Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The United States Of America - 1603 Words
The United States of America: Land of the free! Home of the brave! A place where opportunities are endless and equality is everlasting. Speaking on behalf of others in my generation, I believe it is safe to say many of us have seen a lot of selfish and outrageous acts develop drastically. From white cops killing innocent black citizens, to people supporting the evil Donald Trump, to ostracizing ourselves from the LGBT community and looking down upon them, it is quite obvious that the saying â€Å"America: the greatest country in the world†isn’t so accurate. We are naà ¯ve to the destruction that occurs daily and have a habit of sugarcoating our mistakes. The matter of the truth is: our generation is distorted and unethical, which is why in 200†¦show more content†¦If that alone doesn’t support the fact that the shootings that occur frequently in our society partake in the malicious country we live in, I’m not sure what will. Another factor is t hat simply purchasing a firearm isn’t too difficult. This means that if one really desired to shoot up a place, they wouldn’t mind the little steps it took to be capable of obtaining one. Many can get a gun illegally by simply knowing people who can easily pass it on. These factors contribute immensely to our shootings that take place in our country. On the topic of shootings, I will now discuss the shooting issues that our cops our involved in. Just like the mass shootings, it seems as if the topic of a white cop killing or demeaning a black male or female is a part of our daily conversations. In particular, I will use the very well-known â€Å"Michael Brown†shooting. Many are familiar with the story of the 18 year old who was fatally shot by Darren Wilson, a white cop. This event took place on August 9, 2014 in Ferguson, Missouri. Brown stole a few packages of cigarillos and had the cops called on him as he fled from the gas station and walked back to his gra ndmother’s home. Dorian Johnson accompanied Brown when suddenly a cop car with Darren Wilson, as the driver, backed up his cruiser and blocked them. An altercation broke out and the two teenagers struggled with the police officer for his gun. The two teens then fled
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