used following the dosing guidelines when theres no penicillin allergy. 3.2.2 Use of Empiric Antimicrobial Therapy In terms of the use of empiric antimicrobial therapy in the initial management of febrile neutropenia the Prince of Wales guidelines essentially perfectly follow the national recommendations. The changes that Mr DWs treating team wished to make to the guidelines is at odds with the current literature and guidelines (Freifeld et al., 2011; Paul, Dickstein, Borok, Vidal, Leibovici, 2014). Based on most studies into this topic, non-selective use of vancomycin reduced relative risk of mortality but was not found to be significant and there also was no significant difference in overall 30-day patient mortality (Lugtenberg, Burgers, Westert, 2009; Paul et al., 2014). 3.2.3 Recommendations The Prince of Wales guidelines closely adhere to the national guidelines and what the current literature deems as the most effective (Freifeld et al., 2011; Paul et al., 2014). Even so, its clear that the treating team for Mr DW felt that the current guidelines were inaccurate. It is difficult to assess which version is more effective specifically for the population they are dealing with at the Prince of Wales hospital but based on current research following the current guidelines (as opposed to modifying them) appears to be the best course of action (Lugtenberg et al., 2009). That being said, in specific cases where the specialists in this area strongly feel that they should act differently it may be best to defer to their experience and expertise. This assignment has been an interesting and thought-provoking experience. The most surprising thing I found was how the views of the treating team differed from the guidelines. I realised I place a lot of value upon their views and thus was very surprised when looking at the literature as it seemed to be contradict what they told me. Its clear that I was biased at the beginning but even after researching this topic Im still unsure if there is a correct view or side. Although, what this whole process has taught me is that more research, consultation, and evaluation in regards to current treatment guidelines and policies still can and should be done. This time around when doing the assignment again I tried to ensure that I took the advice and feedback on my previous assignment seriously. Finding a patient was difficult and I ended up with a patient that had similar aspects to a previous assignment but I tried to explore different aspects and it also allowed me to incorporate things that I did not include previously. There have been issues and difficulties with writing this assignment but I feel that overall, its been quite rewarding and that I hope to maintain a higher level of quality in my work going into the future. References     Deutsch, V. R., Tomer, A. (2013). Advances in megakaryocytopoiesis and thrombopoiesis: from bench to bedside. British Journal of Haematology, 161(6), 778-793. doi:10.1111/bjh.12328 Freifeld, A. G., Bow, E. J., Sepkowitz, K. A., Boeckh, M. J., Ito, J. I., Mullen, C. A., . . . Wingard, J. R. (2011). Clinical practice guideline for the use of antimicrobial agents in neutropenic patients with cancer: 2010 update by the Infectious Diseases Society of America. Clinical infectious diseases, 52(4), e56-e93. Gayathri, B. N., Rao, K. S. (2011). Pancytopenia: A Clinico Hematological Study. Journal of Laboratory Physicians, 3(1), 15-20. doi:10.4103/0974-2727.78555 Hattangadi, S. M., Wong, P., Zhang, L., Flygare, J., Lodish, H. F. (2011). From stem cell to red cell: regulation of erythropoiesis at multiple levels by multiple proteins, RNAs, and chromatin modifications. Blood, 118(24), 6258. Health, N. (2015). Initial Management of Febrile Neutropenia. Retrieved from Http://www.seslhnweb/powh/policies/default.asp Kuderer, N. M., Dale, D. C., Crawford, J., Cosler, L. E., Lyman, G. H. (2006). Mortality, morbidity, and cost associated with febrile neutropenia in adult cancer patients. Cancer, 106(10), 2258-2266. doi:10.1002/cncr.21847 Lugtenberg, M., Burgers, J. S., Westert, G. P. (2009). Effects of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines on quality of care: a systematic review. Quality and Safety in Health Care, 18(5), 385. Luo, S.-T., Zhang, D.-M., Qin, Q., Lu, L., Luo, M., Guo, F.-C., . . . Wei, Y.-Q. (2017). The Promotion of Erythropoiesis via the Regulation of Reactive Oxygen Species by Lactic Acid. Scientific Reports, 7, 38105. doi:10.1038/srep38105 Lyman, G. H., Rolston, K. V. I. (2010). How We Treat Febrile Neutropenia in Patients Receiving Cancer Chemotherapy. Journal of Oncology Practice, 6(3), 149-152. doi:10.1200/JOP.091092 Machlus, K. R., Italiano, J. E. (2013). The incredible journey: From megakaryocyte development to platelet formation. The Journal of Cell Biology, 201(6), 785. Paul, M., Dickstein, Y., Borok, S., Vidal, L., Leibovici, L. (2014). Empirical antibiotics targeting Gramà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ positive bacteria for the treatment of febrile neutropenic patients with cancer. The Cochrane Library.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Role of Technology in Warfare Essay -- Exploratory Essays Research
â€Å"History does not teach that better technology necessarily leads to victory. Rather victory goes to the commander who uses technology better, or who can deny the enemy his technology.†–Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (qtd. in Schwartau 540) As the future of warfare becomes more sophisticated, what will be the military technology of tomorrow? The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO, believes that there are three possible answers to that question: nuclear warfare, biological/chemical warfare, or cyber warfare. While nuclear and biological warfare is conducted on a battlefield, cyber warfare operates via the Internet and computers. All of these weapons have the same destructive potential, but the circumstances surrounding their uses and aftereffects are very different. With what new technology will a commander in World War III fight? Military commanders of the future will make greater use of state-of-the-art computer technology to fight wars, making the usage of conventional weapons obsolete. Since the beginning of military history, the commander who made the best use of technology always won. No matter if it was the arrows and tomahawks of the Native Americans against the guns and cannons of the European settlers, or the order given by President Harry Truman to drop two nuclear bombs on Japan, the army with the preeminent technology always came out on top. â€Å"A short time ago, an American airplane dropped one bomb on Hiroshima and destroyed its usefulness to the enemy. That bomb has more power than 20,000 tons of TNT (qtd. in Hiroshima).†This quote by Harry Truman describes the power of the first option, nuclear warfare. German and Austrian scientists, working for Adolf Hitler, created plans for a nuclear weap... .... 2000. Works Consulted Clinton, William Jefferson. Address. Address concerning Computer Security. White House, Washington, DC. 7 January 2000. *Cohen, Fred. . 6 Feb. 2000. E-mail to the Author. 6 Feb. 2000. Douglass Jr., Joseph D. â€Å"Chemical and Biological Warfare Unmasked.†2 Nov. 1995. InfoManage. 18 January 2000 Haeni, Reto. â€Å"Infowar.†January 1997: 16 pp. Icove, David, Karl Seger, and William VonStorch. â€Å"Computer Crime: A Crimefighter’s Handbook.†Sebastopol: O’Reilly & Associates, Inc., 1995. Stocker, Gerfried, and Christine Schà ¶pf. â€Å"Infowar.†Austria: SpringerWeienNewYork, 1998. United States. President of the United States. National Plan for Information Systems Protection. Washington: 2000.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Corporate Strategy Analysis Essay
The four basic alternatives when using corporate strategy in the planning function of management are concentration, vertical integration, concentric diversification, and, conglomerate diversification. After viewing the Destination CEO videos regarding Coco-Cola, Southwest Airlines, VF Corporation, and, Xerox, I can easily identify the strategy used by each CEO. Coca-Cola CEO Neville Isdell retired from Coca-Cola in 2001 after serving 35 years with the company. When Mr. Isedell left Coca-Cola sales began to drop, there was high turnover, and low morale threatened the company’s future. Mr. Isdell recognized the need for a new strategy and change, after seeing what other competitors were doing. He seen that Pepsi had diversified their options and Coca-Cola needed to do the same. I believe vertical integration strategy was used here. Coca-Cola bought the product vitamin water, in order to dive into the non-carbonated beverage sector market and expand within the industry. Coca Cola is trying to control the global market through aggressive strategy and branding campaigns, with its carbonated and non-carbonated beverages. Southwest Airlines CEO Gary Kelly has managed to keep the company afloat as one of the most profitable airlines in the country. Mr. Kelly always travels at the back of the aircraft, talking to customers and taking notes of their expectations and complaints. I believe that Mr. Kelly used the concentration strategy to focus only on the airline industry to sustain the company’s profitability. In order to maintain profits, CEO Gary Kelly’s strategy was to keep cost low, fly the same 737 aircrafts so that parts and maintenance stay easy, and treat all customers like kings and queens including employees. Business week (2014) However, Southwest Airlines must expand in the future to remain a profitable company. VF Corporation is the largest apparel maker in the world. They are the biggest seller of jeans, such as wrangler and, lee brands. VF CEO Mackey McDonalds focus on planning and preparation for the unexpected and customer connection. Mr. McDonalds biggest challenges was the restructuring of the company in 2001, cutting 13,000 jobs, and moving manufacturing jobs overseas to countries as China and India due to cheap labor. The company model was the taste for branding the lifestyle behind the brand; they believe that investing in strong consumer recognition is better than high-fashion brands. VF Corporation continues to expand their brands with the recent acquisition of the Eagle Creek travel bag Company, and Majestic Athletic Company, which sells baseball gear. I think that the CEO used vertical integration strategy to expand their line of products and, distribution channels. Anne Mulcathy became the first female CEO of Xerox. On the verge on bankruptcy due to weak sales, Xerox CEO decided to cut one billion in cost, cut numerous jobs, and shut down the desk-jet printer division. The company vision was to keep the corporate culture intact while pouring money into new technology, such as digital printing and imaging systems. CEO Anne Mulcathy decided it was time for a complete transformation away from expensive consumer printer functions that nobody wanted, to high-end digital color printer and copier. In order for this new strategy to work, Xerox bought Global imaging systems for one and a half billion dollars. The gamble paid off with increase profits and sales. In conclusion, all organizations require different corporate strategies based on their current situation. Corporate strategies are important in order to sustain profits or to establish a change in direction when the organization fails to reach intended goals. In today’s competitive global markets, organization must consider diversification and expansion into unrelated markets. References Bateman, T.S & Scott, AS. (2011), Management: Leading & collaborating in a competitive world (9th ed.); Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database. Business week (2014). Destination CEO video, Southwest Airlines [Video file].Retrieved from Business week (2014). Destination CEO video, VF Corporation [Video file]. Retrieved from Business week (2014). Destination CEO video, Coco Cola [Video file]. Retrieved from Business week (2014). Destination CEO video, Xerox [Video file]. Retrieved from
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
The Escape – Creative Writing
I couldn't breathe. I could feel a large weight on top of me but when I looked there was nothing there. It was getting heavier and heavier. I tried to scream but every time that I tried I felt a shooting pain in my chest. All that I could do was wait and pray. I thought that it was unlikely that I would be found and I kept going over what had happened and couldn't understand how a life so perfect could go so wrong as easily as it had. It wasn't right. I looked down and released a ear splitting scream†¦ The previous month I had just been a normal teenager, going to school and going shopping at the weekend. Then it all changed. I came home from school to find that a large wagon was parked in front of our house and a man was carrying out our belongings. I saw my TV, stereo and Game cube being carried out of the front door by two large men. At first I thought that we were being robbed but then I saw my mum and dad appear at the front door. My mum was in floods of tears and my dad was stood with another man and signing papers. It never occurred to me what was happening. I ran across the garden and threw my arms around my mum. Although I didn't know what was going on I started to cry. I thought that I should try to be brave as my mum was so upset but it was the only time that I had ever seen her cry. I knew that something must be seriously wrong. I released her gently from my arms and gently asked her what was happening and who the men were. She said that my dad would explain everything when he had signed the papers. It was about five minutes, but seemed like a lifetime, before my dad could come and explain what we were going to do next. As my dad started to talk I became speechless. How could this happen? We hadn't done anything wrong yet we were the ones that were being punished. I couldn't take in what was being explained to me. It was so unfair that because my dad had done the right thing we were going to have to move out of our house and leave our life that my parents had built up for me. What had happened was that my dad had been involved in a robbery at work, the men had been captured but my dad had been asked to give evidence in court in order to get them put in prison. My dad had done this willingly but the thing that he had not realised was that the men who he had helped to send to prison were part of a large gang who were very violent. The other gang members were now out for revenge, with my dad. He had been receiving silent phone calls; evil text messages and he had even been sent death threats through the post. But what had happened the previous day was too much for anyone to cope with. Someone had burst into his office to try to attack him. It could have all gone horribly wrong for my dad if it hadn't been for a meeting being called at the last minute and him leaving his office to join it. I felt awful, it had been the previous day that I had been moaning because I wasn't allowed to go out with my friends. I could now understand that they had done it for my safety and the same men that had wanted to kill my dad could have killed me. I hadn't thought at any point in my life that I would have to be careful where I go and who I go with for the risk of my life. It all seemed so unreal. I had watched TV programmes and horror films about things like this happening but I never thought about what it must be like for people to be put in this situation. I felt disappointed in myself because I remembered when I was at a sleepover and I had joked that this sort of thing would never happen and that if it did the person who was on the run must have done something wrong. Even when I had this explained to me I didn't expect to hear what they told me next. We were being put in the ‘Witness Protection Programme'. I didn't fully understand what this meant. I thought that all it meant was that we had to move away from our home in order to get away from the people that were chasing us. As my parents continued to talk I realised that it meant that we were going to get a new identity and that we were not allowed to tell anyone what we were going to do. That was the hardest thing that I had to cope with. I said bye to my friends when I left school that day but it never entered my head that it was the last thing that I would be saying to them. I had always been popular at school and I couldn't understand why something like this would happen to me. Why couldn't it happen to Laura and her family? No one liked her and she didn't have any friends so there wouldn't be anyone who would miss her. I knew that it was a horrible thing to think but I couldn't help myself. What would my friends think if I didn't say anything before I left? I pleaded with my mum to let me phone them, I even said that one would be enough and that they could pass on the message to the others. This wasn't going to happen no matter how much I pleaded. They explained that it was for my safety. If I had told my best friend and she said something to my other friends, someone could overhear what she was saying and this problem could start over again. I did understand what they were saying but it seemed so undeserved. After we had the conversation I decided that I would have one last look inside the house. I was really surprised. The house still had the wallpaper and the carpets but the rest of the house was so bare. I climbed the stairs to where my bedroom was. It was weird knowing that it was the last time that I would be in my room again. It still looked like my room with the carpets and the poster but everything else was bare. I felt a tear fall down my face. I was trying to be strong but there was nothing that I could do, I just couldn't stop the tears from continually falling. I slowly walked down the stairs and quietly sat in the car. The large wagon started to drive off down the street and I knew then that it was the end of what I knew as my life. As my parents got into the car a policewoman came to sit in the back. It all felt so strange and I couldn't take the chance of looking behind me because I didn't know how I would react. When we turned the corner onto the main road my phone started to bleep to tell me that I had a message so I reached into my bag to get it out. It was no sooner that I had the mobile in my hand that the policewoman snatched it off me. She was sympathetic with me but she said that it would be best if I didn't read what it said because it may upset me to know that I was unable to respond to whatever was said. As we pulled onto the motorway it struck me that I did not know where we were going. I had been so wrapped up in my thoughts that we could have been going abroad and I wouldn't have known. I asked my dad but he said that he would tell me when we had arrived. It seemed to me as if I was being kept in the dark about everything that was going on. Did my parents not realise how much this was affecting me? My whole world was being turned upside down and they wouldn't tell me anything about what was happening. It wasn't as though I wouldn't understand; I was a teenager so why wouldn't they trust me. I didn't have any way that I could contact anyone so I couldn't put us in any danger from these people who were chasing us. We slowed down and I noticed a sign that was in welsh and as soon as I saw it I knew where my parents were taking me. We had been on holiday here the previous year and my parents had expressed how much they loved it her. I was really angry now. They were messing up my whole life and they were making me stay in this place. They knew how much I hated it because of how much there was to do. There were fields all around, no shops and no one who was near my age. I couldn't see how I was going to cope in a place like this. My life would revolve around school because there was nothing else to do. If we had to move why couldn't we move to a large town like London or Birmingham? This was going to be my worst nightmare, nothing to do but walk up hills and go to school. I had never realised how great my life was before. It makes me understand how true the saying ‘you never appreciate what you have until its gone' is. The amount of times my parents had said this I hadn't really understood it, I just assumed that if you lost something you would be able to get used to your life without it. I would never get used to this. We drove into the village and there was nobody about even though it was a Friday night. There were always people about when you wanted to go out. I hadn't even seen one person here. We pulled up in front of this tiny cottage. They couldn't seriously think that this was big enough for three people but when I looked round it seemed to be one of the biggest cottages in the area. I hesitantly walked through the front door to find that it seemed bigger on the inside than it looked from the outside. I knew that there was nothing that I could do now to change their mind so I returned outside and took one of the suitcases out of the boot of the car. As I turned around I noticed that there was a boy and a girl walking towards me. They seemed friendly and they looked about my age. I said hello and introduced myself. It seemed weird when I had to introduce myself by a different name. They didn't seem to notice the uneasy tone in my voice because they both introduced themselves to me. They said that they both lived down the road and that they went to the school that I would be going to. I told them that I had to take my things inside but I would hopefully see them later. They said bye and walked off. Things looked much better than I had originally thought that it could be. I slowly got used to living in a quiet village and by the end of the second week I had lots of new friends and I had told then why I had moved here-The made up version obviously. Everyone seemed nice but because it was so secluded there was only six people in my class. It was strange to begin with and I would go home upset because of how few people there are but after I thought about it I realised that it was much better for my education. It was as though I was having one to one tuition, which meant that I was learning much more than I did at my previous school. I still missed all my friends and in a strange way some of the teachers. After we had been at our new home for a month things started to go wrong for us. Someone had found out my mums new mobile number and she was getting prank phone calls and silent phone calls. We notified the police but they assumed that it was my fault and that I had been in contact with someone from my old school. Nobody believed me when I said that I hadn't done anything that I wasn't supposed to do and I was kept off school to be questioned and to ‘learn a lesson'. I hadn't realised that it was so serious if I had spoke to someone from my old school. I hadn't and that was what upset me, no one believed me. I stormed out of the house my eyes full of tears and a lump in my throat†¦ †¦ My scream rang through the dark lane and my chest hurt even more. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. My white T-shirt had turned red with the blood that was pouring out of my chest. I tried to think what had happened to me. I didn't know how long I had been here for. I didn't know how much longer I would be here. I heard a car engine in the distance. I tried to move but I found that no matter how hard I tried my legs would not move. I couldn't believe that I was going to be rescued but my luck changed. The car turned down a small lane. If only I had waited with my parents I wouldn't have been in this situation. Why didn't I wait at home and try to explain further? I didn't know what to do. I had no way of phoning home and I didn't know where I was. In the very far distance I saw a small yellow dot that was becoming larger with every second. I realised that it was someone on a bike. I wanted to scream for help but each time I tried there was only a small noise that escaped. I could only wait and hope that the bike wouldn't turn. It was coming straight towards me. My eyes closed and everything went dark. As I opened my eyes I could hear lots of noise and see lots of people hurrying around me. I was in a total daze. I could hear lots of people saying my name and asking if I could hear them. I could, I just couldn't respond. It was as though I was watching these people with someone else and there was nothing that I could do. I felt someone grab hold of my hand so I squeezed the hand as much as I could. When I had done this I heard the reassuring voice of my mum. It was saying â€Å"Everything will be okay. I wont let anything happen to you ever again. There is no-one that can harm you now. †I believed every word that she was saying to me. I knew that I would be okay from now on.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Greek Gods
Greek Gods With the development of stable communities, agriculture and writing, ancient man for the first time in history found himself with the leisure to ponder the nature of the universe and his role in it. These "ponderings" found their way into religious life as recited stories, and eventually on written records. These cultures had neither the technology nor the historical perspective to posit a natural explanation. Therefore, the genesis of these ancient cosmologies was embedded in supernatural myths. Though supernatural, these myths projected strong anthropomorphic and anthropocentric ontologies. Two examples of this mind set are the works of Hesiod, Theogany and Works and Days, and the first three chapters of Genesis in The Bible. An exploration of these works will demonstrate some of the similar and opposing views the ancient man held about the world he in which he lived.By examining basic tenets observed in these cosmogonies, certain comparisons may be drawn as well as many contrasts. Crouching Aphrodite, 1st–2nd century AD, from Sa...She could hardly ever be persuaded to lend it to anyone. Since Aphrodite had the magic girdle and was so beautiful, all of the gods fell in love with her. All of the goddesses were jealous of Aphrodite because all of the gods loved her instead of the other goddesses. Because of this, Zeus arranged a marriage for her with Hephaestus, the lame smith-god.Aphrodite, already regretting the trouble she had caused, took Adonis, and put him in a chest. She gave the chest to Persephone, asking her to hide it in a dark place. Persephone couldn't stand not knowing what was inside the chest, so she opened the chest and found Adonis. Persephone found Adonis to be a very cute baby, so she took hi into her own palace to raise him. Aphrodite did not find out about...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Guide on How to Write an Expository Essay All You Need to Know
Guide on How to Write an Expository Essay All You Need to Know What is an Expository Essay? An expository essay is a type of academic writing in which an author informs the audience about a particular idea, book, movie, event or series of events, or any other chosen subject. The central purpose of such type of essay is to research or investigate an idea while gathering enough supporting evidence and then presenting an understandable point of view or argument on the chosen topic. The expository essay requires a writer to do extensive research to provide a deep insight into the topic. Furthermore, an expository essay is a kind of writing that tends to explain, illustrate, or clarify something in a way that it becomes clear for readers. Contrary to other types of essay, a writer usually does not have a subjective opinion on a given topic. Thus, the writing style should be unbiased. Pay attention that expository essays are usually based on facts, and, therefore, a you should not include any of your personal feelings or emotions while writing such an essay. Types of an Expository Essay Although the primary goals remain the same, there are various types of an expository essay that you can write. Cause and Effect Essays. Undoubtedly, cause and effect papers are the most popular types of essays in academic writing. The main purpose of such works is to investigate the reasons that caused something and then, discuss the results or effects. Here, you need to answer the two key questions: â€Å"Why did something happen?†and â€Å"What is/might be the outcome of this?†The technique mentioned above will help you build a better cause-and-effect outline so that you would be able to write a meaningful essay. Problem and Solution Essays. Such essays are aimed at describing a problem related to a particular situation or topic and suggesting solutions or recommended actions to this problem. Such essays require you to examine the chosen subject from different angles and perspectives. That way you would be able to find the best solution for the given problem. Consequently, you need to convince your audience that the proposed solution is the best one. Comparison and Contrast Essays. A comparison and contrast essay requires you to choose several things and make a contrast between them. This type of expository essay focuses on the similarities and differences of two or more notions, objects, or any other options. You also need to make sure that the research of the given subject was done well enough so that you would be able to outline every aspect of it. Sometimes, you might be required to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of chosen things or objects. Process Essays. Sometimes such essays are also called â€Å"how-to-essays.†Often, these essays are designed to explain a process or procedure of making or breaking something. In fact, such an essay provides a step-by-step approach to doing something. A process essay is often written in a chronological sequence. Such essays require the writer to have enough knowledge to explain the chosen process or procedure so that the common reader would easily comprehend it. All in all, among these types, you have to choose the most suitable type according to the instructions given by your professor or instructor. Finding a Suitable Topic for an Expository Essay The process of finding a suitable topic for an expository essay might seem difficult, however, in reality, it is not. Firstly, you should choose something that interests you or is relevant. Then, you proceed with finding the materials and sources for the chosen topics. You should thoroughly analyze them in order to use the information you gathered. In fact, the expository essay is, indeed, very versatile. There is a wide variety of topics to choose from, and, as a result, you can write about everything you find relevant or just simply like. Here is a list of topics that might give you a clear understanding of what you can choose to write about in the expository essay: The History of Starbucks; How to Start Loving Yourself? BTS, the Band That Changed K-Pop; The Role of Science in Our Lives; The Impact of Video Games on the Brain; How to Improve Your Writing Skills? Five Movies You Should Watch; How to Avoid Toxic Relationships? The Process of Making Beer; Why Are Scholars Important in Media Studies? The Use of Alternative Sources of Energy; Effects of Physical Exercise on the Cognitive Functions in Older Adults. Pre-writing Tips from Our Academic Writers As it was mentioned above, you should start working on your expository essay by choosing the topic of your interest or the topic which was given to you by the instructor. Then, you should find materials from which you would be taking necessary information. Depending on your type of expository essay, you should start by creating an outline to assist you in writing this particular piece of work. In addition, before writing, you should properly allocate your time. That means that you should clearly distribute a specific amount of time to work on each part of the essay. That way you would efficiently use your time, and the process of writing would only bring joy to you. There are many ways and approaches to write a great essay. Yet, almost all expository essays follow the same basic steps. For instance, one productive method of writing is called the POET method. An abbreviation stands for â€Å"Purpose, Organization, Evidence, Thesis.†â€Å"P†for Purpose. This step requires you to define the purpose of writing an expository essay. At most times, you are given a topic by your instructor or teacher. In other cases, it is up to you to select a particular topic. It should also be noted that strong essays are consistent throughout the whole structure. That means that you should never deviate from a central purpose of your expository essay. â€Å"O†for Organization. Your expository essay should be well-organized in five or more body paragraphs. Usually, an essay contains an introductory paragraph, main body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph. These components of an essay organization are of vital importance concerning the requirements of academic writing. â€Å"E†for Evidence. This point requires you to present an idea while backing it with the evidence from the outside sources. Moreover, your sources should be reputable and credible. When you use specific information to provide evidence that might be unknown to a common reader, then you should cite it properly. Referencing is very crucial as it demonstrates that you were thoroughly researching your topic. In addition, proper citing would also prevent you from accusations of plagiarism. â€Å"T†for Thesis. Apparently, a thesis statement is one of the essential parts of every essay. The thesis sentence or two include the main idea of your essay. Furthermore, it informs the reader about content and the main idea of the particular essay. The Beginning of Writing - Introduction Like other essays, an expository paper consists of an introductory paragraph, which includes the thesis statement and background information, the main body paragraphs that support the statement, and a conclusion paragraph that summarizes all central points and restates thesis statement. The primary purpose of an expository essay is to give a logical explanation of the selected object or phenomena. First and foremost, you should start writing your essay by creating an appropriate title. That means that you have to come up with a catchy topic that might turn out interesting for a majority of readers. Next, based on your topic, you should start writing an introductory paragraph. Introduction part provides an opportunity to make a first positive impression. A well-developed introductory paragraph consists of a hook sentence, context and background information, and a strong thesis statement. Hook. The first sentence of your essay informs the audience about your topic. This sentence might contain a quotation, statistics, some interesting facts, or anything else you find catchy. Here is an example of an excellent hook sentence: â€Å"Any achievement in business is never accomplished by a single person; a team of skilled members from diversified fields is always needed.†Background information. Here you should introduce the chosen topic because some readers might be unfamiliar with it. You could provide general information or history about the chosen topic or subject. Thesis statement. Undoubtedly, a thesis statement is one of the crucial things in your essay because it encompasses the whole idea of an expository essay. It might also serve as a guide for readers. Usually, your thesis statement is the last sentence of the introductory paragraph that presents an argument or a claim to the reading audience. The rest of the paper is aimed at gathering and organizing evidence that will support your thesis statement. For instance, you are writing an expository essay about the factors that fuel Syrian conflict, and you developed such thesis: â€Å"Therefore, the essay aims at examining the factors and their role in the conflict fueling since they require a profound analysis, which takes into account their interrelations.†This thesis is too general. It does not tell the reader where are you heading with it. Moreover, it does not address any specific examples or claims that will be described later in the essay. Alternatively, a strong thesis statement should look like this: â€Å"Even though The UN and other major world powers are willing to solve the Syrian conflict, the prediction for the positive outcome might be disrupted due to the factors of non-natural borders, propaganda, the role of the outside state, and the president’s biased actions.†Such a thesis statement gives a clear understanding of the exact factors which are going to be addressed in your expository essay. Main Body Body paragraphs are the most significant part of your expository essay. They present enough evidence on the arguments or claims stated in your thesis. Try to limit each paragraph to one idea. The number of paragraphs is not specified. However, you should write as much as you need to analyze the chosen topic thoroughly. In most cases, the recommended amount is varying from three to five paragraphs. In order to write great main body paragraphs, try to design them in the following manner: l Topic sentence - Fact - Supporting Sentence (evidence) - Conclusion Sentence The first sentence of each body paragraph is called a topic sentence. It announces what you are going to discuss in this paragraph. Moreover, when you mention facts discovered during your research on the topic, support them with appropriate evidence. However, do not forget to cite all the outside sources used in your expository essay. Otherwise, you will be accused of plagiarism. The last sentence of each body paragraph should summarize information stated in that paragraph. It is also important to use linking words as they make your essay coherent. In addition, they make your essay flow in an understandable manner from one point to another. Conclusion The last paragraph of your expository essay should contain the restatement of the thesis, summarized facts, and evidence provided in the main body paragraphs, or even propose the next steps for further research or discussion. It is here where you should restate your thesis statement. There is no need to include information that was stated in the introductory paragraph. Instead, try to summarize the key points and results that were researched and found by you in the main body. In addition, you should make sure that the final sentence in your expository essay should be rather a global statement based on the given information or a call to action that gives the reader a signal that the discussion has come to an end. Post-writing Tips After you are done with writing your expository essay, you should start proofreading and revising it. The first step would be revising grammar, punctuation, spelling, or style errors. Be sure to proofread each part of your expository essay. The next step would be removing repetitive sentences or words. Look for synonyms that can be used to make your essay look vivid. Also, revise your essay in such a way that it sounds coherent for you. Analyze the flow of your essay. A good way to check whether your expository essay is consistent will be reading it aloud. Then, you will definitely hear what parts are in need of revising. If some paragraphs seem redundant, cut information that is not specifically related to your topic. At last, check whether you have properly cited all the outside sources. References General Essay Writing Tips Essay Writing Center. (2018). Retrieved from How To Write An Expository Essay: Outline, Topics, Examples and Step-By-Step Guide Edussons blog. (2018). Retrieved from Kearney, V. (2018). 100 Expository Essay Topic Ideas, Writing Tips, and Sample Essays. Retrieved from Tips on Writing an Excellent Expository Essay. Retrieved from Types of Expository Essays. (2018). Retrieved from What is an Expository Essay? BibMe Blog Citation Resources, Updates and More. (2018). Retrieved from
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Bodybuilding BY adam5701 When a bodybuilder, fitness, figure, or physique competitor begins to prepare for a contest there are so many different variables that go into how you are supposed to train. From personal experience, exercise order has not made a huge impact for the results I was striving to achieve. As long as I do not work the same muscle group within a 48-hour period (since that is the typical recovery time for your muscles to fully repair), I have achieved amazing results. Here are a few other things I highly recommend doing, which if not done properly it almost makes it impossible to ucceed. First hire a reputable coach, I initially made the mistake of taking a shortcut and hired someone because they were cheap which made me place dead last in my first competition. Since then I paid the money and hired someone who knew the ins and outs of competing and it has done wonders for me. A coachs Job is to typically plan out your diet, workout routine, supplementation, posing routine, and best of all its great to have someone else looking at you once or twice a week to see how you change and what else you need to improve on. Yes, I could have done all this on my own but this outside eye makes a huge difference and trying to plan all this out while youre brain dead from dieting can be difficult at times. Next thing is to plan out every little detail in your workout, diet, and sleep schedule for every hour each day. Consistency is a big part of competing and if you are not consistent you will not see any of the results you desire. When attempting to gain muscle mass or density, most people automatically think they have to lift heavy in order to grow. Personally I have found it much more useful o lift at a lower weight with a rep range from 8-20 depending on the exercise. I still see amazing results because each time I do this I make sure I fatigue the muscle and push it until failure. The way I achieve this is by making my rest time between sets and exercises no more than 60 seconds for a single workout, and up to 90 seconds for a drop set (which is starting off with a high weight for a low amount of reps and increasing the reps as you drop the weight, I typically drop the weight about 3-4 times). There was also a study performed where Regardless of the number of reps erformed, the subjects burned 52% more calories when they rested Just 30 seconds between sets as compared to three minutes or more. Working at 10 reps per set burned about 7% more calories than five-rep sets did (Stoppani, Jim, Flex pg. 1). There are also other things I do in order to fatigue my muscle and cause growth, rather than Just focusing on rest time. As shown in my workout plan notes you will notice that my 1 5 to 20 repetition exercises are more towards the beginning of my workout. I have it set up this way because I do not do conventional stretching before orking out since it essentially lowers the amount of weight or reps I can perform. Instead I do these warm up sets of 15 to 20, and this isnt Just light easy rep weight, I make sure its enough to where once I get to those last two reps I feel as if my muscle will give out. This enables blood to flow into the muscles and essentially gets them warmed up and ready for the heavier tasks. Another thing I love incorporating are three workouts of 1 or 2 muscle groups you are training, which I normally choose exercises that are opposite in movement), focus on the time and length of ontraction, and lastly a rest pause (which if I do not perform all 20 reps and only get to 13, I will rest for 20 seconds and complete the remaining 7). Training with these different intensities on random workouts makes a huge difference for strength and muscle gain. The main reason I have found this effective is because I am constantly tearing down my muscle fibers with a different method each workout. Another big thing to think about when training for competitions, or even Just working out in general is to achieve the mind and body connection. My theory on this s that its impossible to workout the muscle you are targeting if you are unable to feel it. In other words an isometric contraction, because any type of muscle growth and performance depend primarily on the neuromuscular system (Yessis pg. 1). A good way to practice would be Just to attempt to flex each individual muscle, which at first is very difficult for someone who is Just starting out. Also doing this between sets for 6-10 seconds can actually promote muscle growth and density. Flexing the targeted muscle(s) between sets lets you know the feeling you want to duplicate during the set. With practice, this will strengthen your focus so you can better work that area (Flex pg. 98). If you talk to almost any bodybuilder or physique athlete, they would be able to make almost any muscle they train contract on its own and will be the first to tell you its extremely difficult to hold. If you continue to train your muscles with these so-tension types of exercises you essentially get them accustomed to being in that position which is crucial for stage presence. If you do not practice this before going onto a stage, you tend to be more susceptible to cramps or its difficult o hold the pose for minutes and points will be deducted from shaking or relaxing on the pose. When training or developing a program, each muscle group needs to be trained for this sport. For me personally I have a few weak areas, which is why my individual workout I train deltoids twice a week and only incline chest workouts on there respected day. Also notice the time spread between the deltoid workouts, its Monday and Friday so I am staying within that time frame for optimal muscle repair. The reason I have so much attention on these two muscle groups are because Judges in hysique competition love the big rounded shoulder look, and a full chest. I have a disadvantage in these areas mainly because I am still only 21 so I dont have fully matured muscles yet, and many other competitors are 24 and above. The only way I compensate for this lack of size is to focus on them more than everyone else. Also for the deltoids I have a day that is more heavy, but still at that 12 rep range and another that goes up to 20 reps known as my day. I find it great to have two different variations for optimal muscle growth, especially since it is a small muscle group and s extremely easy to over stress with too much weight in turn causing injury (which I had when I first began lifting at 18). When training this muscle group I focus on the contraction, as well as the time it takes me to fully go through the concentric and eccentric motion. This method insures for me ensures optimal stress without the risk The sport of fitness competing is always plagued for injury, and there will always be that risk. Basically every muscle you train will be susceptible to injury, and there is no way to get around it. However, there are ways to significantly minimize the risks. Workout form has to be at the top of this list hands down, I see many people training and sometimes I cringe Just watching them because it looks as if they will snap their back or tear a muscle. Always make sure to have great form and control with each exercise, and this in my opinion should be applied to any workout you do not Just resistance training. Second thing would have to be the amount of weight you choose to use. I see so many individuals, guys in particular try to do so much damn weight in order to impress that pretty girl, and in turn end up getting hurt and making a fool ut of themselves. Always keep in mind everyone has to start somewhere, and remember no girl is going to care how much weight you can bench. Also perform exercises that are plausible and not these ridiculous crossflt types of movement exercises. I am sorry, but I am not a firm believer in picking up 2001b from the ground and lifting it over your head. That to me is an instant sign for so many different injuries, and not to mention the trainers instructing you allow you to do it with the most horrendous form. Make sure to stretch before working out with warm up sets to et the blood flow throughout the muscle, and after working out with conventional stretches to increase flexibility. Lastly, mind your peers when training because you in fact can injure someone else. I had an incident with a New Years resolution individual that was doing 801b with dumbbell press, and he decides it is too heavy and Just throws them on the ground and it almost bounced onto my foot, which most likely would have broken it. Now with all that being said there are some freak accidents I have seen people with perfect form and mediocre weight have one of heir muscles Just tear, and it is one of the most painful things to witness. I personally had an incident when I was doing incline dumbbell press with 1001b, I performed the exercise without any issues. However when I set the weights down on my knees to put them down, my wrist Just snapped and made this loud popping noise and it hurt terribly. I have no idea what happened and Just took a break for a few weeks because it was painful to grip anything, and it slowly went away for the most part. Since then I use wrist straps and weight belts to help stabilize those parts of my body, which I have found to help. The goal with this program is not only strength gains, but to basically look the best you can physically. It is not all about size, you want to find a nice balance between size, lean muscle mass, and proportionality for your specific division. The program I have set up is the one I currently use for my offseason training (typically the time when there are no shows for 4-6 months). This specific one is to help me gain size, while retaining majority of my lean muscle mass and density so when I have to prepare for a show I will be able to do so with an 8 week program. While prepping for show a lot of my training changes, and I add a few plyometric workouts in as well as interval cardiovascular training 4-6 days a week depending how far out I am from competing. Any type of cardiovascular training I typically do fasted in the morning, difference personally. There are millions of different workouts for different individuals, this specific one I wouldnt say should be used by every competitor since I conformed it to address my weaknesses. For a basic individual who is intermediately experienced with training, and is trying to look great however this would be a great tarting point.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Management Strategy for MHM Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words - 1
Management Strategy for MHM - Assignment Example The company has been continuously meeting the increased demand for electrical equipments and parts with their comprehensive products and competitive prices. The firm is driven by the mission of customer satisfaction. The aim of the company is to expand its range of offering through the innovative usage of technology, skills, knowledge, team work and efficient communication. The customers of the company belong to the industries like construction, infrastructure and public utilities, oil and gas & industries and process control (M.H. Al Muftah EST). Therefore, the company should keep in mind the market condition of these sectors as any changes here would affect the operations of the firm. 1. The website has got a lot of flaws. A website is meant for providing details about a company while website of MHM is having no information about the firm’s annual turnover or even its presence in recent news articles. Moreover there are so many grammatical errors in the presentation of the information and in the construction of the sentences which will definitely affect the reputation of the firm. 2. The company’s logo is not at all appealing and has no relevance with its business. A logo should create an everlasting impression in the minds of the people but the M.H. Al-Muftah Est. logo failed to do so. 3. The company is a leading supplier of famous brands of electrical equipments. However in the present business era, the customers would always prefer to purchase the products from the original manufacturer as the suppliers are known to add carrying cost to the goods. 4. The customers are mostly industry based but there is a lot of scope for the company to acquire individual customers for their simple, day-to-day household products like switches, sockets, fittings and fixtures. 6. Due to poor quality of the website, the company fails to attract foreign clients at a huge number. Also the company lacks proper advertising and promotional campaigns;
George Washington as a Military Leader Assignment
George Washington as a Military Leader - Assignment Example Nevertheless, his connections to the family of William Fairfax, wherein his half brother Lawrence had married, led him to be personally selected to lead a regiment of soldiers in what is now termed the French and Indian War1. Having first been appointed as surveyor of land for Culpepper County, his brother’s investment and involvement in the Ohio Company, Washington came to the attention of the newly appointed lieutenant-general of Virginia, Robert Dinwiddie. Washington’s brother Lawrence was also commander of the Virginia militia. The French and British were both laying claim to Ohio County, and in 1783 Dinwiddle sent Washington, now a Major, to deliver a letter to the French informing them of British interests and asking them to leave. This he did, and in the process also made friends with the Indian Chief ‘Half King’ Tanacharison. Together they planned to overthrow the French. In fact, Washington tried to ambush the French despite being inexperienced and outnumbered- he was only 17 at the time. However one of the French commanders Jumonville was killed by Tanacharison or one of his tribe in this attack, and the French lost no time in blaming Washington and capturing him and his party of followers. However, he was later allowed to go with his troops back to Virginia. Historians contend that this nevertheless showed Washington’s bravery, impetuousness, and initiative. The final impact of this episode was that it fueled tensions between both the French and British military powers and led to the Seven Years War (1754-1758). In 1755 Washington was appointed senior aide to the British General Braddock on the expedition to reclaim Ohio county and other territories. However, they were ambushed by the French and some Indian allies and had to retreat. Washington on this occasion had to assume overall command after Braddock was mortally wounded at the Battle of Monongahela, and dutifully led an orderly retreat. His exemplary command ev en in the face of defeat led Governor Dinwiddle to promote Washington to the rank of Colonel in the Virginia regiment and Commander of all forces raised by the British in defense of the colonies. Washington was thus given command of the first full-time American regiment of regular servicemen of 1000 troops. He was given the responsibility to defend Virginia against all opposing forces- and to act aggressively or defensively as he thought best. Washington was a strict disciplinarian and a tough commander- he led aggressive campaigns against the Indians that resulted in a loss of a third of his men in 20 battles waged in just 10 months. Nevertheless, his campaigns meant that Virginia could relax in relative comfort compared to the other counties. Historians unanimously agree that this was among Washington’s most unqualified successes2.Â
Technology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Technology - Assignment Example The realization of many softwares’ through computer aided designs has enabled this technology to gain popularity, with many opting to adopt it due to its overwhelming convenience. This essay discusses 3D printing including its impacts on the society and the reasons as to why this technology will do better in the near future. Basing it on other similar proven technologies that people had no idea about before their innovation, but later did well after introduction, there is no doubt that 3D printing will be a force to reckon in the near future. Keywords: 3D Printing, Remote Manufacturing, Society, Impact, Future, Technology Introduction Three D (3D) printing is the process of making three dimensional objects in solid form from a digital model (Novel, 2013). To achieve this, objects are arranged in layers and additives are used through an additive process. 3D printing process involves application of digital technology; this technology involves the use of computer files and softwa res to make desired 3D designs. Structures are made to lie on each other through computer aided designs. Blueprints are made and virtual objects are used to make hard copies created from plastics and metal alloys. 3D printing started in 1984 (Novel, 2013). 3D printing has been one of the most popular design manufacturing technologies. This is attributed to its widespread advantages; it has optimized speed, low cost, and has an ease of use. These advantages make 3D designs most important during functional testing of engineering designs, as they provide good visualization at the conceptual stages. The main strengths of 3D printing are given below: It has high innovations; it takes a short time to come out with a prototype, and the feedback included helps it have many cycles that end up with perfect designs. Designs are very clear enhancing communications; the targeted group can be easily reached, and images designs are realistic and convey more information than conventional designs. I t reduces production costs and probability of error occurrence is relatively low, because any error is identified during the earlier stages. The realistic models have won the hearts of many investors, who resolve to apply the technology to face the competitive markets. Figure showing a 3-D object printed by 3-D printer, retrieved from Novel (2013). Societal Impact with regard to 3D Printing It is hard to think that manufacturing could be done without factories and all that are entailed in the factories such as large machines, production lines, and many other manufacturing tools. The technology as at the moment is changing everything. 3D printing serves as an example of the events that are transferred from being operated in factories to more comfortable zones like homes; all that one needs is a computer and knowledge of 3D model software. It is a new reality of the modern science, whereby objects are created and can be observed as they are. While the new world is emerging, big questi ons are posed regarding the future of industries and human life. With regard to 3D printing, the industries may not be completely faced out, but their structures and faces will change (â€Å"Report-3D printing the Future of Manufacturing,†2013). As technologies advance, several issues have to be reviewed they have a lot of impact in the society. The major effects will be felt in health, businesses, and employment. A case study of 3D bio-printing best shows the effect of this kind of
Thursday, October 17, 2019
The Rationale for Banning The Outsiders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Rationale for Banning The Outsiders - Essay Example As an initial matter, before addressing why the book was banned in certain schools, it is useful to summarize the plot generally. The protagonist in this story was Pony Curtis. Pony was a young boy whose parents had died in a car accident; as a result, he was cared for by his twenty year old brother, Darry. Pony was poor, though clever and a good student, and he did what all boys in this neighborhood did. He joined a gang, named the Greasers, and hung out with his gang as if they were an extended family. There was a rival gang, the Socs, made up of rich boys from a another neighborhood. A gang rivalry existed between the two, and one day a fight ensued in which Pony's good friend killed a member of the Socs gang in self-defense. Pony's friend later died, and another friend was shot by the police after going crazy and trying to rob a store with a gun. Pony, however, did not suffer the same fate as his friends; rather, after being inspired by a letter from Johnny, he decided to reconci le with his older brother and to try and improve his life. In short, Pony decided to reject the outsider lifestyle and to participate more productively in his society and community. Given the hopeful ending, the transcending of obstacles, it seems odd that the book was so heavily criticized. The first The first basis for criticism was that the novel promoted gangs. More specifically, this line of reasoning argued that the novel, by including both rich and poor children in gangs, glamorized and encouraged young readers to pursue similar affiliations. In this way, the novel's critics believed that the novel was divisive, socially destructive, and immoral. It was socially divisive because it pitted rich boys against poor boys; it was socially destructive because violence was used as a conflict resolution tool for disputes; and, finally, it was immoral because the gang lifestyle promoted laziness, substance use, and revenge. Indeed, the central role of gangs in the novel was a central foundation for the criticism which ensued. A second criticism was the use of violence by young boys. One can distinguish between clubs with mild-mannered rivalries and gangs with deeper notions of rivalry and revenge. It is one thing to portray youthful pranks; in the minds of the novel's critics, however, it was quite another thing to portray children and adolescents intending to cause serious physical harm and genuine emotional trauma on their rivals. A particular example was the use of weapons in the novel. These gang members, for instance, carried knives, bats, and guns. Rivals weren't simply embarrassed. Quite the contrary, as in the case of Johnny's conflict with Bob, some people were killed. Thus, in addition to the portrayal of gangs, the vivid depiction of violence also furnished a strong basis for the subsequent criticism. A third criticism was the prevalence of substance use and abuse by underage boys. The references to cigarettes and alcohol were also found objectionable. These boys were underage. By associating public figures, in this case fictional characters from a popular novel, with substance abuse, many people argued that schoolchildren would be influenced to behave similarly. Today's cigarette-smoking adolescents will become tomorrow's marijuana users was the fundamental criticism. These
Obama's Struggle with Congress over Debt Ceiling Crisis Case Study
Obama's Struggle with Congress over Debt Ceiling Crisis - Case Study Example With this law in place, the United States government would work without prejudice or malice within itself through its various dockets. Therefore, the Senate at the time enacted this law preventing inter government wrangles by setting a ceiling or a maximum on the lending ability; this would not increase for any department no matter the situation (Woodward 1). In this regard, the United State Congress in that year needed to raise the debt ceiling, which President Barrack Obama declined. In a quick rejoinder to avert a crisis, President Obama called a crisis meeting on July 23 2011 between him and the top Congressional representatives at the White House where he sought to reach an amicable solution to the looming crisis. The meeting later proved inconsequential. The Congressmen present included Nancy Pelosi of the House of Minority, House Speaker John A. Boehner, Harry M. Reid of the Senate Majority and Mitch Mc Connell of the Senate Minority. This meeting took place at least 10 days b efore the U. S went into default that threatened to cripple its function, as it would not have had money for it to run on efficiently. It was also held in the wake of a night that the speaker had called off attempts to raise the $14Trillion debt limit and save the government’s repute. ... Allegedly, this infuriated the president but he could not do anything at the time. Eventually, Obama reiterated that it was his duty to sign the bill into law therefore implying that he would not sign it. Surprisingly, the Senate Majority leader Reid Harry interjected and requested the president to allow the Congress representatives to speak in private. This was a clear indication that the president’s presence, in a meeting that he had called for, had no impact. His decency intact, Obama let them have their private session but did not take those remarks lightly. He did not want to appear as though he were a dictator and hence allowed democracy to prevail even in that particular meeting. Some would consider it cowardly but for Obama, as the man that he is, it is the greatest act of power. To him it is not about imposing ideas and infringing other people’s rights but it is about equal participation in decision-making. In the events leading to the meeting, the four leaders allegedly plotted to use the debt ceiling increase as a campaign debate tool come the 2012 presidential elections. Obama had adamantly continued to decline to this arrangement insisting on possible consideration after the elections. Further, the president went to an extent of calling Boehner on the night of the aborted meeting, while he was dinning with friends, to insist that he would not relent and sign the bill into law. The House Speaker pointed out to Obama that his concern was substantial but if they did not increase the debt ceiling limit at that time then the government would have to go into bad debt. Additionally, he highlighted that going back on
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Review of a picture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Review of a picture - Essay Example Spending a few minutes at any average American school will no doubt testify to the fact that it is impossible to have a classroom in the current times that is occupied by pupils hailing from a single culture. Therefore it goes without saying that the classrooms of today are predominantly multicultural, very unlike the scenario presented in the picture and studying in classrooms given to cultural diversity does endow the students with multiple abilities and skills that go a long way in assuring success in the professional environments given to diversity and multiculturalism. One thing to be noted about the given picture is that all the students in the classroom are singularly attentive to the concept being taught, and hence it would not be wrong to conclude that education in a single culture setting is mostly text book driven, which hardly tries to arm the students with the essential social skills, which they will have to necessarily acquire in a classroom driven by diversity. The pil es of textbooks assorted on the desks placed before the students in the picture, in a way precisely symbolize such conclusions. Perhaps the students are so attentive to what is being taught, because there is nothing else in their surrounding ambiance that is different and hence stimulates their curiosity and attention. They are focusing on the lesson because the classroom environment dominated by a single culture does not require them to come across questions and views that are foreign and new to their culture. No wonder, one could predict that such a class as shown in the picture may give way to students who are academically sound, but may perhaps lack the people skills and cultural literacy that is of immense importance in today’s flat world. Hill-Jackson, Sewell and Waters testify to the limitations of single culture classrooms by pointing towards the fact that â€Å"students who bring strong biases and negative stereotypes about diverse groups will be less likely to deve lop†¦ beliefs and behaviors most consistent with multicultural sensitivity and responsiveness (Hill-Jackson, Sewell & Waters 176).†Once one agrees to the limitations of the single culture classrooms as presented in the picture under consideration, one may be poised to raise the question as to whether the students depicted in the picture are missing something, and if yes, than what is it? It would not be wrong to say that the loads of textbooks piled before the students in the picture and the content in them do certainly cater to the needs and aspirations of a single race or culture because the given classroom is essentially dominated by the students associated with a single culture. However, things are never so in case of the multicultural classrooms. In multicultural classrooms the educators are required to configure syllabi and text books which cater to the needs of many cultures and races, and hence education in multicultural classrooms is not merely about a two way d ialogue and communication between the students and the teacher, but is also about fostering cultural understanding amongst the diverse groups in the classrooms and building a consensus amongst diverse opinions and ways of seeing things (Powell & Caseau 174).
Obama's Struggle with Congress over Debt Ceiling Crisis Case Study
Obama's Struggle with Congress over Debt Ceiling Crisis - Case Study Example With this law in place, the United States government would work without prejudice or malice within itself through its various dockets. Therefore, the Senate at the time enacted this law preventing inter government wrangles by setting a ceiling or a maximum on the lending ability; this would not increase for any department no matter the situation (Woodward 1). In this regard, the United State Congress in that year needed to raise the debt ceiling, which President Barrack Obama declined. In a quick rejoinder to avert a crisis, President Obama called a crisis meeting on July 23 2011 between him and the top Congressional representatives at the White House where he sought to reach an amicable solution to the looming crisis. The meeting later proved inconsequential. The Congressmen present included Nancy Pelosi of the House of Minority, House Speaker John A. Boehner, Harry M. Reid of the Senate Majority and Mitch Mc Connell of the Senate Minority. This meeting took place at least 10 days b efore the U. S went into default that threatened to cripple its function, as it would not have had money for it to run on efficiently. It was also held in the wake of a night that the speaker had called off attempts to raise the $14Trillion debt limit and save the government’s repute. ... Allegedly, this infuriated the president but he could not do anything at the time. Eventually, Obama reiterated that it was his duty to sign the bill into law therefore implying that he would not sign it. Surprisingly, the Senate Majority leader Reid Harry interjected and requested the president to allow the Congress representatives to speak in private. This was a clear indication that the president’s presence, in a meeting that he had called for, had no impact. His decency intact, Obama let them have their private session but did not take those remarks lightly. He did not want to appear as though he were a dictator and hence allowed democracy to prevail even in that particular meeting. Some would consider it cowardly but for Obama, as the man that he is, it is the greatest act of power. To him it is not about imposing ideas and infringing other people’s rights but it is about equal participation in decision-making. In the events leading to the meeting, the four leaders allegedly plotted to use the debt ceiling increase as a campaign debate tool come the 2012 presidential elections. Obama had adamantly continued to decline to this arrangement insisting on possible consideration after the elections. Further, the president went to an extent of calling Boehner on the night of the aborted meeting, while he was dinning with friends, to insist that he would not relent and sign the bill into law. The House Speaker pointed out to Obama that his concern was substantial but if they did not increase the debt ceiling limit at that time then the government would have to go into bad debt. Additionally, he highlighted that going back on
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Flexible Workers Essay Example for Free
Flexible Workers Essay The term flexible working means Flexible working is a phrase that describes any working pattern adapted to suit workers needs. Flexibility is the The ability of an organisation to adapt the size, composition, responsiveness and cost of the people inputs required to achieve organisational objectives (Pilbeam and Corbridge, 2010). There are different forms of flexibility which are numerical flexibility, functional flexibility, financial flexibility, locational flexibility and temporal flexibility. Numerical flexibility is where employers can change the size of their workforce as their labour requirements change. Functional flexibility is the ability of an organization to move employees to other duties or responsibilities within the company. Locational flexibility is that employees can work from home instead of coming to the office. Types of temporal flexibility are Part time working, home working, job Sharing, term time working, annual Hours Zero hours, 9 day fortnight/compressed hours. The table below shows that â€Å"Between 2006 and 2011 there was a general increase across all modes of flexible working (Table 2). Teleworking (TN0910050S) saw the greatest rise, being offered by 14% of employers in 2006 and 59% in 2011. This echoes trends in flexible working observed in the UK as well as the rest of Europe (EU1101011D). The popularity of teleworking has been boosted by improvements in information communication technologies (ICT) and its attractiveness to the smallest companies (69% offer this form of flexible working)†. (ewco 2011) Source: CBI/Harvey Nash (2011) â€Å"The Third Work-Life Balance Employer Survey found that the vast majority (92 per cent) of employers would consider a request to change a working pattern from any employee despite legislation only requiring employers to do so from some employees. Amongst those employers where a request had been made in the previous 12 months, just nine per cent said they had turned down any requests. The survey reported that employers continue to hold predominantly positive attitudes towards work-life balance and to perceive its benefits for employees and workplaces alike, although it is clear that most employers feel that the implementation of flexible working practices is not always easy, and should not be expected by employees where it would cause disruption to the business (Family Friendly Working Hours Taskforce 2008). The Atkinson’s Flexible Firm Model is a technique used by the managers of a company to organize the work place with the help of different forms of flexibility to efficiently make full use of its work force. The model is based on the principle of dividing the work force into core and peripheral groups. The core group consists of workers that are vital to the company, the work force is functionally flexible and are very difficult to replace because of some special skills, knowledge about a product or market and experience in the field. The peripheral group consists of workers who are numerically flexible. This because of the worker in this group can be replaced easily, the supply in labour market is high, they were only needed for a specific task or they might be only needed in the peak time of a business. For a worker it is better to be of the core than the periphery as they would have job security, improved conditions of work and a better pay rate as they cannot be replaced easily. The model also shows how important can the external workers be for the business. For example sub contracted workers like the cleaning staff of an airline are not core part of the company but they are important in running of the business (oxford human resource management). According to BT Case study,†BT demonstrates the power of flexible working as it has adapted the way it manages people and the way they work to stay competitive and responsive. The company has what is believed to be one of the largest flexible working projects in Europe – the BT Work style project. Flexible working is available to almost everyone in BT, and BT now has over 70,000 flexible workers ,from senior managers to contact centre staff. At BT, flexible working is business as usual. Already seven out of 10 people work flexibly and nearly 10% are home based. It has saved the company millions in terms of increased productivity and cut costs. It has also motivated our people and released more potential. †Sir Christopher Bland, Chairman, BT Group (BT group). Flexible working both meets the needs of employees and improves companies’ capacity to serve customers – to optimise communications, reduce response times, improve service and support, and contribute to the overall customer experience – and, in doing so, it secures competitive advantage. See figure 1 below This clearly shows that BT has used flexible working and gained a lot from it, BT used compressed hours to lengthen engineers days which led to high level of job completion customer satisfaction and engineers enjoyed half day off a week which creates motivation among the employees. : British gas has been using flexible working for a long time and it has been their key element in business strategy. British gas offers its employees different types of flexible working which has enabled the company to offer 24 hour service for its customers. British gas flexible working provisions include allowing university students to study, letting people work longer or shorter hours, part-time and full-time roles, flexible hours to allow for childcare, and remote working and they also support home working for some employees. Benefits of offering flexible working for British Gas are that they want to attract and retain the best talent, regardless of background and responsibilities and they want a diverse workforce that reflects community and customer base. Offering flexible working increases employee’s loyalty the brand and provides a better environment to work. British Gas has been chosen as one of the Top 50 Great Places to Work for the 3rd year running rising four places to number 26 in the list (British Gas 2012). Marks and spencer revised their working in February 2010 to give greater emphasis to the requirement for line managers to give all formal flexible working requests due consideration, and agree those requests that are beneficial to both company and the employee. Marks and spencer currently supports these types of flexible working, part-time working, job-sharing, term-time working and home working on a part-time basis depending on the job, flexible retirement options and career leave of up to nine unpaid months to study. Marks and spencer are committed to employee engagement and believe that flexible working contributes to their levels of engagement. Other benefits include attraction of the best talent, retention of our existing talent, and productivity across the business, motivation to give great service increased morale. All these factors lead to better quality service being offered to its customers. (Marks and Spencer plc 2013). Accenture offers the following flexible working provisions flexible hours’ reconfiguration of existing hours over contractual number of days, part-time working, and job-sharing, home-enabled working leave of absence policy: allowing employees to take unpaid leave to pursue activities outside of the working environment. The company also makes full use of multiple flexible working arrangements simultaneously, and any type of flexible working is available to each level f employees. (CIPD 2012) Accenture has seven business reasons to create a more flexible, supportive work environment which are to attract and retain a broad range of talented people, to raise morale and increase job satisfaction, to increase productivity and improve business results to enhance commitment and engagement and to cut health care costs and last to attract investors. More than 80% of Accenture e mployees say that achieving work–life balance is important. Fifty-two per cent of Accenture UK employees also said they are already working flexibly at Accenture and these 52% show increased levels of engagement (2013 Accenture). Companies offer flexibility to its workers as they are benefited from it but there are some draw backs as well like some employers that offer flexible working are doing it on case by case basis rather than making it general work practice, an employee that needs flexible working can come to the employer but it is up to the employer to agree or disagree. When the employer approves or disapproves the employees request it creates internal conflict among employees. If an employee finds it unfair that some employees can work flexibly and some cannot, they feel that some workers are preferred more over them which creates conflict and it leads to de-motivated workers causing the standard of work done by them to be less efficient. Although companies with flextime often use core hours to encourage teamwork, employees that work inconsistent schedules cannot spend as much time in collaboration with co-workers as employees that work the same hours. Employees may only have a few hours a day for this collaboration. In some workplaces, work team communication takes place in an ongoing and spontaneous fashion that is hard to limit to just a few hours. Flextime can slow down the pace of work team production because of this restricted collaboration (Kokemuller 2013). The costs involved in administering flexible are also high which restricts small businesses to adapt it. Employees will not be in work at certain times and therefore it may not be suitable for organisations where continuous cover is necessary. Another disadvantage is that if the offices are open for a longer period, it may lead to increased costs for lighting and heating. Following are the barriers that businesses have to face to create a flexible working condition for its employees Operational pressures, customer/service requirements, line managers’ ability to effectively manage flexible workers, line management attitudes, accommodating employee requests for flexibility and financial constraints. Operational pressures: one of the drawbacks is operational pressure which causes stress (CIPD, 2012).? Communication problems: communication problems can hinder productivity with flexible working because relevant information doesn’t get to the employee (CIPD, 2012). Customer and service requirement: when there is high service requirement where staff need to deal with customers it makes flexibility almost impossible (CIPD, 2006). Flexible working is an important aspect in business as there are many benefits. Flexible working is now being practiced by large companies and it has increased significantly. We have seen that how companies like British Gas, Marks and Spencer and Accenture have used flexible working to define its business. Companies have benefited by getting efficient staff, increased productivity and higher levels of motivation of its workers. There are some barriers and one of the main reasons is operational pressure. Thus today use of flexible working is very important for a company’s success. However there are some drawbacks as well like companies have to face increased costs which restrict small businesses to adapt to flexible working. oth employee and employer are benefited from it, advantages of flexible working to employees are Opportunity to achieve a work life balance, increased satisfaction and higher motivation levels. Whereas the benefits to employers are higher productivity, along with improved customer service, reduced absenteeism, lower staff turnover, improved recruitment and retention of a diverse workforce, raised motivation/engagement and enhanc ed employer branding as employer of choice. Thus we can see that the benefits of working flexibly can benefit the company and it is also good for its workers.
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