Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Modern manufacturing processes or equipment - Laser Cutting Research Paper
Present day producing procedures or gear - Laser Cutting - Research Paper Example The liquid material is expelled from the slicing front through a pressurized gas stream (Dahotre and Harimkar, 2008). The pressurized help gas likewise encourages material evacuation through concoction response, for example, by oxidizing the material. The procedure of material slicing continues through the cutting front development over the plane of the material. The movement of either the work piece and additionally engaged pillar comparative with one another executes the procedure. Note that laser cutting is a repeatable, solid, and fast strategy that can be applied to materials of different thicknesses and types to create exceptionally clean-cuts with thin widths. The procedure is explicitly fit as a semi or completely robotized cutting procedure for high creation volumes. At first, the modern utilization of laser cutting included the cutting of spaces in pass on sheets utilizing a 200W laser. Today, laser machines can cut a wide assortment of metallic materials including superalloys, metal, aluminum, prepares, and copper, and nonmetallic materials, for example, quartz, elastic, fabric, wood, pla stic, and clay (Dahotre and Harimkar, 2008). Borade (2012) states that the laser cutting procedure involves laser pillar emanation when invigorated by a lasing material (radio recurrence or a gas). The incitement is affected when the lasing material is presented to electrical charges a fenced in area. When the incitement of laser material happens, the shaft is reflected and ricocheted off from a fractional mirror. The bar is allowed to assemble adequate vitality and quality before being discharged as a fly of monochromatic reliable light. The light further experiences the focal point, and is engaged to shape a serious bar that is under 0.0125 of an inch in breadth. The width of the pillar can be balanced dependent on the material to be cut. The width can be as little as 0.004 inches. The surface material’s purpose of
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Market Entry Strategy Of UniCredit Group †MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Examine about the Market Entry Strategy Of UniCredit Group. Answer: Presentation UniCredit is a globally acclaimed budgetary establishment which has its tasks in 22 significant European nations. This money related foundation has its key situation in Eastern and Western Europe and subsequently the organization has biggest piece of the overall industry. The tasks of UniCredit bunch is found in Ukraine, Turkey, Slovenia, Serbia, Russia, Romania, Poland, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Latvia, Hungary, Germany, Estonia, Czech Republic, Croatia, Bulgaria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Azerbaijan, Austria. The starting point of this gathering goes back to the foundation of an organization in the year 1473, called Rolo Banca. A few particular business divisions are available in UniCredit Group. This incorporates speculation banking and Corporate Banking division, private banking, families and SME banking. The gathering likewise has a CEE division that stresses on tasks in 19 Central and Eastern Europe nations. Directly the director of the gathering is Giuseppe Vita and the CEO is Federico Ghizzoni (UnicreditGroup.eu 2018). This examination depends on the task 1 and 2 which accentuates on the early market section procedure, merger of HVB Group and the UniCredit Group and the systems taken up by these gatherings. Advantages and downsides of the main mover showcase passage procedure in contrast with the adherent or late market section methodology. First mover can be portrayed as a serious a business gets when it first attempts to catch the market and acquires an assistance or item to the market before some other contender does. In this manner being the first in a market explicitly builds the brand acknowledgment and the dedication of the clients before the other market contenders that are entering the market later. Another significant advantage that a specific first mover organization gets is the plentiful measure of time to improve the administration and the item (Boldrin and Levine 2013). The upsides of an organization being the primary mover are as per the following: the organization picks up the advantage of building up its item as an industry standard; a durable impression is made by the organization alongside the solid brand picture that offer lift to the brand picture; starting things out in to a market give vital bit of leeway regard to the recruiting talented workers, contracts with the crucial providers, area advantages and asset control; different points of interest incorporate less expense of appended to the new item dispatches in contrast with the new participants (Vecchiato 2015). Different advantages include: Technology administration the main movers get a chance to make innovation utilized in the item harder to recreate or duplicate. The primary mover organization for instance can lessen the expense of the item which will be difficult for the late movers to follow. This successfully expands the primary mover organization to set up a favorable situation r egarding item costs. The other way incorporates protecting the new items with licenses by the primary movers; Control of assets the subsequent advantages emerges from the key control of assets; Buyer-exchanging costs-this is a restrictive advantage of the main movers, and the late movers follow through on a robust cost so as to cause the hesitant clients to pick their items (Markides and Sosa 2013). Disadvantages of being the First Mover-Although there are a few points of interest for being a first mover, anyway there are sure downsides that don't ensure advantage: The primary movers need to cause extra courses of action so as to convince the clients to attempt another item. Though, for the late movers it is anything but difficult to build up the business on the lines of the past participant in light of the fact that the clients are as of now educated about a particular item (Loschelder et al. 2014). The late movers settle on wary choices and attempt to maintain a strategic distance from the missteps made by the principal mover. The late movers utilize the chance of catching the market where the main mover has neglected to catch the client consideration. There is consistently an opportunity of improving items through the figuring out. This alternative is genuinely needed by the principal movers. The late movers can exploit enhancing the segments and regions where the primary mover totally disregarded (Loschelder et al. 2014). There are a few instances of organizations that were not the primary movers and still are presently viewed as market pioneers: Google-before google came there were past contestants like Infoseek and Yahoo. In any case, Google improved their web index and viably and Google currently control 65% of the hunt in web crawlers; Southwest Airlines-this carrier was a late mover in to the aircraft part, still this organization extended quick and now they are the second biggest carriers on the planet (van Loon 2012). Retail banking and its entrance timing in to a remote market as a first participant in an outside nation There are factors that assume a significant job in choosing the planning of a retail banking section in to an outside nation. The few components are recorded as underneath: The abilities of a firm is chosen by its capabilities, what zones it is acceptable at and what it shows improvement over the other market rivals. In this manner, for a financial organization to become have all the preferable characteristics over the entirety of its adversaries sets aside some effort to assemble. Banks start to gain a huge edge of benefit simply after a specific timeframe, and that too the benefit depends on the quantity of clients it serves. Picking up prominence and confidence of the clients as a solid requires a great deal of time. In this manner, when an organization chooses to grow its branches into the remote nations, its own abilities must be at a pinnacle position. This planning of remote market passage comes simply after it has increase sufficient certainty and achievement in its base nation (Kotha, Zheng and George 2011). Qualities of the host nation in to the retail banking firm will enter assumes a significant job. These attributes incorporate the market economy size, mechanical advancement, modern market structure. The host nation must advance the alternatives of remote direct speculation (FDI) so outside establishments can undoubtedly enter the remote market with no obstacles. The planning here additionally assumes a critical job, nature inside the nation that advances an ideal outside speculation will draw in the establishments like retail banks to enter in to a remote nation. Timing of such development is indispensable as it prompts an expansion in higher benefits by the financial elements. The other imperative qualities that are additionally significant incorporate institutional condition, political security, tax collection arrangements, cost of the normal assets, business and pay laws. Every one of these elements impact business condition to an enormous degree and accordingly the choice of a r etail banking element to enter in to an outside nation will to a great extent incorporate the an appraisal of these elements (Nielsen and Nielsen 2011). Rivalry is an essential part of any business element that needs to endure and ability with all the opponents in a similar market condition. Entering in a remote market likewise incorporated a critical evaluation of the nearness of the market rivalry in that nation. The nearness of the degree of rivalry in remote nation will deflect the majority of the organizations to grow their branches. In any case, in the event that that equivalent nation do not have the market rivalry, at that point it will be simple for another contestant to open another branch and present new items that will draw in the more clients. Monetary components are the sole advertisers that push a remote business element or a retail banking firm to put resources into to an outside nation. In the event that a nation gives plentiful open doors through its financial administrations, at that point the likeliness of speculation by the retail banking firms will increment. This again relies upon the planning of the monetary state of a nation, if a nation is eager to open its residential market for the outside direct speculation. At that point, such open doors can be legitimately connected with the planning of market passage (Goldfarb and Xiao 2011). Geographic nearness and whether it adds to the accomplishment of market passage Topographical closeness assume a positive job in adding to the accomplishment of market passage since nearness helps in simple direct and the board of the entire business process. The expanded accessibility of the geographic data identified with the purchasers gives an additional preferred position and degree for the organizations to utilize such data to advertise. It is well established reality that the social impacts are more noteworthy when there is a nearby geological vicinity. The absence of the informal community information suggests that the impact of the customers that are in topographically in nearness can be successfully recognized from the social vicinity. The land and the social vicinity are quite related ideas and subsequently consequently the geographic closeness information can be utilized adequately when the social nearness is missing. Consequently development of the business and organizations to the areas that are in nearness can prompt expanded similarity between th e individuals (Meyners et al. 2017). It is seen that because of cultural, social and legitimate contrasts the remote market which is found geologically close regularly appear to mentally far off. The two significant issues identified with the mental distinction are: it is simpler for the organizations to enter outside business sectors when there exists a nearby mental vicinity; the view of mental contrasts is at times dependent on the bogus observations as opposed to practical conviction. Extending in to nations that are in topographically nearness helps in lessening the complexities that emerge due to the cultural and the social contrasts. This makes the administration of the activity like the administration activity in the nation of origin. Considering the instance of the UniCredit Group, the organization extended in to the neighboring European nations which was
Introduction to Nanotechnology free essay sample
For the most part nanotechnology manages structures of the size 100 nanometers or littler in any event one measurement, and includes creating materials or gadgets inside that size. Nanotechnology is exceptionally differing, running from augmentations of ordinary gadget material science to totally new methodologies dependent on sub-atomic self-get together, from growing new materials with measurements on the nanoscale to examining whether we can legitimately control matter on the nuclear scale. There has been a lot of discussion on the future ramifications of nanotechnology. Nanotechnology can possibly make numerous new materials and gadgets with a huge scope of utilizations, for example, in medication, hardware and vitality creation. Then again, nanotechnology raises a considerable lot of indistinguishable issues from with any presentation of new innovation, including worries about the poisonousness and ecological effect of nanomaterials, and their latent capacity consequences for worldwide financial aspects, just as hypothesis about different doomsday situations. These worries have prompted a discussion among backing gatherings and governments on whether uncommon guideline of nanotechnology is justified. We will compose a custom article test on Prologue to Nanotechnology or then again any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page The principal utilization of the ideas found in nano-innovation (however pre-dating utilization of that name) was in Theres Plenty of Room at the Bottom, a discussion given by physicist Richard Feynman at an American Physical Society meeting at Caltech on December 29, 1959. Feynman portrayed a procedure by which the capacity to control singular particles and atoms may be created, utilizing one lot of exact devices to construct and work another relatively littler set, etc down to the required scale. Over the span of this, he noted, scaling issues would emerge from the changing size of different physical marvels: gravity would turn out to be less significant, surface pressure and vander Waals fascination would turn out to be progressively increasingly critical, and so forth. Name †Swarnalipi Behera Regd. no †0601211053 Roll. no †106321 Branch †IT 1. Presentation Nanotechnology is a basically current logical field that is continually developing as business and scholastic intrigue keeps on expanding and as new research is introduced to mainstream researchers. The field’s most straightforward roots can be followed, though apparently, to 1959 yet its essential advancement happened in both the eighties and the mid nineties. Notwithstanding explicit logical accomplishments, for example, the development of the STM, this early history is in particular reflected in the underlying vision of atomic assembling as it is plot in three significant works. By and large, a comprehension of advancement and the analysis of this vision is basic for understanding the real factors and capability of nanotechnology today. Nanotechnology, abbreviated to nanotech, is the investigation of the controlling of issue on a nuclear and sub-atomic scale. By and large nanotechnology manages structures of the size 100 nanometers or littler in any event one measurement, and includes creating materials or gadgets inside that size. Nanotechnology is assorted, extending from augmentations of ordinary gadget physical science to totally new methodologies dependent on sub-atomic self-get together, from growing new materials with measurements on the nanoscale to examining whether we can legitimately control matter on the nuclear scale. There has been a lot of discussion on the future ramifications of nanotechnology. Nanotechnology can possibly make numerous new materials and gadgets with a tremendous scope of utilizations, for example, in medication, hardware and vitality creation. Then again, nanotechnology raises huge numbers of indistinguishable issues from with any presentation of new innovation, including worries about the poisonousness and ecological effect of nanomaterials, and their latent capacity impacts on worldwide financial aspects, just as hypothesis about different doomsday situations. These worries have prompted a discussion among support gatherings and governments on whether exceptional guideline of nanotechnology is justified.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Tattoos a Fine Art Essay Example
Tattoos a Fine Art Essay Example Tattoos a Fine Art Essay Tattoos a Fine Art Essay Article Topic: Lolita Tattoos a Fine Art Tattoos are viewed as compelling artwork and are acknowledged more now than any other time in recent memory. â€Å"Tattoos go back to 12,000 BC. The word tattoo originates from a Tahitian word tattow or ta-tu importance to check the skin†(Lori). Tattoos have been obvious in numerous societies all through the centuries†the old Greeks inked spies, the Romans inked lawbreakers and the Polynesians inked positioning individuals from their tribes†(Lori). Around the 1950’s tattoos lost prevalence they got a generalization of being on terrible individuals: hooligans, criminals, or individuals that were viewed as social outsiders. In the 1960’s the episode of hepatitis caused inking to drop out of fame. Around 1972 tattoos started to pick up notoriety again with new methods for cleaning and better work of art being introduced. This is when inking began picking up its Statius of artistic work. New and many-sided work were being done, dream themes some being impacted by Japanese high detail inking. This is the place tattoo craftsman began figuring out how to enhance their work and to make perfect works of art if compelling artwork. The more detail and unpredictable the work the better the show piece. Inking has prospered into a full aesthetic medium that is surprising the world with its unending assortment of strategies and capacities to do pretty much anything as a tattoo plan. â€Å"With the tattoo calling being progressively taken over by experienced specialists, we are seeing numerous cutting edge illustrative styles being inked, from comic book craftsmanship to modern PC produced plans. Exemplary painters; Such as Van Gogh and Dali, are by and large carefully deciphered on skin close by current experts, for example, Alex Gray and H. R. Ginger. In under a century, inking has developed to incorporate each possible style of art†(Hope). Tattoo Artists are continually pushing the limits of the fine art by discovering intense better approaches for communicating on a living canvas. In any case, Tattoo Art has been looked downward on, if not totally overlooked, for quite a long time, which is senseless when you consider it. That is to say, isn’t â€Å"art†essentially a methods for articulation and a type of correspondence? Presently days individuals are getting pictures of friends and family, wild creatures, wall paintings, renowned centerpieces, and even mind boggling structures inked on themselves. A portion of these tattoos even recount tales about something that may have transpired during their lives, or to memorialize somebody unique that has passed on. Tattoo workmanship may appear to be somewhat shallow and embellishing on a superficial level, however most tattoos ordinarily have a more profound significance regardless of whether that importance is just known to the carrier. They are discovering an ever increasing number of individuals with tattoos as they are getting all the more socially worthy in today’s culture. One can discover such individuals as:†Celebrities, sports legends and even eminence are no aliens to body workmanship including Angelina Jolie, Robert di Niro, Julia Roberts, Jason Giambi, Anna Kournikova, King Frederick of Denmark, Queen Olga of Greece and Princess Stephanie of Monaco†(Lori). There are such craftsman as Thomas Hooper who have individuals coming to him for his work that don’t truly care what he puts on them as long as it’s a Hooper he has a holding up list a half year long. He obviously decreases the offer and needs the customers contribution on the work. Be that as it may, he realizes the explanation individuals do this it resembles purchasing a composition of a renowned craftsman for an assortment. Hooper has a style all his own and that is the thing that has earned him the regard and following that he has. Hooper isn't the only one there are many tattoo craftsman in many significant urban areas everywhere throughout the world with colossal followings; in New York Anil Gupta, another in America is Steve Byrne who has individuals who search him out any place he may be at that point. Steve says that half of the individuals that he has inked have ventured out to discover him or coincidentally had gotten him at a show in their general vicinity. Shows have now become a major thing these resemble a versatile workmanship exhibition, these are the place individuals come to see show-stoppers on others. One may likewise be keen on the new tattoo innovation; overhauls on machines, new hues, chemicals, shop supplies, procedures, and possibly an exercise or two from an ace. There are likewise customers there searching for craftsman in their general vicinity so they can get a gander at their work. These are extraordinary spots to go in the event that one might want to expand their viewpoint and become illuminated on the realities of inking. A ton of your tattoo craftsman â€Å"now have the pined for initials MFA (Masters of Fine Art) after their names and have concentrated in regarded workmanship schools†(Harris). These craftsmen have long holding up records and are over the top expensive however as the adage goes one just get what one compensation for, and in the event that one needs a gem one should pay for it simply like on the off chance that one were purchasing a fine painting. It’s speculated that 48% of individuals ages 17 to 25 have at least one tattoo and 40% of individuals ages 26 to 60 have as at least one tattoo (Lampica), however it is as yet a reality that there are progressively grown-up men that have tattoos then females that are inked. Dr. Lori, â€Å"Skin profound workmanship: Tattoos have a long history†Sunday Living 2011 The Journal. September 27, 2009. diary news. net/page/content. detail/id/525680. html? nav=5004 Harris, Paul. â€Å"Tattoos vanquish present day craftsmanship as needles and ink supplant brushes†The Observer 2011 watchman 23 January 2011 uardian. co. uk/world/2011/jan/23/tattoo-specialists new-york Levins, Hoag. â€Å"The Changing Cultural Status of the Tattoo Arts in America†As Documented in Mainstream U. S. Reference Works, Newspaper and Magazines. 1996-2011 tattooartist. com/history. html Lampica, Lolita. â€Å"Fine workmanship and Pleasure: Tattoo Art Earth†2011-07-07 Go Articales . com 2011 http://goarticles. com/article/Fine-workmanship and-Pleasure-Tattoo-Art-Earth/4923008/Hope, J â€Å"Tattooing Today†2011-7-8 Go Articales . Com 2011 http://goarticles. com/article/Tattooing-Today/4926576/
Saturday, August 1, 2020
February Freshman Admits now available on myStatus - UGA Undergraduate Admissions
February Freshman Admits now available on myStatus - UGA Undergraduate Admissions February Freshman Admits now available on myStatus The status check is now updated and the wave of freshman February admit decisions (roughly 1,800) that I discussed earlier are now showing up on the site. Please remember that this is a small group of admits who meet the EA criteria used in our December admits (and are mainly RD applicants due to this fact), and remember, I cannot comment/discuss specific decisions on this blog. As I posted a few days ago, there are no set EA critieria levels, as it is a review of the combination of grades, rigor and test scores, so please do not ask what EA SAT/ACT, GPA or rigor criteria is. There will be a few EA deferred students who are admitted in this round, mostly because of an increase in their academic standing (new test scores) or if we needed to re-review their other academic information due to another issue (change in course schedule, issue with a transcript and self-reported grades, etc.) Do not panic if you have not been admitted in this wave, as we still have a number of files to read and numerous of decisions to make. Final decisions will be made by roughly the end of March, so try to be patient as we finish up the process over the next month or so. As I said in my previous post, I have not run the mid-ranges on these admitted students, but they should be fairly similar to the EA admitted students. Go Dawgs!
Sunday, June 28, 2020
Prescription to Madness - Literature Essay Samples
The Victorian rest cure, a diagnosis set forth to upper class, white, Victorian women who were believed to be suffering from hysteria, or trauma related to an unsuccessful role adjustment sought to instill in them a childlike submission to masculine authority (Ammons 35). Charlotte Perkins Gilman, herself a victim of the Victorian rest cure, utilizes within The Yellow Wallpaper her own experiences to exemplify the violence of achieving the Victorian ideal of femininity and the sacrifices necessary for a woman to avow her right to self-determination. Gilmans narrator, violently forced into absolute solitude, silence, and submission, must face the quagmire before her loyalty to her husband and societal perceptions of woman, or loyalty to her imagination, her intellect, and the piece of herself that she has objectified and projected into the wallpaper and that pleads for independence. Undoubtedly, loyalties lie to self. Thus, The Yellow Wallpaper depicts a woman affirming her right to her own authority while breaking free from the violent process of feminization (Ammons 35) that masculine authority has forced her to submit to.The rest cure that ravages Gilmans narrator centers around the compassionate care of a male specialist that forces his patient to turn herself into a helpless, docile, overgrown infant that is, a feminine adult (Ammons 35). John, the narrators husband and physician plays the role of the compassionate male expert. He hides his true purpose of molding his wife into the ideal of Victorian femininity beneath layers of care and kindliness not allowing her stir without special direction (Gilman 647). His treatment of her is explicitly paternal, if not austerely dominating he laughs when she questions him, he calls her little girl and blessed little goose, he doesnt allow her a downstairs room as she requests, and joke-threatens to stick her in the cellar when she persists. The nursery that John confines the narrator to symbolizes her do mination and at the same time her burgeoning authority over her own self.The nursery is a big airy room, the whole floor nearly, with windows that look all ways, and air and sunshine galore. It was nursery first and then playroom and gymnasium, I should judge, for the windows are barred for little children, and there are rings and things on the walls (Gilman 647). The room provides little or no privacy and serves more or less as a jail where the hooks in the walls, the bars in the windows, and the great immovable bed serve to enslave and bully the inmate to return to an infantile state of rationale. The nailed down bed becomes the literal source of the narrators domination. The bed dictates from the center of the room, it is the site where most of her time is spent and the site for a woman not only of birthing, dying, and sleeping but also, and probably most important for this story, of sexual intercourse and therefore a potent reminder in late nineteenth-century America of male sexual privilege and dominance, including violence (Ammons 37). The bed symbolizes the dominance over the narrators body and the attempt to dominate her mind, transforming her into nothing but body, a mass of pure passive, ostensibly desexualized flesh without self-control (Ammons 36). Despite the forces pulling at the already fragmented mind of Gilmans narrator, she does retain some definition of herself and begins to establish her own authority when she continues to write despite the heavy opposition from John and her brother both physicians or the new priest, the new male authority, of a new scientific era (Ammons 36). Writing is viewed as a dangerous move because it threatens the system of control constructed to contain women (Ammons 38). Helene Cixous stated that Woman must put herself into the text as into the world and into history by her own movement (Ammons 38). The narrator asserts herself into the text, the world, and history when she defies the containment of th e room for the sake of her own imaginative power, which in turn becomes her own sexual and intellectual power as she speaks by writing her body on the walls (Ammons 35) that attempt to contain her.The room, therefore, not only enslaves the narrator to masculine thinking, it also, paradoxically, enlightens her to the wrongs she is enduring and introduces her to the idea of self-will. The wallpaper instigates this rebellion. She first regards it with disdain. The wallpaper is dull enough to confuse the eye in following, pronounced enough to constantly irritate and provoke study, and when you follow the lame uncertain curves for a little distance they suddenly commit suicide plunge off at outrageous angles, destroy themselves in unheard of contradictions (Gilman 647). The narrators search for an ordered pattern in the wallpaper denotes a juxtaposed irony against her search for an ordered pattern in her life both are meaningless, both are grotesque. But as time passes the narrato r discerns, in the moonlight ironically, the meaning that exists beneath the aesthetic horror and soon realizes the potential within the wallpaper and herself.Under the moon, the paper becomes bars and the distinct figure of a woman behind them becomes as plain as can be (Gilman 652). The narrators empathetic fascination with her fellow inmate creates a purpose for her otherwise hollow life. She now has something to expect, to look forward to, to watch (Gilman 653). The entrapped woman becomes a model for her fellow prisoner. At night the figure crawls around fast and takes hold of the bars and shakes them hard while all the time trying to climb through (Gilman 654). In the daytime she creeps in that long shaded lane and in those dark grape arbors, creeping all around the garden (Gilman 654). This creeping symbolizes a liberation from the requisite bed rest that John expects of his baby-wife and although the narrator locks the door when she creeps by daylight, she is still sha king the bars of her own prison and continuing to reintegrate and build upon her own personality which masculine totalitarianism had managed to fragment. The narrators empowerment swings the inward struggle of loyalties and she finds it easier to resist the shifting but seemingly inescapable patriarchal definition of motherhood as prison, flesh as destiny, and voice as silence (Ammons 42).A mutual understanding of the derision for confinement develops between the narrator and the figure. The narrator, having grown from the docile infant to the active toddler, schemes to help free the woman from her jail and consequently free herself from her own prison. The last day arrives and as night falls the woman began to crawl and shake the pattern and the narrator immediately got up and ran to help her. I pulled and she shook, I shook and she pulled, and before morning we had peeled off yards of that paper (Gilman 655). When the paper is no more, when the bars are no more, the narrator finally reaches sexual and textual authority. She has become a new woman in a new world. The woman behind the paper was the missing piece of the puzzle that would bring all the fragments together to form one individual claiming her right to self-determination. The narrator no longer objectifies this piece of herself that society, John, and the other fragments of her mind had forced behind the bars, but rather she embraces it, becomes it, wholly. She has defied male logic and dominance by reintegrating her fragmented mind and at the same time recording it in the written word. She gets in the paper, and its violence, formerly directed at her, becomes her articulated fury and agony (Ammons 38). She will not be held down when the bed will not move I got so angry I bit off a little piece at one corner but it hurt my teeth, when she wants to be left alone she throws the key down into the front path, and when John demands an explanation for her actions she refers to him as young m an and that man, establishing her dominance in the relationship (Gilman 656). The shock that consequentially comes from this shift in position causes John to faint and forces the narrator to creep over him every time (Gilman 657) she circles the room. The little girl has transformed into an independent thinker that moves wherever and whenever she desires and will not be held down by man she will crawl over him if necessary.The Yellow Wallpaper depicts the violence and horror that Victorian women were subjected to in order to achieve perfection (in the Victorian sense of the word). The foundation of this type of theory involves sacrificing all independent thinking and will and becoming only factories of reproduction. Charlotte Perkins Gilman defies this theory and the science that justifies the actions of it by presenting a woman with no choice in what she does, what she thinks, and seemingly what she feels and the effects that this dehumanization can do. In order to affirm her own authority and break free from this violent process the narrator must go mad. Mad in the sense of a revolt against reason (Victorian reason in this case) and mad in a sense of anger. She proves that all women facing the same situation as the narrator will submit to this madness before they will submit to the lives of infantile dependence prescribed as ideal by Victorian America (Ammons 39).
Friday, May 22, 2020
The Cloud Of Cloud Computing - 1073 Words
Introduction Cloud computing is a general term that describes a type of computing that provides services over internet. The roots of cloud computing starts from a concept formulated by J.McCarthy in the 1960, the utility computing or the idea that computing could be organised as a public utility such as water or gas. This concept with many others such as network-centric-architecture and grid-computing can be found under the umbrella of cloud computing (Marinescu, 2013). Nowadays cloud computing can be found in different services like emails, network storage (DropBox, Google Photos, iCloud, SkyDrive), document and file collaboration tools (Google Docs, Office 365) are entirely based on Cloud computing. Cloud computing history Even†¦show more content†¦Fig.1 Cloud delivery models and responsibilities Infrastructure as a Service The cloud provider manages the physical part of the infrastructure: servers, networks, storage systems, Hypervisors (or Virtual Machine Monitor, VMM). The user is able to create Virtual Machines (VMs) and install an Operative System (OS) and applications of his choice. IaaS is considered one of the most flexible type of delivery model because it offers a good level of freedom, comparable to a local architecture, as the user has a free choice of what type of technology to use in every VM. The drawback is that the instances need to be configured and managed. Platform as a Service The PaaS model is particularly oriented towards developers, who need to run their applications without having the need to configure an entire network architecture of VMs and manage multiple application updates and upgrades. This delivery model allows developers to manage only their code and the data structures, everything else (runtime, OS, VMs, VMMs, networks,...) is then managed by the cloud provider. Software as a Service The SaaS model allows the user to use an application provided by the cloud provider, like a software application installed with the only difference that the application is delivered through internet. Many companies such as Microsoft, Autodesk and Adobe are moving towards this concept thatShow MoreRelatedThe Cloud Of Cloud Computing1673 Words  | 7 PagesLiterature Cloud Computing Definition The topic of the cloud computing industry and security is broad with far reaching intricacies. Therefore, to narrow the subject, the definition of cloud computing as defined by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) (NIST Special Publication 800-145, 2011) will be used as the foundation for this study. The NIST adopted the (Mell Grance, 2010) cloud computing definition in 2011. (Mell Grance, (2010)) defined cloud computing as a modelRead MoreThe Cloud Of Cloud Computing1714 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction Cloud computing is a topic of which much is assumed. The average person recognizes the term â€Å"cloud computing†as having to do with their storage from their iPad or iPhone on the online storage area which syncs their Apple devices to their computer. This common cloud is called the iCloud. That is where common knowledge ends about this topic. However, upon further exploration, a deeper understanding is gained with greater explanation, and it is realized that cloud computing is somethingRead MoreThe Cloud Of Cloud Computing1593 Words  | 7 PagesThe Future is in the â€Å"Clouds†The world has recently adopted a new approach to computing – cloud computing. It is a particularly new model of computing, where databases are stored and operated somewhere in a cloud. Mell and Grance (2011) define cloud computing as â€Å"a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction†(p.Read MoreThe Cloud Of Cloud Computing Essay1715 Words  | 7 Pagesfrom the universe of IT Infrastructure into distributed computing which is also known as cloud computing. Cloud computing is presently quick turning into the most noteworthy field in the IT world because of its progressive model of computing as a utility. It permits the decision makers to turn their consideration on the business as opposed to their IT Infrastructure. There is no organization that has not considered moving to cloud comp uting in light of its versatility, responsiveness, and deftnessRead MoreThe Cloud Of Cloud Computing1462 Words  | 6 PagesCloud computing refers to the technology in which the entire range of the services such as application, infrastructure and the platform are accessed with the help of the internet. The access to these services are provided by the major contributors such as Google, Apple , Salesforce.com, Amazon and Microsoft and the access to these services were entirely out of reach if these major providers would not have contributed in it to a large extent. The entire range of the services provided by the cloudRead MoreCloud Of Cloud And Cloud Computing1734 Words  | 7 PagesCloud Based Services Introduction Cloud computing is an Internet-based type of computing through shared computer processing resources. Data is availed through the device on demand. In cloud computing provision of resources is achieved through an Internet connection. Resources shared include servers, storage, services and applications. History of Cloud Computing The term cloud computing was first coined in 1996. However, the idea of sharing computing resources was conceived in the early 1970’s. CloudRead MoreThe Cloud Of Cloud Computing2417 Words  | 10 Pages â€Å"The Cloud†is a catchy phrase suggesting a convenient way to access files from anywhere. Unlike the puff balls floating overhead, the cloud is a physical infrastructure housed in massive warehouses all over the world. Air watch gives some names of developers who contributed to its creation. Well know names such as John McCarthy, J.C.R. Licklider, and Amazon (Mohamed, 2000). Cloud computing is ultimately transforming today’s computing landscape. Cloud has enabled enterprises to expand its infrastructureRead MoreThe Cloud Of Cloud Computing Essay2066 Words  | 9 PagesCloud Computing By Brooks ward ITEC 250 Cloud computing is storing and accessing data and programing over the Internet instead have on your computers hard drive. This makes everything physically close to you, which makes data access fast and easy without carrying around an usb. Although, the computer industry has operated under a local storage system for decades some still favor the old way because the cloud doesn’t have dedicated networkRead MoreThe Cloud Of Cloud Computing Essay1756 Words  | 8 PagesProject Background Cloud computing have revolutionized life as we know it; it allows people to store, manage, and access their data by using a network of remote servers which are hosted on the internet rather than using a local server or own hardware. A recent study conducted by KPMG found that 81% of businesses were either evaluating cloud services, planned a cloud implementation or had already implemented a cloud strategy [1]. Organizations tend to use the cloud to reduce costs and improve efficiencyRead MoreThe Cloud Of Cloud Computing Essay1667 Words  | 7 Pages ïÆ' ¼ INTRODUCTION The word cloud implies the internet and its diverse parts. Cloud computing was made for what happens when applications and services are moves into an internet. All the more as of now however, cloud computing alludes to the wide range of sorts of administrations and applications being conveyed in the cloud, and the way that, by and large, the gadgets used to get to these administrations and applications don t require any unique applications. Many organizations are conveying services
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Challenges Facing Projecting Demand Meeting Customer Needs
1.Detail and discuss alt the challenges you faced in projecting demand: meeting customer needs and wants, pricing, competitive actions and competitive response. How did your decisions impact your end performance (market share, income statement)? In projecting demand, we face many problems along the way because is not easy to please every type of customer in the market world. First of all, gauging new item presentations is turning out to be progressively critical as item life-cycle abbreviates and collection turnover increments. It represents a specific test in claim to fame retail divisions, for example, gadgets, design, books and cultivating, where new item presentations and intensely invigorated occasional combinations represent the†¦show more content†¦We knew that while making our product we had to keep in mind that different type of customers wanted different things all depending on how much they were willing to spend on the product. For example, Our Workhorse demanded more Easy to use, Low price, has a distinct look, able to store a lot of data, After-sale service and support, can link with other computers, Fast and powerful. They needed something reliable and less expensive since they are the hardworking people that don not have too much money to spend The chart here explains a little better on the Workhorse needs and want. The price that the workhorse was willing to pay for the product was 2,500. The people that fall on the Mercedes on the other hand wanted something much better than the workhorse and the traveler since they have the money to spend and they wanted better quality. They wanted something fast and powerful, can efficiently do complex tasks, can link with other computers, after-sale service and support, easy on eyes, larger display area, has a distinct look, able to store a lot of data and easy to use. This was the top 8 thing they demanded out of the product. The price that the customer in the Mercedes category were willing to pay was 4,000. Lastly we had the traveler who wanted something more portable because they are always on the go. The top eight for
Sunday, May 10, 2020
The Drama of the Clinton Sex Scandal Essay - 4650 Words
The Drama of the Clinton Sex Scandal Rare is a person that crosses the path of the White House without some emotion of envy or awe. This building epitomizes world leadership and unprecedented power. This renowned leadership may be the only association made by certain countries, while in the United States many see an other significance: Watergate, Whitewater, Kennedys brutal and mysterious assassination, and today, Clintons zippergate scandal. When the President of the United States takes oath, he gives up a part of his life. His private life becomes the publics life, and they feel the right to know what happens behind the Oval Office. Now the Presidency must battle against Newspaper journalists, radio personalities, televised news†¦show more content†¦But a rapidly-growing public demand for almost instant Web coverage of breaking national news stories has forced even the largest newspapers and magazines- like the Washington Post and Newsweek-to abandon the old rule. Out with the old, in with the new. It is easy to think breaking stories online could dilute journalists on-paper presence; now many have realized that online media puts all journalists on equal footing with radio and TV. So who drove this change, pushing away the status quo? Matt Drudge, author of The Drudge Report. It is still the Internets gold rush period and everyone is running around trying to make a profit. The irony is that the person who best embodies whats revolutionary about the Internet has made next to no money from it: Matt Drudge, 30, is the author of The Drudge Report, a bulletin of entertainment gossip, political rumor and witty meta-news. His web page (http://www.drudgereport.com) is austere; it consists of a headline, links to news sources and some black and white clip art. Apparently he is really quite well informed, he reads 18 newspapers a day and he admires politics enough to go after both sides of the story when the time comes. Drudges contact list has been exp anding far quicker than his bank account he now has a huge following, with a mailing list of over 85,000 people. This web journalist has such an impact on theShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The One With Five Steaks And The Simpsons 1258 Words  | 6 Pagesactors and actresses developed from unknowns into national television stars. â€Å"The One with Five Steaks and an Eggplant†in season two exemplifies the show’s ability to influence and reflect a country’s culture through its emotional storylines, comedic drama, and relatable characters. In the episode, Ross’s birthday is coming up, and the group is planning something special for the event. They agree on a gift, cake, and tickets to the upcoming Hootie and the Blowfish concert. 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Gender or sex discrimination may be described as the unfair treatment of a person in their employment because of that persons sex. It is illegal to discriminate based on sex and it may result in negative effects on employment include pay, positionRead MoreAmerican Civil Rights Movement Essay15820 Words  | 64 Pages filmings of Bible and different works of literature. Before 1913 there existed an opinion, that the spectator can not watch the film longer than 15 minutes. He shot a film Yudif from Betulia in 4 parts. It lasted 42 minutes. There was a great scandal at the studio because of this film duration, after it Griffith left American Biography and began his work at full-length film Birth of Nation. It appeared on screens in 1915. The film lasted 3 hours and told about the relationships of two AmericanRead MoreGp Essay Mainpoints24643 Words  | 99 Pagesof reality TV in our culture today †¢ Spurned many other reality TV shows ranging from Amazing Race to Fear Factor whose formulaic (rigid), insipid (dull) nature makes the discerning viewer queasy with its monochromatic excesses of cat-fighting, sex and cheap sentiment †¢ The Bachelor has spawned Joe Millionaire, Average Joe and Who wants to be a Millionaire †¢ Invariable formula, attract millions of viewers †¢ Bland and utterly unpalatable Profit driven: target group always the sameRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words  | 1056 Pagesorganizational practices at companies such as WorldCom, Enron, and Tyco. What executives at these companies did may be questionable, or even illegal, but the larger issue is the implications that such actions have created. For many, these corporate scandals have created a lack of trust of management.55 People are questioning how such unethical actions could have gone unnoticed if proper controls were in place in the organization. Moreover, the public is now examining the unethical cultures pervasiveRead MoreManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words  | 862 Pagestheir survival became known, it was not without controversy. It had required extreme and unsettling measures; the survivors had lived only by eating the flesh of their deceased comrades. Nonetheless, their story is one of the most moving survival dramas of all time, magnificently told by Piers Paul R ead in Alive (1974). It is a story of tragedy and courage, and it is a story of leadership. Perhaps a story of survival in the Andes is so far removed from everyday experience that it does not seem toRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 PagesYear-to-Date (January through September) Promotions and External Hires Race Level Hires into Executive Level Promotions to Executive Level African White American 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sex Native Hispanic American 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Asian 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Race M 0 (0%) 0 (0%) F 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sex Total 0 0 Level Hires into Management Level Promotions to Management Level Hires into Technical/ Professional Level Promotions to Technical/ Professional Level Hires into NonManagement
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Community Policing in Canada Essay - 908 Words
Community Policing in Canada Community policing is a relatively new model of service delivery that is employed by the majority of police forces across Canada. Community policing however, is not a â€Å"new†approach, it is more correctly a renewal or re-emergence of the old approach developed in Metropolitan London (Leighton Normandeau, p.21). The amendments to the current system are evident in Leighton Normandeau’s (1990) review of the future of community policing. The ideas behind the move to community policing was; â€Å"a vision in which the ultimate consumers of police services, the citizens themselves, have input into the setting of priorities by their local department and play an active role in dealing with crime and†¦show more content†¦al). An eye-opener that called for a serious re-evaluation of the current service became evident in a review of incoming calls, â€Å"in 1991, 60,000 calls to the police complaint line were abandoned by citizens prior to being answered. Many of these callers, in an attempt to contact the police, then called the 911 emergency line, tying up this emergency system (Griffiths et al., p.241)†. The re-evaluation of the service, lead to necessary changes and improvements being made, which resulted in the EPS adopting the model of community policing in their area. The success of implementing a program like this requires that both parties be well informed and well educated on the changes that will take place. One of the first steps is to market the concept of community policing both internally (within the department), as well as externally(within the community). Marketing community policing internally often involves collapsing the existing structures of authority that are in place as well as the specialization within the department. The case study mentioned that although the senior administrators in the department played a critical role in the reform, it was also necessary that line level officers be active participants in the process. After all, two important components of community policing are empowerment and ownership. Officers were given ownership of certain areas that wereShow MoreRelatedMulticulturalism Is The Fundamental Act That All Residents Are Equal1043 Words  | 5 Pagesfrom a different background of religion, caste, color, knowledge in one country. Canada is the multicultural country where different people from a different culture or ethnic living together. Canada’s official policy establishes the multiculturalism where Canada gives equal respect to all religion, racial and cultural background. Canada is the multicultural nation who receives immigrants from different cultures. Canada multiculturalism act is the fundamental act that all residents are equal. MulticulturalismRead MoreCommunity Policing And Public Security1415 Words  | 6 Pages Topic: Community Policing Name Affiliated institute â€Æ' In every corner of the world, security to the public has always been a concern. It is a responsibility of the government to provide security to its people. To ensure that there is a reliable security to the public, the government must streamline some approaches to security threats and effectively prevent or counter them. It is a common understanding that in most of the times in our lives, we happen to interact with the people who breakRead MorePolice Agencies Implement Community Policing, And Problem Oriented Policing Essay1357 Words  | 6 Pagesagencies implement community policing, and problem oriented policing? and if so do they work? In this paper, this paper will examine the two different styles of policing in a contemporary society. Community policing where the main emphasis is that the police and the community work together on issues, and problem-oriented policing where the police try and understand specific issues within the community. It will also examine several exampl es of different policing agencies in Canada, and what they implementRead MoreThe Impact Of Canadian Policing During The Nineteenth Century895 Words  | 4 Pagesof police work in Canada. A number of events have shaped Canadian policing, and in particular have shaped three different kinds. These are municipal, provincial, and federal police services. All these services had to start from somewhere. â€Å"In many respects, the emergence of Canadian policing during the nineteenth century closely mirrored the development of punishment and corrections†(Griffiths 2004). In the earliest days, policing in communities was carried out by community residents. Later, someRead MoreCrime And Crime : The Criminal Justice System Essay1520 Words  | 7 Pagesnot some criminal justice personnel adhere to proper administration of justice and rule of law. One such agent is police officers and the notion of policing. The notion or idea of policing and roles of police officers spark debate as to how policing is carried out not only within legal processes of the criminal justice system but also within community settings and environments. This paper argues that the criminal justice system manifests entities hinder effective administration of justice in criminalRead MoreTrends In Ala Essay1708 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction The Province of Alberta has been moving towards more of a community based policing style. This style integrates the officers into society rather than a separate entity, allowing them to be more involved and have direct interaction with the citizens. Numerous trends and challenges have emerged in the recent years in Alberta, which continue to affect the way the police deal with the issues. In 2010, Frank Oberle, the Solicitor General, set out framework to guide police officers and otherRead MorePolicing : Proactive And Proactive Policing Essay758 Words  | 4 PagesPolicing is a huge contributor to maintaining peace and order in Canada. Without it, there would be huge amounts of violence and chaos in society. Different types of policing has been created and tested such as; reactive, preventive, and proactive policing. Proactive policing has proven to be the most effective type of policing in preventing and deterring crime. â€Å"Proactive policing is the practice of deterring crim inal activity by showing police presence and engaging the public to learn their concernsRead MoreAssignment #2 – Policing a Modern Society600 Words  | 3 Pages#2 – Policing a Modern Society Introduction Traditionally, policing has proven to have its limits. The arrests did not deter criminals, there was no impact on the crime rate, and policing was a very reactive practise. Obviously, something needed to change. With policing a modern society, there are a number of different techniques that can be displayed, and prove to be beneficial. However; in this essay I will attempt to showcase two very important, and alike styles; Problem oriented policing, andRead More Evolution of the Police Officer Essays1570 Words  | 7 Pagesserve and protect the people in their community. The earliest police force was established around the 1750’s. Although the first police force in the modern sense came to be over 250 years ago, the purpose they had is the same as today. As with the rest of the world advancing and progressing, the police force has advanced in many ways which have made them a more efficient and capable unit, in order to more fully accomplish their purpose of serving their co mmunity. In the next few paragraphs you willRead MoreCommunity Policing Is Defined As The System Of Allocating Police Officers Essay1063 Words  | 5 PagesJustice Capstone â€Æ' Community policing is defined as the system of allocating police officers to particular areas so that they become familiar with the local inhabitants. Many communities have at least one officer assigned to patrol their area and tend to the people living within the area. These community policing officers take notice of the area and learn the ins and outs of these neighborhoods and surrounding areas. The officer familiarizes themselves with the people in the community and builds a strong
Thematic Unit Guidelines Free Essays
†¢Have an attractive and informative â€Å"Title Page†and â€Å"Table of Contents†. Expectations for these and all other unit components are described below under â€Å"Thematic Unit Components†. Also, be sure to review the â€Å"Thematic Unit Assessment Rubric†. We will write a custom essay sample on Thematic Unit Guidelines or any similar topic only for you Order Now Do not use 3-ring binders or plastic sleeves please. †¢Integrate no more than three subject areas for which there are relevant content standards – one of these subject areas must involve mathematics or social studies education. Integrating both subject areas is preferable but not mandatory. Teach and assess a clearly defined theme or topic that will enable elementary students to meet their local school district curriculum standards or the Colorado Model Content Standards. Planning for Student Learning: Review your school district’s curriculum standards or Colorado Model Content Standards and think about what you want your students to learn, know and be able to do as a result of this unit. Begin gathering student and teacher resources and start thinking about how you will teach and assess students’ learning relative to the content standards you select. Ask yourself: †¢What do I need to learn myself in order to teach this unit well? †¢What kinds of resources will I need to teach this unit? †¢What types and genres of children’s literature are available? †¢Are there artifacts, simulations, songs, photographs, etc. I could use? †¢What human and material resources are available in my community? Thematic Unit Components Title Page and Table of Contents – The â€Å"Title Page†should feature the title of your unit, grade level(s), the semester you taught the unit, and your program – Elementary PTEP or Post Baccalaureate Licensure Program. Also include your name, your cooperating teacher’s name, and the name of the elementary school and school district in which you are student teaching. The â€Å"Table of Contents†should, at minimum, list each of the unit components described here under â€Å"Thematic Unit Components†. Assessment criteria for â€Å"Developing,†â€Å"Proficient,†and â€Å"Advanced†levels of performance for all unit components may be found on the â€Å"Thematic Unit Assessment Rubric†. Rationale Statement – Every Thematic Unit needs a convincing rationale. Rationale statements should be organized and presented in FOUR sections. Section 1: Introduction – Students and teachers need to know what will be learned as a result of participating in this unit. In this section, explain why your unit topic is an important one for young learners. Describe how students might use this knowledge â€Å"in the real world†. Section 2: Community, School, and Classroom Setting – Describe the community, school, and classroom where you are student teaching. Include information about the community, school, classroom setting, and characteristics of students that are important to consider when teaching this unit. For example, how many male / female students are in the class? How would you characterize students’ socioeconomic status? Will you be teaching students with special needs or students whose primary language is not English? Do you have any particular concerns about classroom management? Describe the physical setup of your classroom (a diagram might be helpful). What kinds of technologies are available and will you use of any of them to teach and assess student learning? Knowing and acting on this background information will help you develop, modify, and differentiate instruction and assessment that accommodates the full range of diversity in your students. The goal here is to individualize the teaching and learning process by designing lessons that challenge all students at an appropriate level of difficulty. Section 3: Meeting the Colorado Model Content Standards – Curriculum standards describe what students should learn, know, and be able to do as a result of participating in your unit. In this section, list all of the school district or Colorado Model Content Standards your unit addresses. Under each content standard write lesson objectives that describe how or what students will do to meet that particular standard. Remember that if you list a content standard then you are obligated to teach and assess students’ learning on that standard. Also, make sure that you are able to explain how particular lesson objectives enabled students to meet particular standards. You will need to address content standards three times in you unit. First, by listing them here in your rationale statement along with corresponding lesson objectives for each standard, a second time in each lesson plan or learning cycle, and a third time when writing your â€Å"evaluative essay†(which is described below). Here is a suggestion. Develop your lesson plans first, along with appropriate content standards and lesson objectives; next, write (cut and paste) the content standards and lesson objectives from lesson plans into your rationale statement. Finally, after you teach the unit, explain how students met the standards in your evaluative essay. Section 4: Assessing Student Learning – Describe how you will assess student learning relative to each content standard using preassessment, formative assessment, and summative assessment. A. For preassessment, describe the techniques you will use to find out what students already know or think they know about the unit topic. You will need to record and interpret preassessment scores for each individual student (using a pretest) as well as for the whole class (for example, using a KWL chart). Preassessment results are used to provide evidence of student learning gains at the end of the unit by comparing them with summative assessment results (using a posttest). Preassessment data can also be used to revise the unit before teaching it, for example, by changing some of the content or instructional strategies you use, to make more informed decisions about individualizing instruction, and to alter or modify how you will assess student learning. B. For formative assessment, describe the techniques you will use to facilitate students’ acquisition of knowledge and skills by providing constructive feedback that, at the same time, allows the teacher to keep track of students’ progress on a daily basis. This is the time when teachers are constantly â€Å"on their feet†monitoring the learning process, helping students learn new skills and knowledge, and making sure that they are â€Å"practicing perfectly†in order to apply new skills and knowledge effectively to real-world situations and make presentations to real audiences. C. For summative assessment, describe the techniques you will use to evaluate what students learned, in combination with preassessment and formative assessment results. All three forms of assessment should be designed to measure the knowledge, skills, and dispositions you claimed students would learn according to the standards. Remember that multiple assessments provide a much more complete and â€Å"fair†representation of what a student really knows and is able to do compared to any single or â€Å"one-shot†assessment. Be sure the three forms of assessments are aligned with the content standards and lesson objectives; in other words, be sure that you teach students to the standards and assess their learning in terms of the standards. Unit Goal – The unit goal should be derived from state and district curriculum standards; however, you should also be familiar with curriculum standards established by national professional organizations, for example, IRA (International Reading Association), NCTM (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics), NCSS (National Council for the Social Studies). The unit goal reflects the unit’s curriculum standards but should be stated in your own words. For example, the unit goal for a unit on Colorado History might state: â€Å"Students will understand how our state has grown and changed over time. From the period of early exploration to the present day, I want my fourth graders to become familiar with specific contributions made to the development of Colorado by its rich diversity of people and natural resources. †Lesson Plans – Use the Learning Cycle format for writing lesson plans and develop enough instruction for one full week of integrated teaching and learning: plan on teaching the unit for approximately five hours. For each lesson specify how you will determine what students already know about your lesson’s topic (preassessment), how you will monitor students’ progress in meeting content standards during the lesson (formative assessment), and how you will evaluate students’ work at the end of the lesson (summative assessment). Good assessment tells the teacher as much about the effectiveness of her or his own instruction as it does about what students learned and how they learned it. Keep this point in mind when writing your â€Å"evaluative†and â€Å"reflective†essays (described below). Possible Extension Activities – How can I help children extend, enrich, and elaborate upon the major understandings in this unit? What could students do to apply or â€Å"transfer†their learning to real-world problems and situations in ways that will make new knowledge more meaningful for them? List and briefly describe at least three possible extension activities – you do not need to design lesson plans for each extension. A simple one-paragraph description of each extension will suffice. Resources Used – Include all of the resources you used to teach this unit. You may organize your resources by indicating who they are most appropriate and/or by their type; for example, â€Å"Teacher Resources†might be listed separately from â€Å"Student Resources†. Internet Resources†(such as websites) might be listed separately from â€Å"Children’s Literature,†and videotapes, simulations, artifacts, museums, social agencies and guest speakers might also be listed under separate categories. Evaluative Essay – In the first of these two final essays, use all of the assessment data you collected from students to present a clear picture of their learning. Use tables to display and summarize quantitative data and always include examp les of several students’ work on various projects and assignments at several different levels of performance. Use narrative to explain quantitative results and what students learned. Present and explain your assessment results in ways that the reader can use to evaluate the extent to which your students met content standards. Hence, this essay should be written as a technical report consisting of both qualitative and quantitative evidence and analyses of student learning. The evaluative essay should present evidence of learning for each student in the class on each one of the unit’s curriculum standards. Summaries of whole-class learning (i. e. , what students learned as a class) should also be included. Reflective Essay – One major reason for planning, implementing, and evaluating this unit is to give you practice teaching and assessing student learning over time in a real elementary-school classroom. This work sample is a very authentic task for teachers. As you plan, teach, and assess students’ learning, you will be meeting many of the Performance Based Standards for Colorado Teachers. In this essay, describe and explain how planning, teaching, and assessing this unit enabled you to meet the Performance-Based Standards for Colorado Teachers that are listed on the â€Å"Thematic Unit Assessment Rubric†which follows. How to cite Thematic Unit Guidelines, Papers
A Raisin in the Sun the Younger Family free essay sample
A Raisin in the Sun Picture yourself as a member of the Younger family. You live in a small house, two bedrooms and a bathroom you share with other families. It’s hard to imagine 4 adults and l adolescent living in these conditions, but its how the Younger family lived. When the story begins the younger family is anticipating a huge insurance check from the passing of their grandpa. Living in a racist community, such as the south side of Chicago, affected the Younger family in how they made decisions, thought of people of their own race, and how they treated people of a different race. Living in a time of racism took its toll on the Younger family in how they made their choices. Because no one believed that colored people could do anything in America, the Younger family felt that they needed to prove that they could. In the eyes of Walter, the man of the house, once you received money you spent it. We will write a custom essay sample on A Raisin in the Sun: the Younger Family or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The people of Clybourne Park are worried about integration, so much that they are willing to payoff the Youngers to not move into their newly bought house. The fact that they would go that far just to keep the neighborhoods segregated doesn’t give white people a good image in the eyes of the Youngers. â€Å"[Beneatha] What they think we going to do – eat ‘em? [Ruth] No, honey, marry ‘em†. Though this quote may be true it is still racist. By saying this Ruth is assuming that the only reason they care so much to have the Youngers not living in there neighborhood is because they don’t want the races to marry. Another time that they are racist towards white people is when Linder tries to talk them out of them moving in to Clybourne Park. Though Linder is very rude, even when he first arrives they are rude just because he is a well dressed white man. The Younger family is very affected by racism. They made very poor decisions because they were treated poorly. Buy the end of the story there trouble only brought them closer together. Racism affected the younger family in the way they made choices, treated their race, and other races.
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
The nature of technological determinism Essay Example
The nature of technological determinism Paper Determinism means that things are destined to occur or linked by a divine plan. Philosophically the theory of Determinism states that present conditions are so by neccessity (1972, Popkin, Stroll Kelly). Technological determinism at its extreme believes technology drastically and directly transforms our society and way of living. That technology itself causes social change. Many sociologists disagree with these ideas as they denote the importance of the user, the person, the active and living society. How can technology itself be considered more influencial than those who have developed it? Socio-cultural determinists present technologies and media as entirely subordinate to thier developmental use (webref 1) Similarily Voluntarists promote the idea we choose to use these electronic media, they are simply our tools. Chandler discusses this idea of making the tools neutral within determinism. He argues all these tools and media lend themselves to the experience they were created for. For example a word processor is designed to aid writing, this fact itself suggests the user selects this tool to write because they relate to its function. In other words thier ideas about writing may be closley linked to the tool they use, although the tool itself is empty until something is written. He argues all media give shape to experience, and they do so in part through their selectivity. (web ref 3) We will write a custom essay sample on The nature of technological determinism specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The nature of technological determinism specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The nature of technological determinism specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Dertouzos (1998) reminds us although the information superhighway is global it does not mean there is not an element of cultural imperialism in this space. English and the ways we learn and select information is embedded into the current climate of the internet. Consider that even the way we understand images varies from culture to culture. As English dominates cyberspace could this be regarded as an aspect of technological determinism? Surely it must be as this reflects our society in the real world. Also consider the fact that it has been western countries who have embraced and nutured this technology. Our western societies still seem to cling to the old ideas of Modernism in many ways. Progress it would seem is now more than ever related to computer technologies. Progress itself is seen to lie within these multimedia domains. Of course technology can change our ways of living. Most of these fantastical technological developments however should be regarded as being achieved by the aide of the computer. Computer-aided design, computer-aided engineering, computer-aided manufacturing. All these developments still require the human element. The computer does not have a mind of its own, unlike in the pessimistic technological world of Bladerunner, it cannot choose its application, it is the human who selects how, if at all, the devices will be applied. I wonder if the only way of determining the true impact technology has on global society is to take it away. Say we do dispose of these technologies, what percentage of the global population will directly and immediately be affected in thier daily lives? Do the technological haves really greatly outnumber the have-nots ? Determinism relies on the premise events occurr out of neccessity but what about thoses peoples whose cultures and lives do not value technology as a neccessity? Is technology really a need or simply a choice? I believe the later.
Monday, April 13, 2020
Sample of an Analytical Essay on Fertilization Viability
Sample of an Analytical Essay on Fertilization ViabilityIn his book 'Analytical Essays: Principles and Essays' published by Sterling Publications, James Blayle advocates the use of a sample of an analytical essay on fetal viability. Blayle provides a sample essay that emphasizes a developmental perspective on pregnancy. The basic premise of the sample essay is that in the case of chromosomal abnormalities, diagnostic tests are not always the appropriate first step in providing an accurate diagnosis. Many problems can result from a wrong diagnosis and the sample highlights this critical aspect of the miscarriage risk from non-diagnostic testing.The sample discusses why some miscarriages have genetic or developmental origins and this is based on a statistical and non-diagnostic view of the problem. Blayle's approach to this is to emphasize that in the current debate on fetal viability tests many patients who experience miscarriages as a result of abnormal development are not always giv en an accurate diagnosis. In order to more accurately address the problem of non-diagnostic testing, Blayle emphasizes that a medical professional must be present when a test is administered in order to provide better information to the patient and their family.Blayle argues that in order to correct for the problem of non-diagnostic testing, it is essential that medical information be shared with patients and their families prior to any testing. He argues that the test should only be performed if it is needed. Also, tests such as ultrasound, CT scans, magnetic resonance imaging, and other tests that evaluate the growth of the fetus or the placenta should only be performed if these tests are a prerequisite for a diagnosis. This is required because patients may experience miscarriages as a result of growth abnormalities in the fetus.This brings up the question of how a test can be considered necessary if it is not necessarily useful. Blayle acknowledges that there are some situations in which tests are useful and some situations in which they are not, but he believes that it is important to include an informative diagnostic process. As a result, he has included a sample of an analytical essay on fetal viability to emphasize this point.Most patients undergoing diagnostic testing will have no idea that the test is not diagnostic and can be categorized as a binary decision making process that involves a scientific process of identifying a problem rather than as a clinical procedure that is intended to help the patient and their family. The sample suggests that the most important aspect of the test should be a discussion between the patient and their family about the possible results and the likely direction that they may take.Blayle asserts that this process should be taken very seriously and the case study illustrates this by outlining a scenario in which the family discusses options with their doctor. They discuss the possible results and the outcome of these tes ts with their doctor. In this case, the family is asked about their intention regarding a medical procedure or test.Finally, this sample demonstrates how important the decision to opt for a test or procedure related to fetal viability is and how important it is for patients to be involved in the process. Blayle outlines the importance of the patient's involvement in the evaluation process and the importance of their input in cases where they may face problems with diagnostic tests. This is an important and powerful argument for patients who may find themselves in the situation of miscarriage as a result of a non-diagnostic test.
Friday, March 20, 2020
buy custom Emerging Markets essay
buy custom Emerging Markets essay In emerging markets, there is a mixture of ownership of banks by the natives and the foreigners. Both the domestic and foreign-owned banks responded to the GFC in different ways that cannot be easily analyzed. Reports by the majority of central banks in nations that own both small and large shares of foreign banks showed that; there has been no main distinction between reactions of domestic owned and foreign-owned banks throughout the crisis. Both the domestic and foreign-owned took preventive measures to mitigate the risk associated with lending, and lowered their off-balance sheet dealings and in derivatives in the foreign exchange market. However, the crucial difference was that while the domestic banks increased household lending and kept secured loans unchanged the foreign-owned banks lowered household lending and increased secured loans. Another distinction was that local banks were concerned with attaining stable financial support in the retail market. This is by giving desirable deposit rates. In most of the countries where foreign-owned banks have a significant role in domestic financial transactions, the principal question was whether the foreign-owned banks took part in ensuring financial stability is maintained in the time of crisis. Experience varied e.g.inMexico some branches particularly those whose parents had problems reduced their lending faster than the others, and they were later followed by domestic banks. Most of the foreign banks in Mexico ended up lending their parent banks. While some parent, banks transferred loans to their subsidiaries in order to lower the leverage of the head office. Foreign subsidiaries also lowered their risk by being cautious on the trading activities they carried out in the foreign exchange markets. (Bordo Redish, 2011) Branch banking looked more desirable to host country as it facilitated transfer of technology and knowledge to the E.M.E.s. (I.M.F, 2011) Because of this crisis, the attention of E.M.E.s changed from financial stability. Subsidiaries have, therefore, become more desirable due to the possibility of controlling their assets more closely than branches. Some countries are, however, drifting away from foreign banks branches. Some like China prefer foreign banks to be in the form of branches this is mostly due to many activities in foreign bank branches. In conclusion, in most E.M.E.s where foreign-owned banks have minor roles in local financial activities the reactions of both the domestic and foreign banks were minor and mainly in the form of funding and lending. In emerging market economies where foreign banks are vital to the financial sector their reaction depended on how exposed the parent bank is the financial status of the subsidiaries, and the significance of subsidiaries to the parent institutions. (Bordo Redish, 2011) This made the banking system of Australia to be flexible at the time of the global financial crisis. This is particularly because there are only a few leading banks that carry around 75% of the banking sector. The banking system has only four key banks. This is as a result of slow growth of the other smaller banks that are dependent on securitization and have inadequate access to funding. These small banks are also acquired from time to time by the large banks. (Davis, 2011) Profitable banking sector in Australia also enabled it to cope with GFC. Banks in Australia had conventional lending practices, enhanced by the strong supervision by APRA. This facilitated high performance of these banks. Strict controls and regulations also ensured that the level of non-performing loans is low. (I.M.F, 2011) Australian banking system has capital that is higher than the regulatory minimums and is dominated by banks that are locally owned. These banks are the main players in the financial market. The four key ones and they are collectively large when compared to the banking system. (Davis, 2011) One weakness with Australia at the time of GFC was that two of its main hedge funds had fallen in July 2007. There were also the financial difficulties of the great security market which had just been floated. This led to the rise of credit spreads and worries in the banking sector. This was indicated by a rise in number of people willing to hold exchange settlement account balances. The financial system in Germany was relatively stable. This was because there was proper financial intermediation in the economy. Lending to customers was also at a low cost and this enabled most of the natives to get access to loan facilities. (I.M.F, 2011) Some of the weaknesses in Germany included; low profitability even when adjustments for risk have been made. This was partly due to poor regulation and supervision of the banking sector and this made Germany vulnerablee to the GFC. (I.M.F, 2011) There is also vulnerability to excessive political pressure which makes decision making not be purely on the interest of the economy. Before the GFC, both Australia and the emerging markets sourced their funding both locally and from foreigners. However, Australia had a well controlled banking system which controlled the funding while in the emerging markets, there were no controls, and they were, therefore, more prone to financial crisis from oversees. (Davis, 2011) After the GFC banks both in Australia and emerging market countries were faced by high cost of funding. When the global securitization markets were closed this hit the Australian security market badly and while local issuance went on for some time, ultimately local markets also failed. The banks that relied on international financing faced increased cost of funding. Banks emerging economies countries were also increasingly depending on foreign sources so as to finance the rising level of credit. This made them charge a higher cost to borrowers. (Jang, Sheridan, 2012) The worldwide economic slowdown together with uncertainties brought about the re-ratings of borrowers downwards and eventually the stock market collapsed globally, and this was indicated in the stock prices, in Australia. (Davis, 2011) In the beginning, of the GFC, before the Lehman Brothers failed in September 2008, the cost of borrowing was high and asset and equity prices were low. This led to problems in listed property and financial institutions. These companies could no longer sustain their complicated business models. In the emerging markets, the funding of banks had two main attributes, first there was slow growth in the domestic deposits than in lending, and secondly, banks in emerging markets were increasingly their dependency on oversees sources in order to be able to fund the increasing level of credit. Almost all emerging markets recorded negative growth in funding from oversees. (Davis, 2011) The main difference between Australia and the emerging markets is that after GFC Australia was able to cope with the crises. This is because its banking system was properly regulated and, therefore, was not adversely affected. The emerging economies, on the other hand, had poorly controlled banking systems, which highly depended on foreign banks. Therefore, they were not able to hedge against the risk associated with GFC. (Jang, Sheridan, 2012) Buy custom Emerging Markets essay
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
USS Minnesota (BB-22) in the Great White Fleet
USS Minnesota (BB-22) in the Great White Fleet USS Minnesota (BB-22) - Overview: Nation: United States Type: Battleship Shipyard: Newport News Shipbuilding Drydock Company Laid Down: October 27, 1903 Launched: April 8, 1905 Commissioned: March 9, 1907 Fate: Sold for scrap, 1924 USS Minnesota (BB-22) - Specifications Displacement: 16,000 tons Length: 456.3 ft. Beam: 76.9 ft. Draft: 24.5 ft. Speed: 18 knots Complement: 880 men Armament 4 Ãâ€" 12 in./45 cal guns8 Ãâ€" 8 in./45 cal guns12 Ãâ€" 7 in./45 cal guns20 Ãâ€" 3 in./50 cal guns12 Ãâ€" 3 pounders2 Ãâ€" 1 pounders4 Ãâ€" 21 in. torpedo tubes USS Minnesota (BB-22) - Design Construction: With construction beginning on the Virginia-class (USS Virginia, USS Nebraska, USS Georgia, USS , and USS ) of battleship in 1901, Secretary of the Navy John D. Long consulted the US Navys system of bureaus and boards for their input regarding the design of capital ships. While their thoughts centered on equipping the next class of battleships with four 12 guns, energetic debate continued over the types secondary armament. Following extensive discussions, it was decided to arm the new type with eight 8 guns placed in four waist turrets. These were to be supported by twelve rapid-fire 7 guns. Achieving a compromise with this armament, the new class pushed forward and on July 1, 1902 approval was received for construction of two battleships, USS Connecticut (BB-18) and USS (BB-19). Dubbed the Connecticut-class, this type would ultimately comprise six battleships. Laid down on October 27, 1903, work commenced on USS Minnesota at the Newport News Shipbuilding Drydock Company. Less than two years later, the battleship entered the water on April 8, 1905, with Rose Schaller, the daughter of a Minnesota state senator, acting as sponsor. Building continued for nearly two years before the ship entered commission on March 9, 1907, with Captain John Hubbard in command. Though the US Navys most modern type, the Connecticut-class was made obsolete that December when British Admiral Sir John Fisher introduced the all-big gun HMS Dreadnought. Departing Norfolk, Minnesota steamed north for a shakedown cruise off New England before returning the Chesapeake to take part in the Jamestown Exposition that April to September. USS Minnesota (BB-22) - Great White Fleet: In 1906, President Theodore Roosevelt became concerned about the US Navys lack of strength in the Pacific due to the increasing danger posed by Japan. To demonstrate to the Japanese that the United States could easily switch its main battle fleet to the Pacific, he directed that a world cruise of the countrys battleships be planned. Dubbed the Great White Fleet, Minnesota, still commanded by Hubbard, was directed to join the forces Third Division, Second Squadron. Both the flagship of the division and squadron, Minnesota embarked Rear Admiral Charles Thomas. Other elements of the division included the battleships USS Maine (BB-10), USS Missouri (BB-11), and USS Ohio (BB-12). Leaving from Hampton Roads on December 16, the fleet sailed south through the Atlantic and made visits to Trinidad and Rio de Janeiro before reaching Punta Arenas, Chile on February 1, 1908. Passing through the Straits of Magellan, the fleet cruised in review off Valparaiso, Chile before making a port call at Cal lao, Peru. Departing on February 29, Minnesota and the other battleships spent three weeks conducting gunnery practice off Mexico the following month. Making port at San Francisco on May 6, the fleet paused in California for a short time before turning west for Hawaii. Steering southwest, Minnesota and the fleet arrived at New Zealand and Australia in August. After enjoying festive and elaborate port calls, which included parties, sporting events, and parades, the fleet moved north to the Philippines, Japan, and China. Concluding goodwill visits in these countries, Minnesota and the fleet transited the Indian Ocean and passed through the Suez Canal. Arriving in the Mediterranean, the fleet divided to show the flag in numerous ports before rendezvousing at Gibraltar. Reunited, it crossed the Atlantic and reached Hampton Roads on February 22 where it was greeted by Roosevelt. With the cruise over, Minnesota entered the yard for an overhaul that saw a cage foremast installed. USS Minnesota (BB-22) - Later Service: Resuming duty with the Atlantic Fleet, Minnesota spent much of the next three years employed off the East Coast though it did make one visit to the English Channel. During this period, it received a cage mainmast. In early 1912, the battleship shifted south to Cuban waters and in June aided in protecting American interests on the island during an insurrection known as the Negro Rebellion. The following year, Minnesota moved to the Gulf of Mexico as tensions between the United States and Mexico increased. Though the battleship returned home that fall, it spent much of 1914 off Mexico. Making two deployments to the area, it helped support the US occupation of Veracruz. With the conclusion of operations in Mexico, Minnesota resumed routine activities off the East Coast. It continued in this duty until being moved to the Reserve Fleet in November 1916. USS Minnesota (BB-22) - World War I: With the US entry into World War I in April 1917, Minnesota returned to active duty. Assigned to Battleship Division 4 in the Chesapeake Bay, it commenced operations as an engineering and gunnery training ship. On September 29, 1918, while conducting training off Fenwick Island Light, Minnesota struck a mine which had been laid by a German submarine. Though no one on board was killed, the explosion caused substantial damage to the battleships starboard side. Turning north, Minnesota limped to Philadelphia where it underwent five months of repairs. Emerging from the yard on March 11, 1919, it joined the Cruiser and Transport Force. In this role, it completed three trips to Brest, France to help return American servicemen from Europe. Completing this duty, Minnesota spent the summers of 1920 and 1921 as a training ship for midshipmen from the US Naval Academy. With the end of the latter years training cruise, it moved into reserve before being decommissioned on December 1. Idle for the next three years, it was sold for scrap on January 23, 1924 in accordance with the Washington Naval Treaty. Selected Sources DANFS: USS Minnesota (BB-22)NHHC: USS Minnesota (BB-22)NavSource: USS Minnesota (BB-22)
Monday, February 17, 2020
Diet Pills versus Exercise Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Diet Pills versus Exercise - Research Paper Example ResearchDietPills.com (2012) listed the top three diet pills to be # 1 Apidexin, # 2 Phenphedrine, and # 3 7-DFBX. The criteria for ranking was based on safety, effectiveness as fat burner, effectiveness as appetite suppressant, overall effectiveness, value, availability of guarantee, success rate, and the price. Apidexin was reported to be effective because it actually brought about weight loss by increasing the body’s metabolism or the ability to burn calories. It contains an ingredient known as African Mango. The scientific name is Irvingia Gabonensis. Natives of Africa actually used it as medicine before a university discovered its ability to raise metabolism and eventually result in weight loss. Apidexin also contains Cissus Quadrangularis, a substance from one of the grape family members. To help the person using that diet pill, its role is to lower down the level of stress while metabolism is raised. Such an ingredient is also capable of healing broken bones and tissues damaged. Without it, high stress level can trigger the natural storage of excess energy as fat. Another substance found in Apidexin is an herb that will suppress appetite while it also stimulates metabolism. Finally, there is caffeine anhydrous added to facilitate the absorption of multiple ingredients. One testimony (Donna) said that Apidexin can quickly lower the weight by 9 lbs. in 4 days. Another (Linzee) claimed to have lost 25 lbs. in 2 months. A third (Darleen) reported her use of Apidexin for 7 months and lost 58 lbs..These testimonies are available in the website of apidexin.com. Phenphedrine, as the # 2 diet pill, boasts of having the strength of 10,000 chocolate bars. It contains caffeine and malic acid which increase energy level and mental alertness. Chocamine was added. This comes from a Colombian coco plant and serves as antioxidants. Then it also contains Razberri-K, an ingredient meant to prevent the retention of fat. It also prevents weight gain as a result. Ginge r root was likewise included for the protection and even improvement of the heart and gallbladder. Yohimbine, which is an aphrodisiac or stimulant, comes from the so called Indian Snakeroot. So far, all the foregoing ingredients are from natural sources. But chemical components were added as well. These are: Phenylethylamine, known as a love drug, is for the purpose of giving a feeling of satisfaction, contentment, or even pleasure. Evodiamine was included because studies proved that it does burn fat and regulates the temperature of the body. Sclareolide supports the effect of Evodiamine by breaking down body fat. HOPS, the NPY (neuropeptide-Y) inhibitor acts on the brain to relax the body, to relieve pain and stress, and to lower the feeling of anxiety. Because the chemicals are derived from natural sources, advertisements say that Phenphedrine is 100% natural. Only 18 year old people are allowed to take Phenphedrine. Those sensitive to caffeine or stimulants should not take the dr ug. In the list of top 3, this diet pill was least safe and rated only 77% safe while Apidexin has been rated 99% safe. The producers of this drug claim that a person will lose 14 lbs. in 7 days. Their confidence is backed by a money back guarantee if that much weight loss is not attained. What makes it work? First of all, 7-DFBX contains 100% natural antioxidants. There are 35 ingredients on the label of that diet pill product. Its
Monday, February 3, 2020
Assignment 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Assignment 2 - Essay Example Right from the time of birth up to maturity, people anticipate to have some sense of love and belonging. Relationships make people to feel in place. Relationships make people happy and appreciate their life worth living. However, it is the same relationships that cause stress for most people. Relationships are major and common causes of stress for many individuals, especially when the relationships turn sour. People frequently undergo relationship problems such as, but not limited to infidelity. Relationships between spouses, peers, friends, employees and any other form of social systems, are usually characterized by conflicts. Despite the fact that relationship problems are the most prevalent, many people are oblivious of the causes of the problems. It is this lack of comprehensive understanding of the causes and nature of conflicts in relationships that causes stress for many individuals. In most occasions, problems in relationships are associated with concealed conversations and c onduct patterns buried deep within individuals. Most often, people fail to recognize their roles in relationships. Further, many people are always perplexed about what they are supposed to do in order to establish and sustain blissful, triumphant and long-lasting relationships. As they mull over how to make their relationships perfect, most people end up stressed. However, in many incidents, break ups in relationships and lack of understanding are usually what result into stress for many individuals. Relatively few people can manage their stress levels after break-ups. Instead of focusing on positive ways of dealing with their predicaments, many people are often engulfed in sulking and crying over spilt milk, which worsen their situation all together. What stresses one person may not be a problem to the other. According to mental health experts, personality contributes hugely to the manner in which people handle their relationships and stress. According to mental health professional s, individuals with â€Å"Type A†personalities are usually impatient, determined, time-conscious and driven. These personalities if not controlled properly may lead to stress-related ill health. On the other hand, people with â€Å"Type B†traits tend to be relaxed, not overly time-conscious, determined. As such, people with â€Å"Type B†traits often perceive things adaptively. Unlike individuals with â€Å"Type A†traits, they can think constructively and figure out how they can resolve their situations. Generally, individuals with â€Å"Type B†personalities tend to be less vulnerable to stress compared to people with â€Å"Type A†traits (Pejuskovic et al 389). It is often noticed that women and men usually respond to stress differently. One of the reasons that have been attributed to this is hormonal influence (Rai 52). Three hormones are believed to play a significant role in how women and men react to stress. These include cortisol, epinephrine, and oxytocin. In the event of stress, cortisol and epinephrine hormones are released, which increases blood pressure and also increase blood sugar level of an individual. Cortisol also reduces the efficiency of an individual’s immune system (Rai 52). In women, cortisol and epinephrine hormones are released into the bloodstream during a stressful event; oxytocin hormone is released from the brain to counter the release of cortisol and epinephrine hormones. Oxytocin also plays a role in nurturing and calming emotions.
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